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How come Roland is not playing UMF or GG?

V. Barbarino

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Guest dudeitzdiesel

Centrino who the fuck are you to talk that house of shit out of your ass? Don't talk shit about Roland's management when you don't even know who your talking about...that's my 2 cents

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Guest Clutch

OK, so we've got the 1st two brown....or should i say ass kissers, 1. dudeits playedout diezel, WHY ISN'T POLAND PLAYING???? answer the question WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY,very simple, he neeeeeeds a new manager!!!!

2. clutch, get an education!

I heard you were on your way to The SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS...Let us know how it feels....

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BAD management, if Rolands talent is managed properly he would be a star in this town, considering how good he is, but has'nt got that far.

my 2cents!!



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BAD management, if Rolands talent is managed properly he would be a star in this town, considering how good he is, but has'nt got that far.

my 2cents!!



good point, but we are talking about THE biggest electronic music week of the year for just a few hours :-\

and since he's been dj'ing for a while MAYBE he's over it.... Heyy I dont dj but I am ;D

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Guest dudeitzdiesel

Centrino...your a god damn fool to join this message board and have the balls to say roland isn't managed good enough....Roland is the king of the patio....remember that, so if he doesn't spin at UMF OR GG doesn't reflect anything to him or his management. He'll probably spin at a pool party like he was suppose to last year but at the last second he got shut down by the cops...

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Guest Clutch

OK, so we've got the 1st two brown....or should i say ass kissers, 1. dudeits playedout diezel, WHY ISN'T POLAND PLAYING???? answer the question WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY,very simple, he neeeeeeds a new manager!!!!

2. clutch, get an education!

I heard you were on your way to The SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS...Let us know how it feels....

see what i mean, it would'nt be so bad if you did'nt come back with these stupid ass childish responses.


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Guest dudeitzdiesel

Happy Bambino Centrino??? you fucking trash can pussy...go grab your $1.99 glowsticks and rave your happy ass into the ocean

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Guest biznation00

BAD management, if Rolands talent is managed properly he would be a star in this town, considering how good he is, but has'nt got that far.

my 2cents!!

Why dont you come out from behind your screen name & call me or we can meet. Calling me out like that on a message board is pure cowardice. I don't "manage" Roland. That's a full time job I don't have the time to do. I promote him & we are partners thru our parties. Roland & I from friendship to business, have a bond you will never understand. I've been here & have helped him grow & get noticed for over 5 years. You don't know what his lifestyle is like & you don't know what his goals are. So, keep talkin' your game up on the message board like you do Big shot. I'm actually flattered that you have the time to give me the attention.

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Guest BAEZ

BAD management, if Rolands talent is managed properly he would be a star in this town, considering how good he is, but has'nt got that far.

my 2cents!!

Why dont you come out from behind your screen name & call me or we can meet. Calling me out like that on a message board is pure cowardice. I don't "manage" Roland. That's a full time job I don't have the time to do. I promote him & we are partners thru our parties. Roland & I from friendship to business, have a bond you will never understand. I've been here & have helped him grow & get noticed for over 5 years. You don't know what his lifestyle is like & you don't know what his goals are. So, keep talkin' your game up on the message board like you do Big shot. I'm actually flattered that you have the time to give me the attention.

Nicely Said! ;)

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Guest Untouchablepurple

BAD management, if Rolands talent is managed properly he would be a star in this town, considering how good he is, but has'nt got that far.

my 2cents!!

Why dont you come out from behind your screen name & call me or we can meet. Calling me out like that on a message board is pure cowardice. I don't "manage" Roland. That's a full time job I don't have the time to do. I promote him & we are partners thru our parties. Roland & I from friendship to business, have a bond you will never understand. I've been here & have helped him grow & get noticed for over 5 years. You don't know what his lifestyle is like & you don't know what his goals are. So, keep talkin' your game up on the message board like you do Big shot. I'm actually flattered that you have the time to give me the attention.

OWNED !~+!!!!!

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Guest BAEZ

The only difference between this post and the other cool one everyone was talking about it. Is that Biz really knows how to do Bizness!

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Guest musicalmissionary

BAD management, if Rolands talent is managed properly he would be a star in this town, considering how good he is, but has'nt got that far.

my 2cents!!

You don't know what his lifestyle is like & you don't know what his goals are.

I think this is the key. I used to wonder why Roland wasn't splashed all over the place considering he's easily one of Miami's top 3 most talented DJ's. Then I saw him driving away from Nocturnal one Saturday morning in his pimp Benz and it hit me he's doing just fine.

Those of you out there that equate exposure with success are very short-sighted. There's a lot to be said about the merits of being selective with your gigs and the overall frequency of your gigs. There's only so much good music out there. And if a DJ actually cares about not wanting to sound repetitive and played out they need to be very deliberate about how often they play out versus how much time they spend researching new tunes (not necessarily new releases) for their arsenal. Roland might not be the most well-known DJ in Miami, but every time I hear him he rocks the place with varied styles each time. And if that is his personal goal, then he's being "managed" just fine.

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There is two key elements to managing a dj...

1. The dj must be marketable, Roland is

2. The dj must have the drive and want to be superstar, Roland doesnt' have this, and never had this. I respect him for his position, but I wonder, what if he latched onto og 5 years ago, how great he could have been, and how much money he could have earned.

There are people out there like Pat Tillman, we look at them like they are nuts and a waste of talent, but in Pat Tillmans case, we learned there is more to life than money and being famous..

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Guest djRoland

;D So I get back and this!!

Str8 from the horses mouth here it is.

Nick I thank you for being one of the first people who helped get the word out on LC when we first kicked it off.

LC is something Im very proud of and for those who don't know me this party is everything im about and represent. It's NOT a flashy, billboardlike flyer, blow your load early on, headliner's r us, megahyped larger than life party, ...etc you get the point. What it has become is a local gathering of people who fill up the terrace on a weekly basis and REALLY appreciate what I do and how I play as well as the other dj's we bring in. I truly appreciate all the support locally I have received over the years, THIS IS MY MOTIVATION.

Ive been blessed in the past to have been a part of Space for 5 years which has given me financial stability till this day. This brought Biz and myself together and what can I say but a partnership from the start. We have both respected eachother's work and this has been our way since the beginning.

Yes the main reason for my loyalty to my residency locally has always been to provide a unique and better product. I would hope MORE people would appreciate that aspect of me.

I understand that afterhours on a sat morning is not for everyone, therefore opportunities such as GG is very important for me to reach out to those who can't attend LC.

I may not come out and say everything im currently doing or what deals r done etc...

FYI work is in progress with a standout local engineer on my first artist album. It will be finished when I think its good enough to make an impact on a much needed house scene. The GG thing was OK'd a long time ago and I was out of town until this week to confirm everything. Yes I have taken some time off for my honeymoon where I tackled 40ft waves in the North Shore..

Lastly an old saying "grass is always greener"

Some think playing all over the world is the greatest thing on earth. I might not have travelled all over but ive done my share and its fun. But If you ask whats the greatest thing for me? Its giving it to the locals who have made my career every single week. Its my way of giving back.


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;D So I get back and this!!

Str8 from the horses mouth here it is.

Nick I thank you for being one of the first people who helped get the word out on LC when we first kicked it off.

LC is something Im very proud of and for those who don't know me this party is everything im about and represent. It's NOT a flashy, billboardlike flyer, blow your load early on, headliner's r us, megahyped larger than life party, ...etc you get the point. What it has become is a local gathering of people who fill up the terrace on a weekly basis and REALLY appreciate what I do and how I play as well as the other dj's we bring in. I truly appreciate all the support locally I have received over the years, THIS IS MY MOTIVATION.

Ive been blessed in the past to have been a part of Space for 5 years which has given me financial stability till this day. This brought Biz and myself together and what can I say but a partnership from the start. We have both respected eachother's work and this has been our way since the beginning.

Yes the main reason for my loyalty to my residency locally has always been to provide a unique and better product. I would hope MORE people would appreciate that aspect of me.

I understand that afterhours on a sat morning is not for everyone, therefore opportunities such as GG is very important for me to reach out to those who can't attend LC.

I may not come out and say everything im currently doing or what deals r done etc...

FYI work is in progress with a standout local engineer on my first artist album. It will be finished when I think its good enough to make an impact on a much needed house scene. The GG thing was OK'd a long time ago and I was out of town until this week to confirm everything. Yes I have taken some time off for my honeymoon where I tackled 40ft waves in the North Shore..

Lastly an old saying "grass is always greener"

Some think playing all over the world is the greatest thing on earth. I might not have travelled all over but ive done my share and its fun. But If you ask whats the greatest thing for me? Its giving it to the locals who have made my career every single week. Its my way of giving back.


Dude, you got married and it's ova like Tiger woods when he got married.. :P

see you at GG...

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