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Michael Moore, Letter to the President.

Guest DaGoose

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Guest trancepriest

Perhaps the governor should take a leadership role and quit crying about her fuck ups on TV...

You see what I mean ^^ Republican... it's completely normal to him for us to pulll troops out of combat halfway around the world for a local emergency. My God the Christian Talibans are running the country. Dude... we're pulling troops from Iraq... nuff said... The President stretched us thin. What are we doing in Iraq? At least under Saddam Hussein the country was secular... now they've a Koran based constitution... no weapons of mass destruction and no reconstruction.

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Guest JMT

maybe if MM skipped a meal he could feed a family in need. shouldnt he be asking people to donate or help with the relief? i guess that doesnt occur to him. the truth of the matter is this is an unprecedented event and at this point there is no way to gauge how quickly the effort should be proceeding, simply bc there is no measuring stick for what expectations to have. there is nothing to compare it to. but the national guard should have been called in sooner.

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Guest trancepriest

Ok, lets play the moron game:

Question #1

Why was Bush in San Diego????

A. Plotting to take over the world?

B. Relocation the Texas baseball team

C. Buying the Padres?

D. Hanging out with Tony Gwen?

E. At a ceremony for when we defeated the Japs in WWII?

Meeting with mothers whose sons have been killed in Vietnam... oops I meant Iraq?

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"Damn... from Iraq? HaHa... thats some shit. I bet you those NG troops are happy as hell to be leaving hot as hell Iraq."

Yeah I'm sure their peachy about helping people who are turning this into a "racial hurricane".

Shooting,looting, hell, I guess when they were stealing from the sporting goods store they should have grabbed a few more M-16s with laser scopes to turn on the presently deployed troop's.

If we are going to continue to stereotype, I guess we need to help put up a few gun/pawn shop's and liquor store's while getting the water, food, sanitation, and military enforcement that is so needed at this moment ::).

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Guest trancepriest

Why are we pulling troops from Iraq?

a) I'm a Republican and it's completely normal to have troops serving in combat halfway across the world on standby for local emergencies.

B) The terrorist feel so bad for what happened that they'll declare a truce and wait until New Orleans is fixed.

c) George Bush is the luckiest man in the world... somehow a retard managed to become President.

d) We have the situation under control in Iraq... we can afford to send a couple thousand troops stateside to help out.

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Guest JMT

someone link an article telling about the national guard troops leaving iraq and going to NO and how many. i would like to know the details since i cant find anything about it.

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Guest obby


Local government are responsible for taking care of their citizens.....Mayor and Governor.........They ALWAYS get the first crack at taking care of their own state. They failed, now "daddy",,,aka FEDS are taking care of it.

What local government? Have you been viewing the news?

The same local Government that issued a MANDATORY evacuation. Remember the mayor and governor at the press confrence saying to EVACUATE and those who could not, to go to the superdome? I REMEMBER...DON'T YOU?

The press specifically asked about the mayor's plan and he said the plan was in place and that he was "greatful" for Washington declaring a state of emergency early in order to get the ball rolling on FEMA...

It was just a perfect storm of hurricane damage, flooding due to breaking levees, no effective plan by the city or state to maintaine order, crime, lack of resources, etc..etc..etc......

Over 60% of LA nat. guard troops are in LA, not in Iraq. Nearly 70% of all Nat. Guard troops are in their home states, NOT IN IRAQ.

This whole blame thing sickens me.

So if 60% of the national guard troops are in Louisiana then why is the First Wave of troops to enter the Gulf Region/New Orleans coming in all the way around the world from Iraq? Either there's a shortage of National Gaurd troops in LA or there's a major fuck up in the deployment of them.

I would suspect it was due to the fact that there was a shortage of N.G troops in LA since the first wave of troops are travelling across 2 freakin' oceans to get here 4 Days after the strom hit...!!! 3 days after the onset of chaos!!!

You couldn't be more wrong. The soldiers fighting in Iraq are just that......SOLDIERS! There are support units also, but vast majority are SOLDIERS,,,,,FIGHTERS!!! The National Guard we have here at home are more of the electricians, mechanics, ect ect. If you want to believe the bullshit about it taking so long because the troops are being pulled from Iraq and Afgan.......by all means. Our military is almost 2 million strong! We have less than 150k in theater in the Mid East. How many does that leave left around the World and here @ home? You do the math.

someone link an article telling about the national guard troops leaving iraq and going to NO and how many. i would like to know the details since i cant find anything about it.

Prob on Michael Moore's site

i'm out.....have a nice wknd everyone. Keep your head up and try to stay away from politics of this catastrophy.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

someone link an article telling about the national guard troops coming from iraq going to NO and how many. i would like to know the details since i cant find anything about it.

I saw it on CNN a couple of hours ago. It was running along the bottom of the screen with the Govenors warning in qoutes to the people of New Orleans...
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Guest swirlundergrounder


Local government are responsible for taking care of their citizens.....Mayor and Governor.........They ALWAYS get the first crack at taking care of their own state. They failed, now "daddy",,,aka FEDS are taking care of it.

What local government? Have you been viewing the news?

The same local Government that issued a MANDATORY evacuation. Remember the mayor and governor at the press confrence saying to EVACUATE and those who could not, to go to the superdome? I REMEMBER...DON'T YOU?

The press specifically asked about the mayor's plan and he said the plan was in place and that he was "greatful" for Washington declaring a state of emergency early in order to get the ball rolling on FEMA...

It was just a perfect storm of hurricane damage, flooding due to breaking levees, no effective plan by the city or state to maintaine order, crime, lack of resources, etc..etc..etc......

Over 60% of LA nat. guard troops are in LA, not in Iraq. Nearly 70% of all Nat. Guard troops are in their home states, NOT IN IRAQ.

This whole blame thing sickens me.

So if 60% of the national guard troops are in Louisiana then why is the First Wave of troops to enter the Gulf Region/New Orleans coming in all the way around the world from Iraq? Either there's a shortage of National Gaurd troops in LA or there's a major fuck up in the deployment of them.

I would suspect it was due to the fact that there was a shortage of N.G troops in LA since the first wave of troops are travelling across 2 freakin' oceans to get here 4 Days after the strom hit...!!! 3 days after the onset of chaos!!!

You couldn't be more wrong. The soldiers fighting in Iraq are just that......SOLDIERS! There are support units also, but vast majority are SOLDIERS,,,,,FIGHTERS!!! The National Guard we have here at home are more of the electricians, mechanics, ect ect. If you want to believe the bullshit about it taking so long because the troops are being pulled from Iraq and Afgan.......by all means. Our military is almost 2 million strong! We have less than 150k in theater in the Mid East. How many does that leave left around the World and here @ home? You do that math.

We can do the Math all day..You can believe the numbers you read or you can believe the actions that you see!! I'd rather believe what I'm seeing...

I saw on CNN that the Govenor of Louisiana herself said that the first wave of National Guard are coming in from Iraq. She said as a warning to looters that these troops know how to shot and kill people. I didn't see it on a Micheal Moore web page...

Why would I lie about that?

Second, are you telling me that there are no personel in the National Guard who are not trained to provide law enforcement when the law collapses? That they're just able to fix things and if we need protection from people who are willing and able to inflict harm upon us that they won't be able or are not trained to protect us?

So basically you're saying that the National Guard is a actually the National Engineers right?

Doesn't 'Guard' in National Guard mean 'Protect'?

So why is the protection of the people in Louisiana taking 4 days to happen?

Because 60% is here and 40% is there and 1+1 =2 and 4-1=3 ?

Let do some math but give me some answers while your at it!!

And explain to me why the Govenor of Louisiana herself said that the first wave of National Guard was coming in from Iraq on CNN?

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Guest slamminshaun

The governor of Louisiana also said under oath that she would promote, protect, and defend the laws of Louisiana..... her credibility is ZERO with me.

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Guest JMT


Local government are responsible for taking care of their citizens.....Mayor and Governor.........They ALWAYS get the first crack at taking care of their own state. They failed, now "daddy",,,aka FEDS are taking care of it.

What local government? Have you been viewing the news?

The same local Government that issued a MANDATORY evacuation. Remember the mayor and governor at the press confrence saying to EVACUATE and those who could not, to go to the superdome? I REMEMBER...DON'T YOU?

The press specifically asked about the mayor's plan and he said the plan was in place and that he was "greatful" for Washington declaring a state of emergency early in order to get the ball rolling on FEMA...

It was just a perfect storm of hurricane damage, flooding due to breaking levees, no effective plan by the city or state to maintaine order, crime, lack of resources, etc..etc..etc......

Over 60% of LA nat. guard troops are in LA, not in Iraq. Nearly 70% of all Nat. Guard troops are in their home states, NOT IN IRAQ.

This whole blame thing sickens me.

So if 60% of the national guard troops are in Louisiana then why is the First Wave of troops to enter the Gulf Region/New Orleans coming in all the way around the world from Iraq? Either there's a shortage of National Gaurd troops in LA or there's a major fuck up in the deployment of them.

I would suspect it was due to the fact that there was a shortage of N.G troops in LA since the first wave of troops are travelling across 2 freakin' oceans to get here 4 Days after the strom hit...!!! 3 days after the onset of chaos!!!

You couldn't be more wrong. The soldiers fighting in Iraq are just that......SOLDIERS! There are support units also, but vast majority are SOLDIERS,,,,,FIGHTERS!!! The National Guard we have here at home are more of the electricians, mechanics, ect ect. If you want to believe the bullshit about it taking so long because the troops are being pulled from Iraq and Afgan.......by all means. Our military is almost 2 million strong! We have less than 150k in theater in the Mid East. How many does that leave left around the World and here @ home? You do that math.

And explain to me why the Govenor of Louisiana herself said that the first wave of National Guard was coming in from Iraq on CNN?

this site posts everything going on.


a statement was made saying no troops were going to have to be pulled from overseas, so i am led to believe that when they said the troops were "fresh from iraq" they were already back home. out of the frying pan and into the fire.

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Guest web_norah

and meanwhile

Condoleezza Rice was also vacationing in New York during the disaster, she was spotted at a Broadway show and was to attend the U.S. Open. By Thursday evening, Ms. Rice had cut short her vacation and returned to Washington, where she headed to a staff meeting to discuss ways of coordinating offers of foreign assistance from more than 30 countries and organizations.

this is the best comment i've read so far:

Ed Koch, the former mayor of New York who learned that it was essential to respond quickly to city disasters, said that Mr. Bush had not moved swiftly enough to express sympathy for the victims.

"I learned that people want you out there, they want you to suffer a little with them, they want you to convince them that you will protect them as part of your family, they want you to be an extension of them," Mr. Koch said.

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Guest web_norah

why am i not suprised, the "best" comment you provide has nothing to do in any way with helping people or voicing concern for others.


thank you.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Yeah' date=' New Orleans' mayor and Louisiana's governor sure moved at warp speed in helping their people out....

[/quote']I think the Mayor did what he could. It's the Govenor who seems to have moved slow..

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Guest slamminshaun

Yeah, New Orleans' mayor and Louisiana's governor sure moved at warp speed in helping their people out....

I think the Mayor did what he could. It's the Govenor who seems to have moved slow..

It's the mayor's police force that's turning in their badges, joining the looters, and refused to get a grip of the situation from the beginning. Him going on the radio dropping F-bombs is not helping his local citizens. The blame starts at the local level and works its way up...

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compliments of drudge, heres a pic taken in new orleans. these might have been useful...


i think this pic makes a great point. bottom line is that this storm was catastrophic. we can't outsmart mother nature. one of my co-workers is from new orleans. his family hauled ass, he still has no idea what the condition of his house is.

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Guest swirlundergrounder


Local government are responsible for taking care of their citizens.....Mayor and Governor.........They ALWAYS get the first crack at taking care of their own state. They failed, now "daddy",,,aka FEDS are taking care of it.

What local government? Have you been viewing the news?

The same local Government that issued a MANDATORY evacuation. Remember the mayor and governor at the press confrence saying to EVACUATE and those who could not, to go to the superdome? I REMEMBER...DON'T YOU?

The press specifically asked about the mayor's plan and he said the plan was in place and that he was "greatful" for Washington declaring a state of emergency early in order to get the ball rolling on FEMA...

It was just a perfect storm of hurricane damage, flooding due to breaking levees, no effective plan by the city or state to maintaine order, crime, lack of resources, etc..etc..etc......

Over 60% of LA nat. guard troops are in LA, not in Iraq. Nearly 70% of all Nat. Guard troops are in their home states, NOT IN IRAQ.

This whole blame thing sickens me.

So if 60% of the national guard troops are in Louisiana then why is the First Wave of troops to enter the Gulf Region/New Orleans coming in all the way around the world from Iraq? Either there's a shortage of National Gaurd troops in LA or there's a major fuck up in the deployment of them.

I would suspect it was due to the fact that there was a shortage of N.G troops in LA since the first wave of troops are travelling across 2 freakin' oceans to get here 4 Days after the strom hit...!!! 3 days after the onset of chaos!!!

You couldn't be more wrong. The soldiers fighting in Iraq are just that......SOLDIERS! There are support units also, but vast majority are SOLDIERS,,,,,FIGHTERS!!! The National Guard we have here at home are more of the electricians, mechanics, ect ect. If you want to believe the bullshit about it taking so long because the troops are being pulled from Iraq and Afgan.......by all means. Our military is almost 2 million strong! We have less than 150k in theater in the Mid East. How many does that leave left around the World and here @ home? You do that math.

And explain to me why the Govenor of Louisiana herself said that the first wave of National Guard was coming in from Iraq on CNN?

this site posts everything going on.


a statement was made saying no troops were going to have to be pulled from overseas, so i am led to believe that when they said the troops were "fresh from iraq" they were already back home. out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Doesn't your statement 'out of the frying pan and into the fire' say something about the personel (National Guard) shortage in Louisiana? Why would they have to remobilize troops that have just returned from Iraq into New Orleans if they had enough troops in the area to begin with?
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Guest JMT


Local government are responsible for taking care of their citizens.....Mayor and Governor.........They ALWAYS get the first crack at taking care of their own state. They failed, now "daddy",,,aka FEDS are taking care of it.

What local government? Have you been viewing the news?

The same local Government that issued a MANDATORY evacuation. Remember the mayor and governor at the press confrence saying to EVACUATE and those who could not, to go to the superdome? I REMEMBER...DON'T YOU?

The press specifically asked about the mayor's plan and he said the plan was in place and that he was "greatful" for Washington declaring a state of emergency early in order to get the ball rolling on FEMA...

It was just a perfect storm of hurricane damage, flooding due to breaking levees, no effective plan by the city or state to maintaine order, crime, lack of resources, etc..etc..etc......

Over 60% of LA nat. guard troops are in LA, not in Iraq. Nearly 70% of all Nat. Guard troops are in their home states, NOT IN IRAQ.

This whole blame thing sickens me.

So if 60% of the national guard troops are in Louisiana then why is the First Wave of troops to enter the Gulf Region/New Orleans coming in all the way around the world from Iraq? Either there's a shortage of National Gaurd troops in LA or there's a major fuck up in the deployment of them.

I would suspect it was due to the fact that there was a shortage of N.G troops in LA since the first wave of troops are travelling across 2 freakin' oceans to get here 4 Days after the strom hit...!!! 3 days after the onset of chaos!!!

You couldn't be more wrong. The soldiers fighting in Iraq are just that......SOLDIERS! There are support units also, but vast majority are SOLDIERS,,,,,FIGHTERS!!! The National Guard we have here at home are more of the electricians, mechanics, ect ect. If you want to believe the bullshit about it taking so long because the troops are being pulled from Iraq and Afgan.......by all means. Our military is almost 2 million strong! We have less than 150k in theater in the Mid East. How many does that leave left around the World and here @ home? You do that math.

And explain to me why the Govenor of Louisiana herself said that the first wave of National Guard was coming in from Iraq on CNN?

this site posts everything going on.


a statement was made saying no troops were going to have to be pulled from overseas, so i am led to believe that when they said the troops were "fresh from iraq" they were already back home. out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Doesn't your statement 'out of the frying pan and into the fire' say something about the personel (National Guard) shortage in Louisiana? Why would they have to remobilize troops that have just returned from Iraq into New Orleans if they had enough troops in the area to begin with?

no, bc there isnt really a shortage. its says that the NG should have been called in immediately from both states. those guys were probably still packed and ready to go. 300 is a small fraction of what they need there.

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