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Why 2005 Sucked Monster Balls

Guest b00tyman07

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Guest b00tyman07

one more year is over, but personally, this one left a bad taste in my mouth and i have a feeling im not the only one. so let it all out folks, let everyone know your gripes with this shitty year be it personal, social, economical, whatever.

my own

death of an aunt

hurricane katrina

Pope John Paul II died

horrible spring semester

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Guest jbit

No electricity for 2 1/2 weeks

No cable/internet for a month

Higher real estate costs (not bad if you own)

Higher insurance premiums

Higher condo assoc fees

Higher gas prices

Higher FPL bills

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Guest Slide On The Ice

one more year is over, but personally, this one left a bad taste in my mouth and i have a feeling im not the only one. so let it all out folks, let everyone know your gripes with this shitty year be it personal, social, economical, whatever.

my own

death of an aunt

hurricane katrina

Pope John Paul II died

horrible spring semester

First off, sorry about your aunt. Second, my list would be too long if I jotted down everything that went wrong for me in 2005.

My mother died at the end of 2004 after a 2 year fight with breast cancer, during which time I was her caretaker and had no life other than watching her suffer a slow death. So going into 2005, I was still trying to get over that. Also at the end of '04, one week before my mother went into hospice, and then 2 weeks after she died, one of my cousins was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, and another cousin with terminal lung cancer. So 2004 ended bad, and 2005 started out bad for my whole family.

Breaking out of the vice grip of those two years, of feeling hopeless and miserable, was very hard. Then I met a woman who was crazy about me and she made me believe in myself, and that she would help me to be happy and at peace in my life and gave me hope that she would be in my life for the long term, and it wasn't until the day after she left me high and dry that I realized I'd fallen in love with her. While on the first vacation I'd taken in years, I overreacted and fell to pieces and within my circle of friends I lost a few friends I used to be close to. Falling for that woman had a far reaching fucked up affect on me.

I was miserable in a job of 11 years that I hated, working for a company that didn't give a shit about me or any of its people. I hated it every day, while my dreams and goals since I was a kid continued to gather dust.

I struggled financially and lost a lot of money in different places.

I lent money to friends to help them out in their time of need, and never got the money back.

I trusted a family friend to be my mortgage broker, and although I moved into a nice condo that I finally bought last month, I got trapped into paying 9,000 extra into that prick's pockets.

I got into an argument with the owner of a message board I was a member of for 3 years, an after affect of the woman who broke my heart (the argument was), and got banned from that board and lost friendships with online friends there.

I messed up and missed a bill payment, and lost my health insurance, with pre-existing conditions.

I walked off my job 3 weeks ago because I was fed up with stressing out over holding things together there, while my life fell apart at home. I do have a new career lined up to start in a week and a half, that is going to make me good money.

There is a lot more, a year of increasing stress and tension, but I'll hold back from making this thread too dark and depressing.

All in all, 2005 was a hard, painful year, and there were very few events and incidents to make a difference in the dark shroud that clouded it for me. It's been a tough 3 years all together.

Good fucking riddance, 2005. I hated you, but you hated me first.

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Guest b00tyman07

Let's all hope and pray for a new year filled with recovery, renewal, and rebuilding. there was too much destruction this year. bring on 06

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Guest Miss_Digital

Yeah..2005 sucked monster balls for me too. It was a complete disaster for me. I won't even go into details.

hopefully things should be lookin up for 06 sweety ;)

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