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Bush faces presure to block port deal

Guest swirlundergrounder

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Guest swirlundergrounder

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush on Monday faced political pressure to block a deal that would give a United Arab Emirates-based company management of six major U.S. seaports.

The Republican chairman of the House Homeland Security panel said the deal should not go through without a complete investigation.

"I would urge the president to freeze the contract, hold this contract, until a full and thorough and complete investigation can be conducted," said New York Rep. Peter King, who has been briefed on the transaction.

He said Americans can't have faith in the company involved because "there was never a thorough investigation done of Dubai Ports."

The deal -- which will affect the ports of New York and New Jersey; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Baltimore, Maryland; Miami, Florida; and New Orleans, Louisiana -- has triggered security concerns among some members of Congress and the public.

The Bush administration has said the UAE is a key ally in the war on terror.

Others, however, point out that two of the September 11, 2001, hijackers were from the UAE. In addition, most of the hijackers received money channeled through various sources based in the UAE, according to the Justice Department and the 9/11 commission.

Earlier this month, shareholders of the U.K.-based Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company (P&O) approved the company's acquisition by Thunder FZE, a subsidiary of Dubai-based Dubai Ports World.

P&O directs commercial operations at the six U.S. ports. The takeover by DPW means that the Dubai company will be in charge of those operations.

On Sunday, Sen. Charles Schumer, a New York Democrat, held a news conference with relatives of some of those killed in the terrorist attacks, and denounced the takeover. (Watch lawmakers call for deal to be stopped -- 2:55)

"Outsourcing the operation of our largest ports to a country with long involvement in terrorism is a homeland security accident waiting to happen," he said.

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Guest JMT

its about friggin time.

Friggin time for what?

for something to finally be done about this. i guess i can actually thank Chucky Schumer and Mark Foley for making enough noise.

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Guest Spankmeister

Yea, this came out a couple of weeks ago and I couldn't believe that none of the major networks were picking it up!

Not a good idea IMO...

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Guest obby

This is a no brainer. And FYI, the only "key" players in the war on terror are non-Muslims at this point.

Not true. There are many Muslims who are not radicals and are our allies. The UAE are one of them. If anything they are the most Westernized Arab nation in the middle east. What I find funny is how the same Democrats who cried and bitched about the Republicans methods of stereotyping after 9/11 and how it is/was sooooo wrong yet they now want to stereotyping themselves.

"How can we allow a Muslim nation to manage our ports"

ha ha pick a side for God sakes

We get alllllllllloooooooootttttttttt of Intel from the UAE and for us to send a signal that we believe ALL Muslims are the same, terrorist radicals, is just wrong. Don't get me wrong. I too found it strange but I also know that our Government isn't as dumb as the left throws them to be. I am sure they have their reasons for this. If Bush comes out defending them then I am sure he has his reasons. If he mentions a veto to any vote against using the UAE then I am going to assume the best and that his veto is for our best interest.

Trust me I too want to close our doors to everyone like we did in the 1930's but ......... different war different measures

Just my 2 cents!


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Guest dahzel

something as important as this should be done by the U.S., as every country should do there own port operations. the ports are the gates to the country not to mention a huge part of the economy.

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Guest obby

something as important as this should be done by the U.S., as every country should do there own port operations. the ports are the gates to the country not to mention a huge part of the economy.

I agree. We should be the ones managing our imports considering the current war we are in but I also acknowledge that we can not win this war without the help of moderate Arabs and the UAE consist just of that. They are our BIGGEST allies and intel in that region. The last thing we want is to lose an important allies by closing them out.

This topic is pretty new and is def going to be a good issue to keep an eye on. It's to my understanding that the security details behind all USA related ports are ALWAYS managed by the US.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

something as important as this should be done by the U.S., as every country should do there own port operations. the ports are the gates to the country not to mention a huge part of the economy.

I agree. We should be the ones managing our imports considering the current war we are in but I also acknowledge that we can not win this war without the help of moderate Arabs and the UAE consist just of that. They are our BIGGEST allies and intel in that region. The last thing we want is to lose an important allies by closing them out.

This topic is pretty new and is def going to be a good issue to keep an eye on. It's to my understanding that the security details behind all USA related ports are ALWAYS managed by the US.

The thing that's really shakey about the whole scenario is the fact that 2 of the terrorists who were on the planes during 9/11 were from the UAE. And the government has traced some money that funded the 9/11 operation back to parties in the UAE. Not to say that everyone in the UAE is a terrorist.

There are 3 Billion tons of good that go through those ports every year. Of the 3 billion tons only about 5% of it is checked! The ports are one of our most vunerable points of entry into the U.S.

Now the U.S handles security on these ports with private companies and mainly the Coast Guard. That will not change. But the company from the UAE will be responsible for the management of personel working at the ports. Including personel who deal with the movement and tracing of the cargo.

I know that the UAE is one of our allies and we get a lot of Intel from them and that they are an asset to the U.S in the region.

But with the current state of affairs and our adminstration placing security above everything else these days, one would think that placing such a responsibility would fall upon a company based here in the U.S and not from a Saudi nation, friend or enemy!

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Guest swank

something as important as this should be done by the U.S., as every country should do there own port operations. the ports are the gates to the country not to mention a huge part of the economy.

I agree. We should be the ones managing our imports considering the current war we are in but I also acknowledge that we can not win this war without the help of moderate Arabs and the UAE consist just of that. They are our BIGGEST allies and intel in that region. The last thing we want is to lose an important allies by closing them out.

This topic is pretty new and is def going to be a good issue to keep an eye on. It's to my understanding that the security details behind all USA related ports are ALWAYS managed by the US.

The thing that's really shakey about the whole scenario is the fact that 2 of the terrorists who were on the planes during 9/11 were from the UAE. And the government has traced some money that funded the 9/11 operation back to parties in the UAE. Not to say that everyone in the UAE is a terrorist.

There are 3 Billion tons of good that go through those ports every year. Of the 3 billion tons only about 5% of it is checked! The ports are one of our most vunerable points of entry into the U.S.

Now the U.S handles security on these ports with private companies and mainly the Coast Guard. That will not change. But the company from the UAE will be responsible for the management of personel working at the ports. Including personel who deal with the movement and tracing of the cargo.

I know that the UAE is one of our allies and we get a lot of Intel from them and that they are an asset to the U.S in the region.

But with the current state of affairs and our adminstration placing security above everything else these days, one would think that placing such a responsibility would fall upon a company based here in the U.S and not from a Saudi nation, friend or enemy!

thanks for saving me the typing...

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Guest tres-b

My favorite part is how Dems are coming out against this port deal throwing out 4 years of "there isnt an enemy" policy. Too bad their voting base is too out of touch to recognize this.

In regards to your comments Obby, I feel that as the US, we should have a company that can do this deal. Why outsource a HUGE contract to some Muslim nation?

Yes, I know they arent the Saudis but the reality is that they arent Americans and I want Americans looking after our ports. Period.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

My favorite part is how Dems are coming out against this port deal throwing out 4 years of "there isnt an enemy" policy. Too bad their voting base is too out of touch to recognize this.

Aren't a lot of Republicans against this whole deal also?
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Guest obby

My favorite part is how Dems are coming out against this port deal throwing out 4 years of "there isnt an enemy" policy. Too bad their voting base is too out of touch to recognize this.

In regards to your comments Obby, I feel that as the US, we should have a company that can do this deal. Why outsource a HUGE contract to some Muslim nation?

Yes, I know they arent the Saudis but the reality is that they arent Americans and I want Americans looking after our ports. Period.

I hear ya and I too want that. What better people to secure our imports than our own people. But IMO we have to be very careful on how we handle this situation. We do not want to lose any key allies and most of us know how sensitive these people can be I.E. Cartoons. When I see Demz come out and talk security, I have to wonder. Sorry I just have to. There has to be more behind this.

What if, just say what if we know terrorist want to attack us via containers imported into the US. They will need an exportation point to do so. What if we, behind close doors chose Dubai on purpose. To draw the terrorist there thinking it's their best chance and port to do so. We monitor and we take them out. What if? I myself am baffled by this decision but I do know our Prez isn't as dumb as the left/Hollywood and other portray him to be.

Again, to hear the left come out and urge security stops me in my track. Bush can not stereotype nor allow others to do so yet they now want to? I'm not buying it. Again, there has to be more behind this.

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Guest tres-b

My favorite part is how Dems are coming out against this port deal throwing out 4 years of "there isnt an enemy" policy. Too bad their voting base is too out of touch to recognize this.

Aren't a lot of Republicans against this whole deal also?

Yes, but for Dems to be against a company from the UAE, a Muslim nation, getting this contract is contrary to 4 years of not really admitting a war against Muslim terrorists was necessary.

Look, I am all for the Dems waking up and smelling the curry, but this is a big change of direction.

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Guest tres-b

My favorite part is how Dems are coming out against this port deal throwing out 4 years of "there isnt an enemy" policy. Too bad their voting base is too out of touch to recognize this.

In regards to your comments Obby, I feel that as the US, we should have a company that can do this deal. Why outsource a HUGE contract to some Muslim nation?

Yes, I know they arent the Saudis but the reality is that they arent Americans and I want Americans looking after our ports. Period.

I hear ya and I too want that. What better people to secure our imports than our own people. But IMO we have to be very careful on how we handle this situation. We do not want to lose any key allies and most of us know how sensitive these people can be I.E. Cartoons. When I see Demz come out and talk security, I have to wonder. Sorry I just have to. There has to be more behind this.

What if, just say what if we know terrorist want to attack us via containers imported into the US. They will need an exportation point to do so. What if we, behind close doors chose Dubai on purpose. To draw the terrorist there thinking it's their best chance and port to do so. We monitor and we take them out. What if? I myself am baffled by this decision but I do know our Prez isn't as dumb as the left/Hollywood and other portray him to be.

Again, to hear the left come out and urge security stops me in my track. Bush can not stereotype nor allow others to do so yet they now want to? I'm not buying it. Again, there has to be more behind this.

There may be more to it and we will have to take a wait and see approach.

As for the Cartoon Riots, every day of violence further dispells the myth that Islam is a religion of peace.

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Guest Chica

This is crazy, I can't believe the US or whoever is even considering this idea and less with a country that is been involved in terrorism etc, if this deal happens terrorists are going to see a free tickect to US, if only a little % of what gets here gets checked then we have a HIGH risk of having another disaster.....and could be in our back yard (The Miami Port)....

I don't see any positive coming out of this, US should be the one taking care of all the ports in the country so is every country...everyone should manage their own mess

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Guest drlogic

Actually, we're not outsourcing the security of the ports to the UAE. As I understand it, the UAE aquired the managment of these ports from a British company. Many other ports are managed by the Dutch.

The security is ALWAYS mananged by America!

Politrixtas have spun this to imply we're just handing over ports to the UAE, as if other nations never managed our ports...HELLO, they bought that deal from the Brits.

Perspective people..perspective! When I see all these politrixtas running around like chickens w/ their heads cut off, I just wanna step back and wait to see what come of it. Too much KNEE JERKING going on.

Personally, I kinda have a problem w/ it, but I don't know enough about it yet. I do know we're not handing over security to the UAE....don't expect the press to give it to you straight.....ALL NEWS THESE DAYS IS PRESENTED IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER "HOW CAN WE HURT BUSH THIS TIME"....The truth always gets lost in the shuffle!

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Guest swirlundergrounder

This is crazy, I can't believe the US or whoever is even considering this idea and less with a country that is been involved in terrorism etc, if this deal happens terrorists are going to see a free tickect to US, if only a little % of what gets here gets checked then we have a HIGH risk of having another disaster.....and could be in our back yard (The Miami Port)....

I don't see any positive coming out of this, US should be the one taking care of all the ports in the country so is every country...everyone should manage their own mess

Especially here in Miami with regards to our large Jewish population which makes us a tempting target.

None the less no matter what happens with this decision, if a terrorist organization were to even get a WMD A close to our ports (not necessarily having to dock at one of them) it would probably be already to late anyways....

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Guest swirlundergrounder

the bottom line is that we shouldn't be outsourcing the security of our ports to ANYONE

We still handle the security via the Coast Guard. But the company from UAE handles the personel. Including those responsible for tracking the shipment containers...

3 Billion tons of cargo per year and only about 5% of them get screened, one can make one easily disapear without a trace..

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Actually, we're not outsourcing the security of the ports to the UAE. As I understand it, the UAE aquired the managment of these ports from a British company. Many other ports are managed by the Dutch.

The security is ALWAYS mananged by America!

Politrixtas have spun this to imply we're just handing over ports to the UAE, as if other nations never managed our ports...HELLO, they bought that deal from the Brits.

Perspective people..perspective! When I see all these politrixtas running around like chickens w/ their heads cut off, I just wanna step back and wait to see what come of it. Too much KNEE JERKING going on.

Personally, I kinda have a problem w/ it, but I don't know enough about it yet. I do know we're not handing over security to the UAE....don't expect the press to give it to you straight.....ALL NEWS THESE DAYS IS PRESENTED IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER "HOW CAN WE HURT BUSH THIS TIME"....The truth always gets lost in the shuffle!

Coast Gaurd people.. Coast Guard!

I just can't believe a deal as delicate as this is even on the table.

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Guest drlogic

I finding it extremely amusing watching the demz politrixtas become HAWKS,,overnight......acting all tough and "concerned". Going after Bush for racial profiling, then profiling an Arab nation while saying we need to make more friends in the world if we wanna win this war on terror.......

Are you lost yet? nuff said!

Lots of people are against this from both sides.....but only one side has been bitching about not being racists or not to profile.......LOL Do today's demz have the slightest clue how they come across to all NON-MONGOLIC Americans?

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Guest drlogic

JIMMY CARTER who gave away our control of the Panama Canal believe this UAE deal is a good one?????????

If Jimmy thinks it's good????????? It must be bad!


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