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Politics in DJing

Guest Modiggy69

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Guest colione98

Oh, and by the way, did you know that in a lot of European and Asian countries that djs can't spin at different venues..... Its against club policies...

If that were to be the case here, there would be a lot less of this convo. But because everyone sees all the jocks here in south fl spin 4 times a week, they wonder why not them.......

Prime example- take next generation that play at Gryphon on Sat... They were unheard of before that gig..... So now, just because they are not popular, you want to step them down to get some well known djs that have already 4 gigs that week-

But this only happens in few cities such as this because these clubs are so awesome, that you will have a few non-talented or unknown djs playing.... But, if they are any good, they will maintain their residency and ride it out and hold their fort..... and hopefully start doing interstate tours and making room for others....

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Guest colione98

^That's a nice booth you have in your avatar..

I had it custom made in Rangoon Burma- $250 and all teak wood..

thanks Otnisa

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Guest swirlundergrounder

^That's a nice booth you have in your avatar..

I had it custom made in Rangoon Burma- $250 and all teak wood..

thanks Otnisa

If only every DJ booth out there was built like that were everything is close to your hands. Alot of booth designers in clubs make the mistake of spacing everything away from your reach..Makes no sense...
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Guest coach

Unfortunately, your point does not hold up because there are plenty of DJs in Miami who make decent money at it. While having people who will play for free may cheapen the value of a DJ, some people still make a living at it. So that cannot be the reason that unsuccessful DJs are not getting gigs.

It is the main reason some DJ's are not getting gigs... The value has dropped along w/ the respect & value...

Actually, I think that the *main* reason that many DJs are not getting gigs is because the supply of DJs really outstrips the demand. There are only so many clubs and bars that need DJs. Most DJs, as several people have pointed out, get only 1 or 2 gigs a week, at most. And yet, still the clubs never go without. And still there are DJs who hardly ever get gigs. For all the deserving DJs, those with quality skills, to make a living in Miami spinning, we would need about 6x as many clubs as we have now. That is not going to happen. So some people don't get gigs. There are just more DJs than club nights. Simple as that.
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Guest james stratus

^That's a nice booth you have in your avatar..

I had it custom made in Rangoon Burma- $250 and all teak wood..

thanks Otnisa

If only every DJ booth out there was built like that were everything is close to your hands. Alot of booth designers in clubs make the mistake of spacing everything away from your reach..Makes no sense...

Have you seen the booth I built Terry? Not so beautiful, but functional it is ;D

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Guest pod

1- Respect your fore figure djs-(those that came before)

2-having the drive to self promote

3-having a descent personality that make people want to be around you.......

4- patience.........

5- last but not least- make friends with the djs- here in SF is not that hard......... cause most all have day jobs not musically related and are down to earth just like me and you.....

1. Yes! You aren't gonna get anywhere in this town by slagging on the guy that has the job already. The club scene here is like high school with better sound and lighting. Word travels fast. You think DJ so-and-so sucks, keep it to yourself. Show him or her up by DJing, not bitching him out. Hell, make friends with the guy and maybe he'll be humble enough to campaign for a guest gig for you. I've seen it happen.

2. Yes! This is key. I like to trot him out a lot, but he's a perfect example of it. Diaga self-promotes like a motherfucker and now has the creds to show it. Space, crobar, Mansion, Amika...all multiple times, and the respect of local and global DJs. Don't get cocky, but don't be afraid to sell yourself.

3. Yes! I'm not gonna do shit for you or hire you if you're an out and out asshole.

4. Yes! Things don't happen overnight.

5. Yes! See #1.

You also posted that in Europe and Asia, that it is the norm for DJs to be locked to venues. It is the truth here for the main residents. Cedric only plays Space now. Shawn only plays Amika, Roland only plays Nocturnal, and so forth. The clubs around here do realize that the DJs do have a following and they don't want those people going elsewhere.

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Guest deepwish

Respect, respect is something that is earned.

How you get respect if your a bedroom DJ. Get on this board and kiss as much ass as you can, hang out in the booth, kiss some more ass. Go to groove man kiss even more ass. That is the only way.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Respect, respect is something that is earned.

How you get respect if your a bedroom DJ. Get on this board and kiss as much ass as you can, hang out in the booth, kiss some more ass. Go to groove man kiss even more ass. That is the only way.

Or do what James Zabiela did enter a bedroom DJ contest that Sasha himself held and win it......
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Guest james stratus

Respect, respect is something that is earned.

How you get respect if your a bedroom DJ. Get on this board and kiss as much ass as you can, hang out in the booth, kiss some more ass. Go to groove man kiss even more ass. That is the only way.

Or do what James Zabiela did enter a bedroom DJ contest that Sasha himself held and win it......

Who actually shops at a record store anymore ??? Yes this is off topic, but the only record store that I have shopped in and liked in years is unfortunately no where near south beach. Online is more like the old days for me listening to 100+ records and finding 4 or 5 I like. Yes. I am picky ;)

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Guest LeVeL

Respect, respect is something that is earned.

How you get respect if your a bedroom DJ. Get on this board and kiss as much ass as you can, hang out in the booth, kiss some more ass. Go to groove man kiss even more ass. That is the only way.

Hey I know a bunch of Djs that do this everyday even some in this board.Its just the way it is, you have to start somewhere.

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Guest james stratus

Well I will hope that more clubs open up to allow

more local talet show off there skills or the ones we have now have a "locals only";dj's living in the greater Miami area, night.

I have to put a response to this. First thing is that Miami can't sustain too many clubs because the population and want for that is not here. Especially in the case of EDM. To throw in a comparison to NYC... There are ~30 Million people in the NYC metro area; 7-8 Million in Miami really spread out and without good public transportation, lots of old people, a large community of people who don't support, huge ghetto as hell Hip Hop population, and a huge non EDM liking Latin Population.

It is funny that you added this -> "locals only"... I copyrighted that name already, seriously ;D And the lineup of locals that I have brought in to play at the party I do is looooooong. Ask somebody on here. I am not one to blow off a DJ I don't know because I was there 8 years ago when I started and have delt with enough back stabbing assholes over time to know how it is.

_Rant finished :P

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Guest deepwish

Or do what James Zabiela did enter a bedroom DJ contest that Sasha himself held and win it......Quoted

YA or win the next cj spinn off. Look how many of them you still see (lol) excluding Diaga and Rocky, well rocky get gigs due to his friends, not from talent.

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Guest swank

Am not a dj.

who cares...not one of your (6) six posts have had anything constructive to say.


Find yourself another name and start over again.

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It is funny that you added this -> "locals only"... I copyrighted that name already, seriously ;D And the lineup of locals that I have brought in to play at the party I do is looooooong. Ask somebody on here. I am not one to blow off a DJ I don't know because I was there 8 years ago when I started and have delt with enough back stabbing assholes over time to know how it is.

Very well said...Once again, I Thank You! ;)

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Am not a dj.

who cares...not one of your (6) six posts have had anything constructive to say.


Find yourself another name and start over again.

LOL..I'm not a CoolJunkie.....
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Guest swank

Am not a dj.

who cares...not one of your (6) six posts have had anything constructive to say.


Find yourself another name and start over again.

LOL..I'm not a CoolJunkie.....


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Guest Adam Singer

Respect, respect is something that is earned.

How you get respect if your a bedroom DJ. Get on this board and kiss as much ass as you can, hang out in the booth, kiss some more ass. Go to groove man kiss even more ass. That is the only way.

Or do what James Zabiela did enter a bedroom DJ contest that Sasha himself held and win it......

or do what im doing, get some big name dj's picking up your tunes and also spread them to select locals/labels...

im not starting at the bottom again in a new town, not because im arrogant at all...im just plain lazy 8)

btw james, you're pure class man

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