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Growing Pot


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I hsave a question for all you pot growers. I just started my plant and its about 3 inches tall with four leaves. I put a light a top, but i think its growing to fast and too tall and its getting top heavy. I give it light 24 hours. What should i do, Is this normal? cwm24.gif

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Too much light.

There are loads of growing FAQ's on the net, they are very good but you are definatly giving them double the amount of light they need.

Your going to need to get a good FAQ as when you come to sex them, if you havent done it before you can mess everything up.

Also where did you get your seeds? If you just plucked them out of your weed, forget it. You may as well throw them away and start again... there are people online that can supply good seeds which is just about the most impotatant thing.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

I can resist anything but temptation.


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Originally posted by thewedge:

Unless you're a botanist and have access to the correct metal halide lights and such, growing weed is a waste of time. Unless you're just doing it for fun. Getting the things to bud is a bitch and you usually just end up with dried leaves that do nothing but give you a headache.

Sorry i disagree with this. Weed is VERY easy to grow. Just get a FAQ, all you really need is some good lights on a timer. And some good fertiliser.

Here is a FAQ, not the best but it will do.

DOnt beleive the hype about the seeds. You need to buy them in. If not go for the biggest darkest seeds.



I want to go out blazing not fade away.

I can resist anything but temptation.


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Originally posted by thewedge:

Unless you're a botanist and have access to the correct metal halide lights and such, growing weed is a waste of time. Unless you're just doing it for fun. Getting the things to bud is a bitch and you usually just end up with dried leaves that do nothing but give you a headache.

It's all about the light cycle if you want them to bud. It's best to to a 18 hour day - 6 hours light 12 hours darkness. It must be complete darkness because any light whatsoever destroys the hormone the causes budding. I definitely will have to agree with Back2basics on seeds. If you don't have good seeds you ain't gonna get shit. Check out www.hightimes.com for good growing information.


I'm gonna go hit the pipe now...

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I'm not going to say growing is easy. You need more than just FAQ's though. You need the right lights the timers set right , fresh air circulating and you have to know your shit when it comes to adding nutrients and chemicals. The best thing to do is find a growing guide and experiment until it works to your satisfaction. Your best bet would be to invest in some High Times Magazines, and just read some of their articles. Also see what kind of books you can buy for tips in a bookstore. Last but not least you should buy seeds to grow this way you know there good and also you know what type of plant you are growing. Such as: Sativa's or indiga's. Just experiment and learn from your mistakes.


Keep it as cool as the other side of the pillow .

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YO !! The stem of the plant gets strong from being outside trying to stand against the wind and directing its leaves toward the sun . Make sure the light is at least 3 to 4 feet away from the top of the plant at all times, so the plant tries to stretch toward the light. You may have to tie the plant to a stick or something that will hold it up . Also don't kill it with to much light.



Keep it as cool as the other side of the pillow .

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