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You must leave your pet to starve...!!!!!!

Guest swirlundergrounder

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Guest JMT

i love animals as much as the next guy, especially dogs. but im sorry, there is no way anyone is going to convince me their lives are worth as much as a humans. slammer, trading your life to save your pet? cmon, i understand the point but thats nonsense.

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Guest trancepriest

I have a soft spot for animals. However, for one day, and one day only, I have to agree w/ TP.

How can you expect a shelter to house animals when they cant even find room for the people???

If you want to stay with your pet, thats fine, but dont expect a rescue team to come back again.

I love you too tres-b. ;D

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Also, who gives anyone the right to tell people where they should donate their money?

This is the most intelligent statement I've seen posted on this board in a while. I feel the same way about taxes.

Good argument, what does taxes have to do with donating your money?

??? I wasn't arguing...I agree with you 100%.

Taxes is when you donate your money to the government and you have no say over where they spend it. So what gives them the right to tax us and not give us a say on what they spend it on, yet nobody seems to care about that. In other words, you brought up a GREAT point, where does it say that Uncle Sam has the RIGHT to tax us????

Sorry Shaun...I've got two dogs and two cats so this subject is a little close to my heart. Thought you were being sarcastic. My apologies. :-\

two craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy dogs



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Guest Electric Eel

I was watching the news yesterday and they were showing people get on board a helicopter but they had to leave their dogs. So then you saw the dogs just strolling aimlessly on the highway where the owners were picked up, walking around the helicopter not understanding what is going on. It sucks that since the dogs are there with the owner anyway they can't put them on the helicopter with them and take them where they go. Its not like anyone has to specifically go out of the way to get the dogs, they are already right there with the owners.

They also mentioned how there are rescuers that find these dogs on the highways and have temporary homes/cages set up for them till they find something to do with them. Its pretty sad :(

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Guest trancepriest

I was watching the news yesterday and they were showing people get on board a helicopter but they had to leave their dogs. So then you saw the dogs just strolling aimlessly on the highway where the owners were picked up, walking around the helicopter not understanding what is going on. It sucks that since the dogs are there with the owner anyway they can't put them on the helicopter with them and take them where they go. Its not like anyone has to specifically go out of the way to get the dogs, they are already right there with the owners.

They also mentioned how there are rescuers that find these dogs on the highways and have temporary homes/cages set up for them till they find something to do with them. Its pretty sad :(

American bureaucracy... in the third world they'd have donkeys on the helicopters and goats too... with fresh goats milk.... straight from the goats nipples. I bet you they would have allowed robot dogs on the helicopters. O' yes... we've surpassed nature.... in this one big stew of of unsustainable artificiality. But then again I dare say... dog shit on helicopters is quite a mess. It's one thing for refugees to be exposed to prolonged duration of human feces... altogether sinful to be reminded of their condition by another big lump of doodoo onboard a fine helicopter... representing freedom... and O' yes... America itself.

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Guest slamminshaun

slammer, trading your life to save your pet? cmon, i understand the point but thats nonsense.

Dude, its TOTAL nonsense, I agree...I remember when she was in the hospital. As dumb as this sounds, I was prepared to take out a home equity loan to save her life....never thought I'd say that, but its like my kid. Oh well...

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Don't you think that not rescuing the animals and letting them die will only contribute to the growing threat of disease that's already spreading in the water and the air there? So it would make sense to me to get living thing out of there if there's the capacity to. Especially like Lee said, if the animals are already with their owners while being rescued...

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Guest JMT

Don't you think that not rescuing the animals and letting them die will only contribute to the growing threat of disease that's already spreading in the water and the air there? So it would make sense to me to get living thing out of there if there's the capacity to. Especially like Lee said, if the animals are already with their owners while being rescued...

if a person can carry his/her pet the whole trip, and there is room for all of the people, then i agree.

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Guest Electric Eel

I would like to say that most of the dogs are potty trained, but you never know, I know my dog wouldn't shit in a helicopter. Plus, i'm sure these people that have been living without running water for over a week aren't the cleanest either.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Don't you think that not rescuing the animals and letting them die will only contribute to the growing threat of disease that's already spreading in the water and the air there? So it would make sense to me to get living thing out of there if there's the capacity to. Especially like Lee said, if the animals are already with their owners while being rescued...

if a person can carry his/her pet the whole trip, and there is room for all of the people, then i agree.

That's what I'm talking about. I'm thinking that most people probably only have 1 animal with them that could probably fit on their laps if needed.
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Guest ic143

Don't you think that not rescuing the animals and letting them die will only contribute to the growing threat of disease that's already spreading in the water and the air there? So it would make sense to me to get living thing out of there if there's the capacity to. Especially like Lee said, if the animals are already with their owners while being rescued...

if a person can carry his/her pet the whole trip, and there is room for all of the people, then i agree.

That's what I'm talking about. I'm thinking that most people probably only have 1 animal with them that could probably fit on their laps if needed.

Exactly! And for those who can't take their animals or they are simply just too big to take with them, then why not have people there to rescue them? A lot of these humane organizations aren't just helping animals, they are also helping their owners.

Plus, Terry brings up a great point. If they leave these animals there then they will have much more than dead bodies to clean up after all of this is said and done.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Don't you think that not rescuing the animals and letting them die will only contribute to the growing threat of disease that's already spreading in the water and the air there? So it would make sense to me to get living thing out of there if there's the capacity to. Especially like Lee said, if the animals are already with their owners while being rescued...

if a person can carry his/her pet the whole trip, and there is room for all of the people, then i agree.

That's what I'm talking about. I'm thinking that most people probably only have 1 animal with them that could probably fit on their laps if needed.

Exactly! And for those who can't take their animals or they are simply just too big to take with them, then why not have people there to rescue them? A lot of these humane organizations aren't just helping animals, they are also helping their owners.

Plus, Terry brings up a great point. If they leave these animals there then they will have much more than dead bodies to clean up after all of this is said and done.

Yeah, you can either get these animals out with their owners or you can have them running around rabid and later on...
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Guest Electric Eel

You never know what can happen with these pets after they have to fend for themselves. I saw someone on tv leaving their pitbull, I know I wouldnt want to be doing rescue work and come across a hungry pitbull.

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Guest Cosmigonon

Don't you think that not rescuing the animals and letting them die will only contribute to the growing threat of disease that's already spreading in the water and the air there?

Well, they could just kill them instead of leaving them to fend for themselves.

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Guest vaughan


A life of a human can't really be compared to that of a "stupid" pet...

I know a few "stupid" humans who I'd leave behind in a heartbeat in place of a few LOYAL pets...

Hey to each their own...

TP, go buy a dog... they make great companions... not saying you need one... just saying that you'll understand why myself and others get pretty passionate when it comes to animals. Save people, save animals... they are LIVES nonetheless.

And I agree... we should be sending in Helicpoters and National Guard to look for survivors... Oh wait... Bush sent them all over to Iraq... maybe someone should trick him and tell him New Orleans is right next to Tikrit... he might listen!

And Shaun... My 9 year old Baily is now worth well over $7,500. A couple Bionic knees later... good as new and I'd do it again even if someone said he was gonna die tomorrow!

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Guest slamminshaun

slammer' date=' trading your life to save your pet? cmon, i understand the point but thats nonsense.


Dude, its TOTAL nonsense, I agree...I remember when she was in the hospital. As dumb as this sounds, I was prepared to take out a home equity loan to save her life....never thought I'd say that, but its like my kid. Oh well...

Vaughan, not sure if you were agreeing with me or what, but make no mistake....my cat is my joy. You've got me beat though, I only have $2,000 invested in my cat's hosptial visits...

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Guest vaughan

Sorry Shaun... was agreeing with you completely... And my comment about "stupid" pet was meant in the MOST sarcastic way possible...


I wonder if the same people would leave infants behind too because they can't defend for themselves... makes ya wonder... ::)

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Guest Slide On The Ice

That's repulsive. I understand their justification, as far as considering it humane to shoot the dogs so they don't suffer, but give the dogs a chance. They were living above the sunken areas on dry land, they might have fared well enough for awhile until other means could have been found.

It's a heartbreaking tragedy atop an already devestating tragedy, that people who survived had to then lose their pets in such a horrible way. That is my so far unspoken opinion on that mess.

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Guest DaGoose

I say fu*k all of you who are against rescuing the animals. When ever we humans need them to comfort or entertain us those animals are there for us in a heart beat. When we're stressed out and having a bad day, they don't complain, they listen to us bitch and whine about our lives etc.. So then when push comes to shove, we just shove them to the side? No wonder mother nature punishes our curelty...

Just go's to show how selfish people (humans) can be...And we're all going to pay for that selfishness someday...

I'm with Terry here. The whole point of getting a pet is so that we can take care of them. They can't take care of themselves. They expect us to feed them, love them, and take care of them. Leaving them behind basically says "ok fuck you doggy, your on your own, Good Luck" I can never do that. The pets have feelings too. Any they love us to death. Can you imagine your pets thoughts as you drive away from it? Or get in your boat and start to leave and the dog jumps into the water and starts swimming behind the boat as you fade off away from it (actual story). Fuck that. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night wondering what happened to the pet that I left behind.

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