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My friend tested these with his testing kit. They turned out to be pure speed. The word on pillreports.com is that it is an extremely large amount of amphetamines. Stay far far away from these things. I know I will...

E-tarded, sorry to hear about what happened..but glad 2 hear ur ok..



...aND oN THaT NoTe, LeTS GeT BaCK To THe PRoGRaM...

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Question??? how do you know you are getting yellow ck's, is their a certain kinda mark on the pill??? or do the dealers market them this way?? i have not taken a pill in months and was planning on getting some soon.......any advice on how to aviod these would be cool!!! thanks guys......peace...


"The Road of Excess Leads to the Palace of Wisdom" - Morrison

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Easily the pills are yellowish in color, and have the letters CK imprinted on them. If you plan on buying some pills, I would suggest in investing in a testing kit from www.dancesafe.org Also make sure you know the person you are buying from. You may also want to check out dancesafe again in the pill testing section and also check out www.pillreports.com None of these sites promote drug use, but they are trying to help us out so we know what we can expect or what to watch out for.



Four Simple Words To Live By....


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hey etarded.......thanx buddy......trust me i always know the guys i buy pills from and have never had a prob!!! i was just wondering if there could be a random chance that i could pick one up by mistake.......anyways cwm45.gif ......thankx again!


"The Road of Excess Leads to the Palace of Wisdom" - Morrison

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any possibility those pills were PMA? it's been going around a lot lately and if you only took one pill, you could have just been slammed to the gills on it. PMA's an amphetamine base too, it's just _very_ potent, so the raised heartrate and skin crawling effect could've been it. glad you are okay dude.



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Nah I popped 5 of the Yellow Cks they definitely not PMA. I would of cooked my insides if it was. According to some people who have tested the pills they came up as speed. Also a friend of mine is a chemist and he said the pills contained mostly meth.



Four Simple Words To Live By....


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