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What's up with the power bills lately???

Guest swirlundergrounder

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Guest lulamishka

Check out the front page of today's Miami Herald. There's an article on exactly this subject.

Lazy ass you should have posted it... :P

LoL :P

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Personaly, I like FLA. I'd much rather sweat than freeze any day!

Yeah and if you freeze you run up the heat bill....

Imagine how our power bills are going to be in 2007 if we have another bad hurricane season this year and fuel prices keep rising.

If you're cold, put on a sweater!

If you're hot, spray yourself w/ a garden hose!

The sky is not gonna fall! Personally, I tend to lean towards the idea that Americans will adjust, adapt and move forward.

I've never understood the logic behind "what are we gonna do?, I just can't do it! The sky is falling!, etc.."

I don't have a crystal ball and I'm still shopping for a time machine on ebay, so until then I'll don't know what the future will bring.

I do know that this country revolves around the almighty dollar. So, when energy costs take their toll on our overall economic engine, things WILL change.

In the meantime, my concern is security. W/out it, we're doomed! Nothing else matters!

Where have you been man? I found my time machine on bid.com last month. That's why I can say the things that I do and know that I'm right! :P

There's nothing wrong with being prepared for an energy crunch! I think talking about it even complaining about is more pro-active then just sitting around doing nothing about it. We should consreve intead of over consuming. There's nothing wrong with consuming energy within your means. But consuming energy beyond your means doesn't make sense to me. People should recycle, people should look for alternative forms of energy, people should turn off the lights when not in use.

The rising cost of energy isn't a 'sky is falling issue'. It's an issue that we are going to deal with for a while. These energy prices aren't going to go down. The prices seem to rise drastically annually, we all bitch about it and then it come down to a mean level that's up from the year b4 but tolerable.

Take for instance the rise in gas prices. Just 2 years ago it was what $1.60 for a gallon of gas at the pump? And then it shots up to $3.25 for a while, everyone freaks out, complains and then it go's back down to $2.60. Which is tolerable as compared to the above $3.00 per gallon but is still $1.00 more per gallon from 2 years ago. That's a what? A 65% increase from 2 years ago.

Same thing is happening with the cost of electricity. Look at your power bill as compared to a year ago. That price isn't going to drop. You're paying summer costs in the winter time.

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Guest drlogic

Believe it or not, I'm with ya'! 4 shizzle! lol

conserve, alternative energy exploration, conserve,conserve, conserve.....

I'm from the camp of ideas and alternatives. My examples of back up pwr (be it gas/solar) should indicate that. So, I'm not against "bitching", I just expect to hear an alternative after the bitching. When I don't hear one, I tend to ignore the bitching. That's just the way I'm wired! I don't feel sorry for people who fail to try to pick themselves up PRIOR to asking for help. Those are not the type of people that made this country great. They are the cancer. IMHO,,,,as always!


The history of American ingenuity speaks for itself. America blazes the trail, be it the mass production line, airplane, p.c., internet............I'll bet the farm on America.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Believe it or not, I'm with ya'! 4 shizzle! lol

conserve, alternative energy exploration, conserve,conserve, conserve.....

I'm from the camp of ideas and alternatives. My examples of back up pwr (be it gas/solar) should indicate that. So, I'm not against "bitching", I just expect to hear an alternative after the bitching. When I don't hear one, I tend to ignore the bitching. That's just the way I'm wired! I don't feel sorry for people who fail to try to pick themselves up PRIOR to asking for help. Those are not the type of people that made this country great. They are the cancer. IMHO,,,,as always!


The history of American ingenuity speaks for itself. America blazes the trail, be it the mass production line, airplane, p.c., internet............I'll bet the farm on America.

So if Americans are the so called 'trailblazers' with finding alternative energy sources then explain why it was a Filipino scientist who first discovered how to extract hydrogen out of water and use it as a fuel source?

Perhaps Americans are the trailblazers in 'exploiting' new things....LOL

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Guest drlogic

Off the top of my head, I gave the following examples:

Mass production line invented by FORD

Airplane by the Wright Bros.

PC by Bill Gates

Interent by our military....

How have those 4 things CHANGED THE WORLD?????

HELLO!!!!!!! The plane led to space explorations, satellites, etc..which led to things like microwaves and Tang (LOL).....

You brought up one Flip example which has yet to flower.....

With all do respect, as always,,,BUT PUHHLEEEZ!

Stop hating on America! Those 4 things have CHANGED THE WORLD FOR THE BETTER! And all of them have a USA stamp on it!






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Guest swirlundergrounder

Off the top of my head, I gave the following examples:

Mass production line invented by FORD

Airplane by the Wright Bros.

PC by Bill Gates

Interent by our military....

How have those 4 things CHANGED THE WORLD?????

HELLO!!!!!!! The plane led to space explorations, satellites, etc..which led to things like microwaves and Tang (LOL).....

You brought up one Flip example which has yet to flower.....

With all do respect, as always,,,BUT PUHHLEEEZ!

Stop hating on America! Those 4 things have CHANGED THE WORLD FOR THE BETTER! And all of them have a USA stamp on it!







I know ..I know about those things..I was just messing with you!!!

You forgot the most important thing that changed the world that the U.S invented which was the ability to harness Uranium 233 and detonate a nuclear weapon (well we beat the Germans to it by a narrow margin). Wouldn't you say that single invention even more so than the ones that you mentioned changed and influenced the world in more ways than we could possibly list on a thread.....


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Guest swirlundergrounder


Well, we actually stole those Krout scientists from Hitlers Germany and had them make DA BOMB for us.

we got to do what we got 2 do right?
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Guest drlogic

ain't dat da' troof!

u ain't nevah lie'n!

say it again, son!


big up, big up!


Hail Sileci I, king of kings, lord of lords, conquering lion of Judah!

chichimon skatah!

mash dem batty boyz!

Let Jah be praised!

Release dem chainz and use dem brainz!


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