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Secret Societies .....

Guest mursa

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Guest mursa

..on the History channel ..

..the story about secret societies such as the Skull n Bones of Yale ( bush and W were part of it , fdr , among others) , the Illuminati , Foreign relations , etc ..............

...really interesting stuff , and most def something for conspiracy theorists .

if true , then we are being ruled by a very select few ! :o creepy stuff .

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Guest mursa

Some interesting stuff ...for example .

...do you know that the Top of the pyramid in our dollar bills ....that tip of the pyramid with the "ever seeing eye" .... is a symbol of the illuminati secret society .

..names of prominent people as the leaders of World Bank , World Trade Organization, UN ........it even gets into saying that GLOBALIZATION is a product of their ideas ....a New World Order ( even Bush senior said this during his State of the Union Address in the early 90's)

Some really fucked up stuff .........if even 33% is accurate .....we've all been duped !

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Guest codequeen

read a book on secret societies and the conspiracy of AIDs, which was, according to book, created to get rid of black people and gay people. It was really freaky.

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Guest JMT

read a book on secret societies and the conspiracy of AIDs, which was, according to book, created to get rid of black people and gay people. It was really freaky.


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read a book on secret societies and the conspiracy of AIDs, which was, according to book, created to get rid of black people and gay people. It was really freaky.

Double ::) ::) <Bites tongue in order not to unleash early morning Redline rush.

plausible deniability, cell's exist, Dick Cheney might know a thing or 2 about em :-X, that is all end rant.


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Guest durrtylexx

here's my take on this secret society stuff. if there any i don't care, i'm not part of them.

i have mason friends and blah blah blah friends.

i dont give a fuck.

i spent years (pot smoking years) reading on this stuff and that shit gets you parranoid.

if you guys wanna read something read Behold a Pale Horse.

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Guest mursa

Whatever you opinion , the fact remains that SECRET SOCIETIES DO EXIST .........

..now the question is if they really are "ruling in the shadows", or how much "influence" they really have .

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Guest JMT

there are dozens of "secret societies" on every single college campus in this country. they're called fraternities. the clems who ran mine probably all still stroke each other to this day, whether its business deals, favors, joint ventures, etc. and its going to be the same thing anywhere... academic groups, free masons, elks club, any old-mens moose lodge...

btw, john kerry was also a member of the skulls.

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Guest mursa

there are dozens of "secret societies" on every single college campus in this country. they're called fraternities. the clems who ran mine probably all still stroke each other to this day, whether its business deals, favors, joint ventures, etc. and its going to be the same thing anywhere... academic groups, free masons, elks club, any old-mens moose lodge...

btw, john kerry was also a member of the skulls.

as was Franklin Delanor Roosevelt .........lets not make this a republican/democrat issue

Fraternities (the stereotypical college) aren't worried about foreign affair, world policies ...there is a diff here .

And to the best of my knowledge the heads of Nato, Un , and World Bank didnt belong ALPHA BETA KAPPA in the university of nebraska .

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Guest JMT

there are dozens of "secret societies" on every single college campus in this country. they're called fraternities. the clems who ran mine probably all still stroke each other to this day, whether its business deals, favors, joint ventures, etc. and its going to be the same thing anywhere... academic groups, free masons, elks club, any old-mens moose lodge...

btw, john kerry was also a member of the skulls.

as was Franklin Delanor Roosevelt .........lets not make this a republican/democrat issue

Fraternities (the stereotypical college) aren't worried about foreign affair, world policies ...there is a diff here .

And to the best of my knowledge the heads of Nato, Un , and World Bank didnt belong ALPHA BETA KAPPA in the university of nebraska .

im not doubting the show was interesting. however, its all the same principle no matter what level. social groups will look out for their own. the skulls are a glorified fraternity, which happens to be at a prestigious institution of higher education, which breeds a few people with money and power who eventually become leaders.

we already know the UN is corrupt. its a group of politician's politicians.

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Guest Spankmeister

Secret Societies are real, yes...

But I think they are glorified in the US for one reason, and one reason alone...

America was not founded on a Monarchy, as were MOST of the other 'civilized' nations...

I lived in Europe for a few years, and in the UK, if you were Royalty, then you just were....it wasn't something that you could aspire to, you had Royal Blood in you or you didn't...

In the US, we don't have a 'Monarchy' of sorts...but really, it is more of a economic ladder...People with money are the 'Royalty' of the US...I don't mean the Mark Cubans of the economic upper class...I am talking OLD money....Money that has been around for generations...

So, in the US, instead of knowing that there is corruption and back room dealing going on with the Govt and 'Royalty', we have to compensate for that by the conspiracy theories of Secret Societies...

Not to say that they don't play a part, because they do, but the Mason's were around WAY before Skull and Bones...do a google on them and you get 79035867376205489 hits about that 'club'...LOL

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Guest mursa

...the first major secret society was the "crusaders of prion" ( i just forgot the name ) ,during the 1000-1300 or so , until they were dismantled by the pope ..... then the survivers suposedly fled to Scotland became the FreeMasons .......... from their on came to the Us in the late 1700's .

blah blah thats the story in a nutshell as i understood .

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The illegal Mexicans rulling Central Florida is a secret society of its own...they have a plan, live w/ 5-10 ppl in a 1br apt, whistle to one another on the street, walk in groups, play soccer in tennis courts, n people under estimate them thinking they r low wage construction works...they say for every mexican worker equals 3 rednecks...u know some serious shit is going down...

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Guest Spankmeister

The illegal Mexicans rulling Central Florida is a secret society of its own...they have a plan, live w/ 5-10 ppl in a 1br apt, whistle to one another on the street, walk in groups, play soccer in tennis courts, n people under estimate them thinking they r low wage construction works...they say for every mexican worker equals 3 rednecks...u know some serious shit is going down...

Dude, you got some insight...start up a website on that

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The illegal Mexicans rulling Central Florida is a secret society of its own...they have a plan, live w/ 5-10 ppl in a 1br apt, whistle to one another on the street, walk in groups, play soccer in tennis courts, n people under estimate them thinking they r low wage construction works...they say for every mexican worker equals 3 rednecks...u know some serious shit is going down...

Dude, you got some insight...start up a website on that


true shit that happens around this part of town

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