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FSU vs the 'Canes

Guest Devilicious

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Guest Electric Eel

I agree with T, people that didn't go away to college in a city where the majority is students did not experience college the way we did. Was actually having this conversation with someone the other day, its such a different experience then living in a big city and commuting to school from who knows how far away.

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I "auditioned" the 'community' style campii. To each his own but I was turned off by it. I visited USC, UCLA, NYU, Princeton, MIT, Cornell, and a few obscure art schools. UM was a choice, obviously, but I didn't see it till I was dropped off in front of it with 3 boxes labled 'PC components' and one suitcase with my clothes and toiletries. I was actually semi-undecided until about my senior year in public high school. My parents were pushing for me to get into CS or some sort of engineering field. Guaranteed job placement and all. But with my severe ADD, I couldn't see myself in a lab developing G5 processors or manufacturing fusion bombs. Since I was 12 I was always fascinated by photography and making motion pictures, so I looked into programs for that as well. Which narrowed my choices considerably to UM, NYU, UCLA, and USC.

USC looked like a hoot, right near downtown LA and pretty much in the thick of things. Downside was that it was bordering a real shitty neighborhood (think Overtown), and was horrendously expensive, even with benefactors like George Lucas and Francis Ford Coppola floating the film program. The renderfarm was hot in it's day. Accepted, but horrendously expensive and my mom had a fit about being blocks from Compton.

NYU had it's charm as well. I had my sights set on it, but got put on the dreaded 'waiting list', which is NYU-speak for 'You suck but we're just being nice'. In retrospect I'm glad I didn't go because I probably would have turned into a latte-sipping jackass.

UCLA? State school I know, but I visited anyway. I figured if it was good enough for Jim Morrison to go to for a year it must be somewhat cool. Yeah right. You had to go through all this general ed bullshit before you could even think about your major. You couldn't touch a piece of film or photo gear until junior year. All the other schools you could do intro shit first semester. They accepted me nonetheless. In Brentwood actually.

UM? Like I said, I didn't visit until the first day I moved there. But from all the promo literature and so forth, it looked to be a logical choice. You could get right into whatever your major was, the campus was close enough to a major urban center without being in cracktown, and it was Miami after all. Circa 1997 so it was in the first period of stardom with Madonna, Stallone, etc...my first night there I hit the beach and saw Jeff Goldblum and two Brazillian chicks stumbling out of what was then the Cameo Theatre. But anyways, I digress.

I visited those other schools too, and what turned me off was that there was no life beyond the school. The school, and that was it. Wanna go beyond the campus perimeter? Sure, but prepare to be bored. I grew up in a town just like that, I kinda wanted to get away from that. Hence my desire for an urban school. I got all the speeches, on how I was asking to get beat up, shot, killed, kidnapped by crazed drug dealers, etc...but realistically I was looking for some excitement beyond books, keggers, drunk sorority whores, and Division One football. Besides, my major was motion picture production and fine art photography and I needed a dynamic city and culture with which to work with. For me, a college town wouldn't cut the mustard. Studio shots of local unshaven lesbians did nothing for me.

To each his own though. Somehow from all our diverse and fucked up backgrounds we've ended up in Miami arguing about Division One football. Even though I don't like football. :o

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Guest Devilicious

The program was ranked 2nd in the nation' date=' only next to University of Utah. That wasn't happening.


Awww...why not?? :-X

lol.... I was accepted, but there's something about being surrounded by Mormons in the freezing cold that just didn't appeal as much as being surrounded by adventurous beautiful people in sunny Florida.

Dan I'm not reading that novel you wrote, but by skimming it I believe you may have missed the point.... to each his own, but to blindly label all state schools as "inferior" is re-fuckin-diculous.

I am as skeptical of the government as the next conspiracy theorist, but the administration, students, professors, and staff seem to have a lot more to do with running the university than the government. Anyway it's the state's $ not the fed govt

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