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Guest mp3some

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Guest mp3some

I wanted to share this with you all...

Please take a minute to read this and, even if you think this topic does not particularly interest you, please forward on to anyone you know who you think might find this interesting.


Dear NRDC Supporter,

The Bush Administration and Congressional leaders are shamelessly exploiting

Hurricane Katrina as the latest excuse to hand over the Arctic National

Wildlife Refuge to the oil industry.

Given the massive oil spills still devastating the Gulf Coast, it defies belief

that our leaders are rushing headlong to hand over America's greatest wildlife

sanctuary to the oil lobby.

Instead of making America more energy efficient -- the fastest way to meet our

energy needs and avoid oil supply shocks -- they would sponsor yet another

corporate raid on our natural heritage.

This cynical exploitation of a national tragedy has revealed, as nothing else

could, the complete bankruptcy of President Bush's pro-polluter energy

policies -- policies inspired by nineteenth-century oil barons.

Five years of coddling the oil industry has given us higher gas prices and left

us more vulnerable than ever to oil shortages -- not to mention oil spills, air

pollution, despoiled public lands, and catastrophic global warming.

You and I must not let the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge become the next

preventable casualty of this president's failed policies.

Within the next few weeks, Congress will cast its make-or-break vote on a

Budget Reconciliation Bill that would allow oil drilling in the Arctic Refuge.

I urge you to pour your heart and soul into defeating that bill.

If you've alerted five friends to the urgency of this effort, mobilize five



Make a donation so that the NRDC Action Fund can run ads mobilizing the public

in key Congressional districts:


Write a personal, hand-written letter to your Representative:


Please do what it takes to win. Because all the beauty and wildness we've

worked so hard to protect over the past 30 years could be lost in a single day.

We can win this fight, but only if we build overwhelming public pressure on

Congress one person at a time. Thank you for joining with me to make it happen.


Robert Redford

NRDC Action Fund

I urge you to take action... just a few clicks will help make a difference...


.- 8)

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Guest slamminshaun

ANWR is over 1.5 million square miles. How many square miles of ANWR are they proposing drilling in? How about three!!! Yes, 3.

If you want to pay more at the pump, that's your business. We must develop alternatives to fossil fuels, however, we need relief now!! I don't see how 3 square miles out of 1.5 million square miles is going to destroy all the wildlife up there...

Signing this petition is to support high oil prices. You decide.

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Guest mp3some

ANWR is over 1.5 million square miles. How many square miles of ANWR are they proposing drilling in? How about three!!! Yes' date=' 3.

If you want to pay more at the pump, that's your business. We must develop alternatives to fossil fuels, however, we need relief now!! I don't see how 3 square miles out of 1.5 million square miles is going to destroy all the wildlife up there...

Signing this petition is to support high oil prices. You decide.


You have got to be kidding me......

Do you actually think that by tapping those reserves you will feel a difference in prices at the pump?!?!?!?!?!?!

Let's do this shaun: Please inform yourself before making such direct and uneducated connections between the actual facts and the canned excuse of a reason for covering the real motives being fed to the uneducated masses...


1. Projected Annual Consumption Vs Potential Annual Arctic Refuge Oil Production (Includes numbers on actual area to be exploited) AND

2. Fuel Economy Savings Vs Potential Arctic Refuge Oil Production

3. The real solution: A Smarter Energy Policy (somewhat of an oxymoron in and of itself for this administration btw)

Go ahead... Read on. ;)

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Guest LdySphynx

Ok' date=' but why go through so much trouble to protect 3 square miles where no wildlife even exists?

[/quote']So they can run around NAKED :P!?!

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Guest mp3some

Ok' date=' but why go through so much trouble to protect 3 square miles where no wildlife even exists?


Did u miss a pargraph or somn..?? ??

Anyway, Here's Why:

Dear Friend,

No one voted on Election Day to destroy the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

But President Bush is now claiming a mandate to do exactly that.

Congress will soon cast a decisive vote that could turn America's greatest sanctuary for Arctic wildlife into a vast, polluted oil field.

Even worse, they are evading public debate on this devastating measure by hiding it in the "budget reconciliation" bill.

Please go to http://www.nrdcactionfund.org/arcticphotos/photos.asp right now and send a message telling your U.S. senators and representative to reject this sneak attack on the Arctic Refuge.

Don't believe for a second that the president is targeting the Arctic Refuge for the sake of America's energy security or to lower gas prices at the pump.

President Bush knows full well that oil drilled in the Arctic Refuge would take ten years to get to market and would never equal more than a paltry one or two percent of our nation's daily consumption. Simply put, sacrificing the crown jewel of our wildlife heritage would do nothing to reduce gas prices or break our addiction to Persian Gulf oil.

But if the raid on the Arctic Refuge isn't really about gas prices or energy security, then what is it about?

It's the symbolism.

The Arctic Refuge represents everything spectacular and everything endangered about America's natural heritage. It embodies a million years of ecological serenity . . . a vast stretch of pristine wilderness . . . an irreplaceable birthing ground for polar bears, caribou and white wolves.

It is the greatest living reminder that conserving nature in its wild state is a core American value. It stands for every remnant of wilderness that we, as a people, have wisely chosen to protect from the relentless march of bulldozers, chain saws and oil rigs.

And that's why the Bush administration is dead set on destroying it.

By unlocking the Arctic Refuge, they hope to open the door for oil, gas and coal giants to invade our last and best wild places: our western canyonlands, our ancient forests, our coastal waters, even our national monuments.

This is the real agenda behind the raid on the Arctic Refuge and the entire Bush-Cheney energy plan: to transfer our public estate into corporate hands so it can be liquidated for a quick buck.

Tom DeLay (R-TX) admitted as much when he said this battle over the Arctic Refuge is really a fight over whether energy exploration will be allowed in similarly sensitive areas in the future.

"It's about precedent," Rep. DeLay said.

I take him at his word. If we let the president and Congress plunder the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for the sake of oil company profits, then no piece of our natural heritage will be safe from wholesale destruction.

Please go to http://www.nrdcactionfund.org/arcticphotos/photos.asp and tell your senators and representative to vote against any budget bill that would destroy the Arctic Refuge.

And thank you for speaking out at this critical time.


Robert Redford

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Guest junglesmacks

Ok' date=' but why go through so much trouble to protect 3 square miles where no wildlife even exists?



and um.. have you been to those said 3 square miles to say that "no wildlife exists"?

and i wont even start to go in to how this is just yet another incident of complete disregard towards the good of mankind by the current administration.. forever thinking of the immediate returns to this countries economic well being and nothing more..


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Guest slamminshaun

No, I've never been to the 3 square miles in question, but then again....NEITHER has Robert Redford. Those pictures Robert Redford has linked you to, are NOT the 3 square miles they propose drilling. Yes, I have seen pictures of the 3 square miles they plan on drilling in and its nothing but frozen tundra. No wildlife, no trees, no greenery, nothing.

Robert Redford is an actor, NOT a scientist. Why liberals put so much weight on what Hollywood elitists say is beyond me. They are just actors, nothing more. Next, I suppose you're going to quote Barbara Streisand and Martin Sheen as expert witnesses for ANWR.

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