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Dizmus' super GET-LEAN routine

Guest Dizmus

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Guest Dizmus

^ Thanks....so I guess vodka-redbull is not the greatest and beer 'bloats' right?

looks like wine....

Well what bloats you externally is excess sugar, or sodium. Beer actually dries you out. If you notice the morning after you drink beer you sometimes look in the mirror and are like "daaaamn!". You lost a bunch of water weight and dehydrated from the beer. Yes, beer is carbonated and all, and it might bloat you "inside"(gas), but what I'm talking about is external bloating, or "water-retention", which masks muscle tone.

ya well....I don't have the same morning after 'mirror experience' LOL I must be bloated from both sides... ;D

that's all going to depend on bodytype, i.e Ectomorph, Endomorph, Mesomorph (and genetics).

Im an ectomorph

The only alcohol i tend to drink is Corona, only drink it on the weekends say fri-sun...how bad does Corona afect my body type when it comes to staying in shape w/out being bloated. Corona light tastes like crap. I do feel drained the following morning after drinking a few beers, but than i get the feeling that the beer adds some unwanted weight...im 6'5 @ 215-220, was thinking bout adding another 5lbs, which is pretty hard or cut down 5lbs...work out mon-fri, except wed.

what would you suggest?

When you say "I was thinking of adding another 5lbs, or cutting down 5lbs"...that is something that is either one or the other. To gain mass, you must be in caloric "overload", whereas to lose mass you must be in caloric "deficit". I always suggest to slowly build mass so that you are never more than 10lbs above your desired "lean body mass". This way you will be able to lean down very quickly when you are ready.

It's also funny that you call yourself an "ectomorph" (small bone structure, narrow shoulders, thin), and you weigh 220lbs!! That's unheard of :) Did you mean endomorph, or endo-meso....?

1 beer here and there (or even a few), won't hurt you all that much as long as you don't binge. You can easily work it off in the days that follow (since you said you only do it on the weekends).

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Guest Satan

hey Dizmus,

what's your opinion on the 'redline' on an empty stomach?

I used to do it because I trained my body to be able to handle stuff like that...I don't recommend it if you can't handle it....in fact, most people cannot handle redline PERIOD (thats why I said the thermogenic of your choice, IF you even choose to use one at all).

heh heh just started redline this past week, theres something to be said for red liquid crack.....gotta tell ya i kinda like it.....empty stomach is fine i think its a little too much hype the empty stomach makes you sick thing

some people just have weaker stomachs than others...some need to "dilute" the redline with something...others have stomachs that can handle the red crack solo

actually i find adding a little vodka smooths out the red crack just fine, and its an excellent clear liquid diluent :P

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Guest Dizmus

actually i find adding a little vodka smooths out the red crack just fine, and its an excellent clear liquid diluent :P

Ahh...and a happy Salchicober to you too!! This will be my first ;D

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Guest Cosmigonon

^ Thanks....so I guess vodka-redbull is not the greatest and beer 'bloats' right?

looks like wine....

Well what bloats you externally is excess sugar, or sodium. Beer actually dries you out. If you notice the morning after you drink beer you sometimes look in the mirror and are like "daaaamn!". You lost a bunch of water weight and dehydrated from the beer. Yes, beer is carbonated and all, and it might bloat you "inside"(gas), but what I'm talking about is external bloating, or "water-retention", which masks muscle tone.

ya well....I don't have the same morning after 'mirror experience' LOL I must be bloated from both sides... ;D

that's all going to depend on bodytype, i.e Ectomorph, Endomorph, Mesomorph (and genetics).

Would you care to define?

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Guest Dizmus

^ Thanks....so I guess vodka-redbull is not the greatest and beer 'bloats' right?

looks like wine....

Well what bloats you externally is excess sugar, or sodium. Beer actually dries you out. If you notice the morning after you drink beer you sometimes look in the mirror and are like "daaaamn!". You lost a bunch of water weight and dehydrated from the beer. Yes, beer is carbonated and all, and it might bloat you "inside"(gas), but what I'm talking about is external bloating, or "water-retention", which masks muscle tone.

ya well....I don't have the same morning after 'mirror experience' LOL I must be bloated from both sides... ;D

that's all going to depend on bodytype, i.e Ectomorph, Endomorph, Mesomorph (and genetics).

Would you care to define?


This type would seem to consist of every man who ever played in the NBA, minus Charles Barkley and Shaquille O’Neal. Ectomorphs are generally lean and mean but have a hard time packing on the muscle.

Thus, the best way to deal with such stingy genetics is to eat, eat, and eat some more. Adding an extra thousand or two calories is not only acceptable, it’s probably encouraged. Five substantial meals a day, favoring the carbohydrates heavily while consuming ample amounts of protein, is the best way to sprout growth into the muscle mass you’re looking for.

When it comes to the weights, do not be stingy. Intensity plus strength equals size, and you should be churning out intensely productive sets, designed to tear up the muscle tissue and spurt new growth.


Now, take every offensive and defensive lineman in the NFL (minus nobody) and you’ll have yourself a nice collection of endomorphs.

Endomorphs are generally what most people consider “stocky†creatures, many of them having short but thick, thick limbs and heavy bones. Many endomorphs desire a leaner, more defined look, and should try cutting the fats down to a minimum. Lean protein sources are generally recommended here, anything from fish and turkey to egg whites. Meanwhile, an endomorph’s intake should consist of about seven smaller-portioned meals throughout the day, a sly method of boosting metabolism and burning fats and calories.

Cardiovascular regimens – anything from swimming to biking – is essential for endomorphs looking to trim down. Thirty minutes per day, four days a week, will keep the jelly out of the belly. Meanwhile, weight training should contain sets of several repetitions at a moderate weight, with limited time spent between sets.


Mesomorphs, in one sense, are the luckiest of the three. Mesomorphs have the tendency to be muscular and ripped, maintaining the best attributes of both the ectomorphs and the endomorphs.

Mesomorphs must basically follow the general guidelines of healthy eating and exercise to maintain the desirable physiques that they’re genetics have so kindly blessed them with. A mesomorph should consume a gram of protein a day for every pound of his or her bodyweight, while taking in around six frequent meals per day. Perhaps the most imposing obstacle for the mesomorph is overconfidence. Because a mesomorph can generally build muscle and shed away fat with considerable ease, he often becomes lazy and apathetic to eating binges and lulls in exercise, maintaining faith that his favorable genetics will bail him out of such consequences. Like anyone else, a mesomorph must blend a sturdy diet and solid exercise program into his everyday routine.

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Jesus Christ I should be getting an endorsement check in the mail from VPX pretty soon lol kidding.

Honestly I think this stuff could do wonder's during conference keeping up to par energy wise with the crackie's :o

Imagine bouncing off the walls at SPACE, Hey man what are you on, must be some good shit!, REDLINE Chic's dig it man ;D

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hey Dizmus,

what's your opinion on the 'redline' on an empty stomach?

I used to do it because I trained my body to be able to handle stuff like that...I don't recommend it if you can't handle it....in fact, most people cannot handle redline PERIOD (thats why I said the thermogenic of your choice, IF you even choose to use one at all).

heh heh just started redline this past week, theres something to be said for red liquid crack.....gotta tell ya i kinda like it.....empty stomach is fine i think its a little too much hype the empty stomach makes you sick thing

Your supposed to take your first serving of the day on an empty stomach, otherwise you won't feel the desired effect.

If you can handle doing shots of alcohol at 7 a.m. Sunday on the patio, I'm certain your empty stomach can handle just about anything ;D.

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^ Thanks....so I guess vodka-redbull is not the greatest and beer 'bloats' right?

looks like wine....

Well what bloats you externally is excess sugar, or sodium. Beer actually dries you out. If you notice the morning after you drink beer you sometimes look in the mirror and are like "daaaamn!". You lost a bunch of water weight and dehydrated from the beer. Yes, beer is carbonated and all, and it might bloat you "inside"(gas), but what I'm talking about is external bloating, or "water-retention", which masks muscle tone.

ya well....I don't have the same morning after 'mirror experience' LOL I must be bloated from both sides... ;D

that's all going to depend on bodytype, i.e Ectomorph, Endomorph, Mesomorph (and genetics).

Im an ectomorph

The only alcohol i tend to drink is Corona, only drink it on the weekends say fri-sun...how bad does Corona afect my body type when it comes to staying in shape w/out being bloated. Corona light tastes like crap. I do feel drained the following morning after drinking a few beers, but than i get the feeling that the beer adds some unwanted weight...im 6'5 @ 215-220, was thinking bout adding another 5lbs, which is pretty hard or cut down 5lbs...work out mon-fri, except wed.

what would you suggest?

When you say "I was thinking of adding another 5lbs, or cutting down 5lbs"...that is something that is either one or the other. To gain mass, you must be in caloric "overload", whereas to lose mass you must be in caloric "deficit". I always suggest to slowly build mass so that you are never more than 10lbs above your desired "lean body mass". This way you will be able to lean down very quickly when you are ready.

It's also funny that you call yourself an "ectomorph" (small bone structure, narrow shoulders, thin), and you weigh 220lbs!! That's unheard of :) Did you mean endomorph, or endo-meso....?

1 beer here and there (or even a few), won't hurt you all that much as long as you don't binge. You can easily work it off in the days that follow (since you said you only do it on the weekends).

yea im an ectomorph, used to be thin...i used to weigh about 190-195 b4 i started working out - jan this year, in a period of a 1-2 months w/ the workout/balance diet i was able to go from 190 to 215, and have been @ 215 ever since...im much happier now in terms of size, but people have told me i can still up it more to maybe another 5-10lbs, which i find extremelly difficult, i would really have be doing 2-3 shakes a day at 2 scoops each(approx 20g protein each scoop)...i was thinking of "shreding" 5lbs due to the alcohol/water rentention....but if you say that won't hurt me that much than that's a bit of a relief.

Another thing, unlike most people when it comes to drinking coffee/caffeine it doesnt give me any boost or lets say "keeps me up" it actually puts me to sleep quicker. Redbull doesn't give me any energy, at least that's how i feel. Would Redline actually give me extra energy during my workouts? I tend to do quite heavy leg workouts and been meaning to get higher on the weights, would this be something that will give me that extra push?

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Guest mursa

... Eat big , Lift Big and Sleep ................the 3 keys to getting in shape and more specifically gaining mass .

My personal opinion is that the "supplement industry" is by far and large a FARSE .

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Guest Dizmus

... Eat big , Lift Big and Sleep ................the 3 keys to getting in shape and more specifically gaining mass .

My personal opinion is that the "supplement industry" is by far and large a FARSE .

Yeah, that holds true for people wanting to be big. I don't think a single woman would benefit from the "Eat big - get big" part. ;D

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Guest mursa

... na , i work out with 4 plates still .

Im up to working out with 130 lbs Preacher curl machine ...and 50 lbs free weight bicep curl for each arm .........

..... Gun alert ! :o:D

ps..no redline or legallized amphetamine type "motivator" needed . lol

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... na , i work out with 4 plates still .

Im up to working out with 130 lbs Preacher curl machine ...and 50 lbs free weight bicep curl for each arm .........

..... Gun alert ! :o:D

ps..no redline or legallized amphetamine type "motivator" needed . lol


4 plates on each side of the leg press?

Did you just start to train recently? I wouldn't need any Redline for that either maybe an iced tea, hell I warm up with that and I'm far from quadzilla.

Your obviously not trying to gain any size on your quads with that weight correct? unless you are doing super set's of 40 reps lol.

I'm not trying to be a smart ass, but more or less defend REDLINE to push yourself a little harder, I'm just trying to fiqure out what you are trying to accomplish with that amount of weight?

People on here have different fitness goals, but reading your thread it appears you are going for more mass and if so you need to lift much heavier than that.

Next time you train move up a plate per week, have someone spot you on the leg press in a rowing motion if need be, and make sure your form is perfect to avoid injury.

Also use a belt when going heavier to avoid get hernia etc.


Also single leg extensions on the leg press work well and help you get stronger try 1 plates on each side per leg it works wonders especially when warming up.

If you really want to put on size squats will do it even with much lighter weight.

The real difference between the two?

Between perfect form and lactic acid build up in the leg's even with light weight will send most the bathroom to puke or cry.

I've seen guy's who will leg press 500 pounds, but can't squat 225 for 12 reps with perfect form.

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Guest mursa

Na , i've been working out for quite some time .....im 6'3 235lbs at the moment .

I simply perfer to do less weight and better form , than heavy and poor form ..........i've played soccer for most of my life, therefore legs are in relatively great shape .

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Na , i've been working out for quite some time .....im 6'3 235lbs at the moment .

I simply perfer to do less weight and better form , than heavy and poor form ..........i've played soccer for most of my life, therefore legs are in relatively great shape .

6'3 now I understand, Your muscle fiber's are twice as long therefore require much more effort as well as weight.

I am about 6'2, 250, I understand the difficulties in going heavier at a larger height. I'm sure your on point, it never hurts to push yourself a little you can only benefit.

If really boils down to nutrition and training I'd say nutrition is about 65% of it and training is 35%.

Check out this site below this guy is by far the most up to date on nutrition,pharmacology, etc.

Chad Nicholls – Chad is regarded as the premier contest prep guru in the industry. Chad’s services have been sought out by most of the world’s top bodybuilders. Chad has worked with athletes ranging from Ronnie Coleman to Mike Tyson. www.MuscleMayhem.com

As far as Training methods are concerned, Charles Glass is the trainer of trainer's alot of helpful tip's and information here.


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... na , i work out with 4 plates still .

Im up to working out with 130 lbs Preacher curl machine ...and 50 lbs free weight bicep curl for each arm .........

..... Gun alert ! :o:D

ps..no redline or legallized amphetamine type "motivator" needed . lol


4 plates on each side of the leg press?

Did you just start to train recently? I wouldn't need any Redline for that either maybe an iced tea, hell I warm up with that and I'm far from quadzilla.

haha :P

if i had a spotter i should be at 8-10 each side by now, 4 for me is too light, i do the one leg extensions w/ 2-3 each side

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Guest Dizmus

I used to do all that heavy weight and then realized that in the end it doesn't really matter all that much. Proper form, and correct posture is what makes you look the best in the long run. You can lift heavy weight for years and get bigger, but have all sorts of joint misalignments, and non-symmetrical muscularity. The heavy weight is cool to show off in the gym, but outside the gym only the "meatheads" care what you bench...the rest of people care more what your physique looks like. And then the reeeeallly cool people care more about what comes out of your mouth, and how you are as a person ;D

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I used to do all that heavy weight and then realized that in the end it doesn't really matter all that much. Proper form, and correct posture is what makes you look the best in the long run. You can lift heavy weight for years and get bigger, but have all sorts of joint misalignments, and non-symmetrical muscularity. The heavy weight is cool to show off in the gym, but outside the gym only the "meatheads" care what you bench...the rest of people care more what your physique looks like. And then the reeeeallly cool people care more about what comes out of your mouth, and how you are as a person ;D

that's very true

personally im no where near showing off at the gym, i just feel that by staying at that weight when it comes to my legs, its just about my standard, anything under 3-4 plates each side just seems very light

i feel very sorry for women that love meatheads/juice up guidos , but they got pretty much nothing in their heads...now i know not everyone is like that as ive met some pretty big cool people from working out, but you do or i should say the girls do come across those types, at least is what ive been told or seen

i guess to each its own right

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What I hate though are the assumptions people make regarding other's, they use there own insecurities to justify why other people look better than they do.

Don't expect to hit 7%- bodyfat with out proper diet like DIZMUS pointed out(I might have tweaked it a bit but never the less).

If you are on a mission, follow it don't fuck around and don't cheat, it's hard ass work but in the end it's worth it.

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Guest Dizmus


What I hate though are the assumptions people make regarding other's, they use there own insecurities to justify why other people look better than they do.

Don't expect to hit 7%- bodyfat with out proper diet like DIZMUS pointed out(I might have tweaked it a bit but never the less).

If you are on a mission, follow it don't fuck around and don't cheat, it's hard ass work but in the end it's worth it.

damn right

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