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Now i just started poppin x. I've only tripped like 15 times this year.

Twice or three times a month i take 1 or 2 pills when i hit a club wit my crew.

But last nite i met this girl from jersey at tunnel and she started bugging out.

I had to leave at around 6 but she started wilin' out cause she popped a hit from her friend.

I had to leave but i told some girl she was with to watch out for her.

Now what if i stayed and she started really scaring me, what do you do if someone has a really bad trip.

Cause I heard of people dying at Twilo and shit so I'm just asking so I can help out my friends if they need it.

Any of you older club hoppers can give some advice on this.

Or bad effects from K or acid, but mostly this question is about e.

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i think you did the right thing by making sure that someone was still watching her. if you leave her with someone decent, then they'll do what you would do to help (if she needed further assistence) and relay the watch to someone else decent if they had to leave

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Sit ehr down somewhere where it is not too crowded, give her some water and fresh air is good. More importantly, talk to her and assure her that everything is ok, everything is going to be ok, assure her she is not losing her mind and that it is just the drug and it will wear off soon. Just be there to comfort her, it sounds gay- but a hug and some reassuring words will go a long way.

If you see that it really could be something serious, she stops breathing or something, then you should get security or some kind of medical attention quickly.


"There was a time before we were born when the soul of each one of us decreed that we be brought into life. We have all made a place for ourselves on this earth, each life precious, each path different. But we all share the same goal of inner peace and it is there within us all to be discovered, and it can only be discovered through love."

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all drugs affect all people differently but for the mostt part we all can control a great deal of our trips. if you are with some one who is wigging out-yes hugs and words are good. no-they are great but also do this...get her/him to close their eyes and focus on your voice. keep your voice smooth and even and sort of firm. tell them to breathe measured breaths. breathe with them. after ten or so have them open their eyes. tell them that they are in control. rubbing hands (massage style) will help them concentrate on something else. which is the whole point. stay with them and give them the impression you are the guide. give them something else to foucs on other htaann the freaking out...hence the breathing to get them inn touch with themselves and you and the massage to put them in touch with their physcial bodies on the outside. tactile sense is a good way to ground. also what i always do with my friends is we have grounding points...so if one of us is alone and freaking out we can calm ourselves down. the basic is we sit. breathe. and sing. just beats or whatever and have always found that it brings us back to where we wanted to be in tthe first place. this is of course if they are on lsd or e. find out what they are on. if ist something else this may work as well but ghb-do not let ttheem sleep. under any circumstances. or drink alcohol.

go to http://www.erowid.org for more info.


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oooooo reassuring words go a reeeeeeally long way!!! w/ the 1 bad experience i've had, the only thing that really helped me calm down was someone telling me that i *would* eventually go back to normal.. i don't know what i would've done if there hadn't been someone there to confirm that for me...



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Originally posted by e-tarded:

tiestoisgod & hush excellents posts smile.gif

Nice! Compliment from the master smile.gif

And on a side note, to the last point of this thread, where would you be rolling where you could even get coffee?


"There was a time before we were born when the soul of each one of us decreed that we be brought into life. We have all made a place for ourselves on this earth, each life precious, each path different. But we all share the same goal of inner peace and it is there within us all to be discovered, and it can only be discovered through love."

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I agree that if you have somebody who is just nice to you and try to talk with you helps. I had bad trip 2 weeks ago and I was so happy my friends were there with me. They talked to me, were hugging me, they were just nice and just kept saying it's OK, you'll be fine, it's overhelming now but it will go away... so it helped me really very much. And I just tryied to keep myself calm and was telling myself, it's ok, you can control yourself just don't freak out... But that feeling is disgusting frown.gif Don't wanna have that again!

So make sure you have somebody who can take care of you when you do something. For me the worst thing what can happend to you is to stay alone when you are in situation like that. If you'll see somebody in the club who looks like scared and alone, go to say hi, are you OK? Even this can help.

Be safe Amalka

Love Amalka


I've told myself so many times before

But this time I think I mean it for sure

We have reached a full stop

Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"


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The first thing my boyfriend told me when I first started tripping, was that most bad trips are in your head (I'm sure thats not totally true though) he said his one rule for E is "no bad thoughts" he said if your thinking about bad things, then you will feel like shit, and as silly as it may sound it works for me. I was having a bad trip once, and he knew it, he knew that I was thinking about something that happened earlier, and all he had to say was "remember No Bad Thoughts!" and I swear to god as soon as he said that, and I cleared my head of all the bad thoughts and I had one of the best trips ever. So thats my motto, as soon as I put that pill in my mouth, no matter what I had on my mind before I let it go, and concentrate on having a good time.

everyone is different, but thats what works for me.

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What is this, the school for hypnotizing people on drugs?

Originally posted by hush:

all drugs affect all people differently but for the mostt part we all can control a great deal of our trips. if you are with some one who is wigging out-yes hugs and words are good. no-they are great but also do this...get her/him to close their eyes and focus on your voice. keep your voice smooth and even and sort of firm. tell them to breathe measured breaths. breathe with them. after ten or so have them open their eyes. tell them that they are in control. rubbing hands (massage style) will help them concentrate on something else. which is the whole point. stay with them and give them the impression you are the guide. give them something else to foucs on other htaann the freaking out...hence the breathing to get them inn touch with themselves and you and the massage to put them in touch with their physcial bodies on the outside. tactile sense is a good way to ground. also what i always do with my friends is we have grounding points...so if one of us is alone and freaking out we can calm ourselves down. the basic is we sit. breathe. and sing. just beats or whatever and have always found that it brings us back to where we wanted to be in tthe first place. this is of course if they are on lsd or e. find out what they are on. if ist something else this may work as well but ghb-do not let ttheem sleep. under any circumstances. or drink alcohol.

go to <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.erowid.org" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://www.erowid.org</A> for more info.




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i have friends that had bad trips and nice words and hugs and water all help don't yell that does not help at all. someone did that to me and it did not help at all. i had a bad trip on labor day wkd the girl i was with talked to me huged me and feed me water. remember it is just the drugs and u do come out of it.remember no bad thoughts.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I haven't had to deal with anything really bad, but have had to deal with pills containing "DXM" which I am still not really sure if it is this or something else.

The problem is that the pill does almost exactly the opposite of quality MDMA. It sucks all the energy out of your legs, makes everything really spacey and causes loss of orientation. MOST OF ALL IT SLOWS EVERYTHING DOWN. I know twilo like the back of my hand and I felt lost for a bit a couple a months ago when it happened to me.

The most important thing is to be aware of your own and others' reactions to something you take. One trip to TWILO a friend of mine took a different pill than me (I had some good CKs), A DAMN REPUBLICAN LOOKING ELEPHANT SYMBOL ON IT, and started to hang on to me and told me he didn't feel so on it. I thought it might be the same sort of shit that messed me up so I just kept him close and gave him water until it wore off and he was better.

Always make sure that there is someone in control and b-ware.

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