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Guest coach

Why is it that I tend to get a slight sore throat when I find myself utterly stressed or when my body is lacking sufficient rest? Does this sound normal? I mean, can a sore throat be caused by stress?

Yes. I know of a good cure, though.

Which is?

Um, not fit for polite company. Heh.
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Guest Electric Eel

Why is it that I tend to get a slight sore throat when I find myself utterly stressed or when my body is lacking sufficient rest? Does this sound normal? I mean, can a sore throat be caused by stress?

Its your bodies way of telling you its going through too much. Make sure you are taking vitamins so you dont get sick young lady

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Guest Clauds

Why is it that I tend to get a slight sore throat when I find myself utterly stressed or when my body is lacking sufficient rest? Does this sound normal? I mean, can a sore throat be caused by stress?

Its your bodies way of telling you its going through too much. Make sure you are taking vitamins so you dont get sick young lady

Well, I take vitamin C on a daily basis so that's one less vitamin intake to worry about...lol. I refuse to get sick any time soon.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I wish my wife would just STFU. Nag' date=' nag, nag...

[/quote']Well I agree with her nagging 100%..... You should get rid of the SUV :P

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Guest slamminshaun

I wish my wife would just STFU. Nag, nag, nag...

Well I agree with her nagging 100%..... You should get rid of the SUV :P

Correction: I wish Terry would just STFU. SUV's, SUV's, SUV's...

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Guest junglesmacks


...so i'm in tahoe snowboarding at Heavenly.. meandering my way through the trees after a 2 1/2 foot powder dump.. takin my time.. trippin on life.. and what do I see just sitting there checkin the world out...

a brown bear. no shit.

..so i sat there just trippin.. at first a little scared.. i'll admit.. and then after i noticed that the bear obviously couldn't care less that i was there, i just hung out. i must have sat for at least 30 mins.. just watching other people fly through the woods not even knowing what was there.. and watching the bear just watch everyone else totally relaxed.. lookin at me, licking himself, lookin around.. it was honestly pretty incredible.

seems a somewhat basic thought but it totally struck me how we are so not the only creatures on this planet. how rediculously ignorant of mankind to treat this beautiful earth as if he were the only one on it.. creating wars... polluting.. living as if there was no tomorrow but only the hope for a bigger SUV.. it was just.. humbling.


thought i'd share..

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Guest swirlundergrounder


...so i'm in tahoe snowboarding at Heavenly.. meandering my way through the trees after a 2 1/2 foot powder dump.. takin my time.. trippin on life.. and what do I see just sitting there checkin the world out...

a brown bear. no shit.

..so i sat there just trippin.. at first a little scared.. i'll admit.. and then after i noticed that the bear obviously couldn't care less that i was there, i just hung out. i must have sat for at least 30 mins.. just watching other people fly through the woods not even knowing what was there.. and watching the bear just watch everyone else totally relaxed.. lookin at me, licking himself, lookin around.. it was honestly pretty incredible.

seems a somewhat basic thought but it totally struck me how we are so not the only creatures on this planet. how rediculously ignorant of mankind to treat this beautiful earth as if he were the only one on it.. creating wars... polluting.. living as if there was no tomorrow but only the hope for a bigger SUV.. it was just.. humbling.


thought i'd share..

That's a crazy familiar picture. It looks a lot like the place where I almost got thrown off a horse during a trail ride in Tahoe a few years back.
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Guest junglesmacks

..yeah the view from the top of the mountain is incredible! sometimes i totally have to just stop mid-run and just absorb what i'm seeing.. it looks so surreal its wild..

..so yeah.. i know im missing gg and this and that and blah blah blah but like i text'd back to diogo when he woke my 3-timezones-behind-ass up at 5 am to tell me about morillo..

screw gg... i'm in crystal clear mountain air with no attitudes, jacked prices, OR liver disease.. beat that! ;D

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Guest dahzel

today was my first day off since i started my job ;D. went to check out st martin and go shoppping. the prices of clothes and liquor are super cheap...in the right places. almost got a bottle of absynth (only$13) but decided against it

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..yeah the view from the top of the mountain is incredible! sometimes i totally have to just stop mid-run and just absorb what i'm seeing.. it looks so surreal its wild..

..so yeah.. i know im missing gg and this and that and blah blah blah but like i text'd back to diogo when he woke my 3-timezones-behind-ass up at 5 am to tell me about morillo..

screw gg... i'm in crystal clear mountain air with no attitudes, jacked prices, OR liver disease.. beat that! ;D


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Guest Slide On The Ice

No respect for the Slide, no love but love denied

No one said happy birthday and he went to bed and cried :'(

hahahaha...just kidding...he jumped on a board and rode the tide, and got wet and wild on a wild ride! ;D

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Guest Miss_Digital

I wish i was Rich.

Rich as in filthy Rich,

No need to work for money Rich,

Thinking of ways to make the world a better place, Rich.

Maybe I should play the lotto, or marry a Rich bitch.

(Odds are probably higher on the second one).

Or i can just keep working my ass off........ wait till im 50 or 60somn and hope i dont die on the way....

Decisions Decisions........ :-\

brother man, i'm right there with ya

i fucking hate working.

being poor sucks monkey balls >:(

blah end rant... :P

i can't wait till conference.. 8)

us chicks also work hard too

i feel u boys :-[

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Guest Miss_Digital

I love-smiley-057.gif Winter Music Conference.

(11 years baby!)

happy holiday my fellow cool junkies... ;)

its like my Chirstmas

"its the most wonderful time of the year" :P

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Guest ddg




sorry for yelling.. :)

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Guest Marina22


...so i'm in tahoe snowboarding at Heavenly.. meandering my way through the trees after a 2 1/2 foot powder dump.. takin my time.. trippin on life.. and what do I see just sitting there checkin the world out...

a brown bear. no shit.

..so i sat there just trippin.. at first a little scared.. i'll admit.. and then after i noticed that the bear obviously couldn't care less that i was there, i just hung out. i must have sat for at least 30 mins.. just watching other people fly through the woods not even knowing what was there.. and watching the bear just watch everyone else totally relaxed.. lookin at me, licking himself, lookin around.. it was honestly pretty incredible.

seems a somewhat basic thought but it totally struck me how we are so not the only creatures on this planet. how rediculously ignorant of mankind to treat this beautiful earth as if he were the only one on it.. creating wars... polluting.. living as if there was no tomorrow but only the hope for a bigger SUV.. it was just.. humbling.


thought i'd share..

Nice picture, I guess the bear's not in it though. I went to Tahoe on a family Grizwald trip in 95' but in the summer. Nevertheless, we stayed in that resort in Squaw Valley and went to the top of the mountain in the cable car. Tahoe was the highlight of that trip since it is so beautiful, too bad we weren't skiing though. I would've missed GG if I had a chance to ski. Got any more pics? Hope you had an awesome trip.

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Guest Slide On The Ice

Meeting an online friend for the first time tomorrow, in Miami. Gonna rock. Can't wait to see her. Also possibly meeting up with Orisha and some more Miami peeps. Looking forward to it.

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