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Dogs Used as Shark Bait (Warning: Graphic Pics)

Guest slamminshaun

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Guest slamminshaun

Tabloid or no tabloid, I'm sure many of you remember this atrocity supported by Jennifer Lopez....skinning LIVE animals in the name of making fur coats for her fashion line.


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Guest teabag

very philosophical of you. we all love dogs here, but animals are inferior to us. if they werent, assholes would be getting put on hooks by them and not the other way around.

lmao!!! JMT....... it just sounded funny man

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Guest Cosmigonon

lol...bro where u came up with this man vs beast concept ?

Fact is Human intellect and its ability to Rationalize makes it superior to any living creature on earth ..


..and by the looks of it , we even use it to hook live dogs for shark bait . :-\

Ah but that's an arrogant rationalization and generalization made by man (not necessarily by you is what I mean).

Every living thing on Earth can rationalize to a degree or another. So who learns faster a Human or a chimp? Actually a chimp has a faster learning capactiy than a human does. Who has a better memory? An elephant or a human? Actually an elepahant does. Doesn't memory and learning capacity denote intelligence?

The thing that distinguishes human and animals is 'Culture'. Culture is teaching something to another and then that entity teaches it to another. But animals have this trait also....

The difference is that animals don't verbalize ideas like humans do or on the same level as we do. But does that necessarliy mean that they are inferior?

Perhaps our needs are greater than that of an animal. And the needs of a human is what drives the human race. Perhaps animals needs are simple and their desires are simple therefore they don't feel as much 'need' as we do....

I guess we can say that humans are superior to animals in someways and animials are superior to us in other ways. But IMO to say that humans are totally superior to animals is false

Terry, no matter how you wanna put it, humans are superior to all living beings.

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Guest teabag

Every living thing on Earth can rationalize to a degree or another. So who learns faster a Human or a chimp? Actually a chimp has a faster learning capactiy than a human does. Who has a better memory? An elephant or a human? Actually an elepahant does. Doesn't memory and learning capacity denote intelligence?

1. Animals are instinctive, self preservation traits that makes every species have the tools to survive.... some have memory..... but do not have the capacity to have complex abstract thought, understanding or reasoning plain and simple..... at least not on this earth....unless you have a special pet I do not know about.

The thing that distinguishes human and animals is 'Culture'. Culture is teaching something to another and then that entity teaches it to another. But animals have this trait also....

2. Wrong even a person with no "culture", raised by wolves in the middle of the yukon is able to trancend the limitation.... refer to number 1.

The difference is that animals don't verbalize ideas like humans do or on the same level as we do. But does that necessarliy mean that they are inferior?

3. The entire statement is wrong to say the least. That is not the difference between man and beast. It is not the verbal sound; is the ability to construct ideas from it; to reason within a context of clear thought and intelligence.

Perhaps our needs are greater than that of an animal. And the needs of a human is what drives the human race. Perhaps animals needs are simple and their desires are simple therefore they don't feel as much 'need' as we do....

4. Animals function on and eat and procreate basis, territorial social clans and that's it. People for the most part try to incorporate the natural evolution , plus try or at least most people aspire to have fullfilling and productive lives. Animals are not contempt, they simply do not know the concept, period.

I guess we can say that humans are superior to animals in someways and animials are superior to us in other ways. But IMO to say that humans are totally superior to animals is false

5. Animals are all of us, beasts are all of them. The next time Stephen Hopkings' theories of intricate math and physics are taught by a chiguagua then you will be right.

The only thing we agree on is that everything has its right to live undisturbed on this earth, some men are evil and are worse than any beast feasting on its prey... they do it cause its their way to survive ...men do it , because they are sick. That doesn't

turn the table around on who is the boss in this planet.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

All you people just don't get the point that I've been trying to make do you? And it's the arrogance that we are all trained on a concious and subconcious level that the human race is superior on every aspect to all life on Earth. It is this arrogance that has lead to the abuse of animals, nature and to our own people.

You're all assuming that because we have imgination that we can express, culture, religion, etc and the ability to translate complex ideas, that nothing else on Earth can. But do we know this for sure? Have any of you ever been a bird, an elephant, or a whale? And can confirm these claims that these animals don't have these traits that some of you claim? How can you claim to know a 'thing' if you've never been a 'thing'?

Would you all say that if something feels emotions than that form of life whatever it may be is still inferior to us? Think about that for a moment. If something feels emotions be it simple or complex than shouldn't that entity be considered equal no matter how iintelligent it may or may not be?

Aren't emotions a form of complex thought? Do you people believe that humans are the only creatures on Earth that have emotions? I'm sure some of you do...

What if I told you that every emotion that you feel comes from two of the most basic and primal emotions which are 'Love' and 'Fear'. Every insinct and complex emotion is rooted from these two emotions...

A lot of animals have these two basic emotions 'Fear' and 'Love' and the more complex your life becomes, the more complex your emotions become and vice versa.

And understanding this, it is hard for me to say that I as a human being are superior to something else that has emotions and is able to feel 'Love' and 'Fear'.....

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Guest teabag

Hey man, it's a fact that we are different from animals in many levels smarter, and intellectually superior than any other life form on the planet..... to say it is not arrogance.

I admit there are deranged people that hurt innocent creatures and it is sick they choose to act that way...

I am sorry if you do not accept our superiority to the other creatures that live on this planet, 'cause it is the world we happen to live in....

on a simpler note................... I am now completely sure you are for one insulting my intelligence by insisting on it; with such conviction. There is no further discussion on my part on this thread. It would be pointless.

On the other hand if you are a Hindu and the Cow is your sacred animal; I apologize, since I certainly believe in the Bill of Rights and your rights and mine to religious freedom, otherwise you are totally crazy to say the least.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Hey man, it's a fact that we are different from animals in many levels smarter, and intellectually superior than any other life form on the planet..... to say it is not arrogance.

I admit there are deranged people that hurt innocent creatures and it is sick they choose to act that way...

I am sorry if you do not accept our superiority to the other creatures that live on this planet, 'cause it is the world we happen to live in....

on a simpler note................... I am now completely sure you are for one insulting my intelligence by insisting on it; with such conviction. There is no further discussion on my part on this thread. It would be pointless.

On the other hand if you are a Hindu and the Cow is your sacred animal; I apologize, since I certainly believe in the Bill of Rights and your rights and mine to religious freedom, otherwise you are totally crazy to say the least.

How am I insulting your intelligence? We're just exchanging information and whatever you or I decide to believe is our own perogative. It seems to me here that the only one doing any insulting is you by calling me crazy.. Maybe you should call me crazy to my face how about that...?

Oh BTW it's not Stephen Hopkins...It Stephen Hawking..Oh sorry to insult your intelligence..... :P

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..the true character of a person is measured by the way they treat those inferior to them ...

...with that in mind , some fucked up people >:(

But your saying is also in a way messed up becasue defining something or someone as inferior to you is in a sense a bad characteristic...

Look at it this way, humans are inferior to many animals and insect in the animal kingdom. Dogs have superior senses as compared to a human. An ant is stronger than a human in the sense that no human can lift ten times thier own body weight like an ant can. Birds can fly on their own, Fish can breathe underwater, etc......

very philosophical of you. we all love dogs here, but animals are inferior to us. if they werent, assholes would be getting put on hooks by them and not the other way around.

So who would win in the following scenarios? No weapons allowed...

A human or a tiger?

A human or a shark?

A human or a bear?

A human or a pit-bull?

A human or a swarm of army ants?

A human or an aligator?

A human or a pack of hungry parie dogs?

A humn or an elephant?

A human or a cobra?

A human or a swarm of killer bees?

Get my point? If you take away all of mans tools and weapons then in which of the above scenarios would the average person prevail in ?

this is a no brainer, can't fuck w/ Steve




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Guest teabag

How am I insulting your intelligence? We're just exchanging information and whatever you or I decide to believe is our own perogative. It seems to me here that the only one doing any insulting is you by calling me crazy.. Maybe you should call me crazy to my face how about that...?

Oh BTW it's not Stephen Hopkins...It Stephen Hawking..Oh sorry to insult your intelligence..... :P

Yeah, I made a mistake and mispelled his name, is not Hopkings is Hawkins; thank you sir....damn!!! if it wasn't for that mistake my enjoyment would have been complete!!!arrgh.

Now, I've learned something new, recognized my mistake and moved on.... see how a human mind works as opposed to an animal or a crazy person with a pet that talks to him in a secret language... teach that to your pet ...

You are not crazy you are a freak... and I wouldn't say that to your face in your state, it wouldn't be useful to you or me, maybe after you start taking some medication in the loony farm with all your talkative pets.

This is for you Terry or yrreT, however you try to call yourself....because I care about fellow humans:

"Dear God please have animals stop talking to my board foe, his name is backwards too, he cannot win this discussion or prove his point, yet he buries himself deeper and deeper in his own dillusional world. I promise I will send a $20.00 donation to PETA, thank you God."

I feel good about this, how about you Terry.... if you still hear voices just try to take a nap... they will go away I promise.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

How am I insulting your intelligence? We're just exchanging information and whatever you or I decide to believe is our own perogative. It seems to me here that the only one doing any insulting is you by calling me crazy.. Maybe you should call me crazy to my face how about that...?

Oh BTW it's not Stephen Hopkins...It Stephen Hawking..Oh sorry to insult your intelligence..... :P

Yeah, I made a mistake and mispelled his name, is not Hopkings is Hawkins; thank you sir....damn!!! if it wasn't for that mistake my enjoyment would have been complete!!!arrgh.

Now, I've learned something new, recognized my mistake and moved on.... see how a human mind works as opposed to an animal or a crazy person with a pet that talks to him in a secret language... teach that to your pet ...

You are not crazy you are a freak... and I wouldn't say that to your face in your state, it wouldn't be useful to you or me, maybe after you start taking some medication in the loony farm with all your talkative pets.

This is for you Terry or yrreT, however you try to call yourself....because I care about fellow humans:

"Dear God please have animals stop talking to my board foe, his name is backwards too, he cannot win this discussion or prove his point, yet he buries himself deeper and deeper in his own dillusional world. I promise I will send a $20.00 donation to PETA, thank you God."

I feel good about this, how about you Terry.... if you still hear voices just try to take a nap... they will go away I promise.

So basically you are saying that becasue I don't believe what you believe then I'm crazy? OK I guess you're right and any other opinion or belief that anyone else may have is wrong according to you.

You know what is crazy to me is people like you who cease to try to be empathetic, learn and consider different possibilities in a world and a universe that we don't completely understand. And you're boasting about this topic and calling me crazy and saying that I need to take mediaction etc...is an indication that of how much of a close minded individual you are.

Why don't you read the whole thread before accusing me of being crazy...

Fact: a dogs sense of smell is superior to a humans..Is that true or am I just being crazy?

Fact: a cheetah can run faster than a human, therefore the land speed that a cheetah can achieve is superior to a human

Fact: a human is smarter than a dog, a trait that makes a human superior to a dog in that sense.

I stated above in one of my other posts that humans are more superior to other animals with regards to some traits and some animals are superior to humans with regards to other traits. Am I right or am I wrong about that? These facts don't seem crazy to me but rather are common knowledge right?

I never said that my dog talks to me or that my cat is telepathic. You're putting words into my mouth just because I believe that animals have emotions.

Elephants have a strong family and generational bond with one another. Now are those bonds instinctual or are they emoitional. You 'teabag' would say that they are 'instinctual'. Aren't instincts also emotional?

Just because I believe that animals have emotions doesn't mean that I'm saying that my dog talks to me or that my cat has ESP.

Obviously this discussion is moot. I don't think that there's anything wrong with what you believe nor did I ever claim that people who don't believe the same things I do are crazy or that they are bad people.

But for you 'teabag' to ridicule my beliefs, tell me to go take my medication and that I'm crazy doesn't show me how intelligent you are but rather how much of an 'Idiot' you are to stoop to grade school levels of making fun of peoples beliefs instead of seeking to understand their point of view weather or not you believe in them...

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Here's some reading on the topic of animals having emotions written by researchers from Oxford and Cambride University. I gues these people should be locked up and put into striaght jackets for being crazy also right 'cupoftea'?


And a book that Charles Darwin Wrote on the subject, but I guess he was crazy also...


And if farm animals have some sense of feelings and emotions I would imagine that higher animals have more so..


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