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People who handle baggage for the airlines are thieves!

Guest swirlundergrounder

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Man oh man. I hate the fact that you can't lock up your luggage anymore!

When we came back from Seattle in January, someone looked though my girls luggage and stole 2 pairs of sunglasses, a digital camera memory card and a power adapter for the camera.

My mom just got back from the Phillipines yesterday and she had brought home some designer clothing from the factories over there to mail to me and the damm thieves went through her shit also and stole them out of her luggage.

Makes me never want to check my bags again. Hell if you're flying in the country you might as well Fed Ex your shit overnight to your destination.

You can claim your missing items from the airlines but they have a cap on the amount that you can claim depending on the airline and the cap as far as I'm concerned isn't enough to cover your losses.

Hell I'm going to pack a poisoness snake in my bag next time I travel and if those assholes go through my shit trying to steal my boxers or something they're going to get a snake bite in the ass!

(If I had a poisoness snake that is.......)

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Just dont check anything in!!!

Unless your traveling for more than 7 days you can pack all your stuff and just carry it on...

I just went to seattle 2 weeks ago.

didnt really go out dancing, just sightseeing to some jazz clubs and to restaurants.

I liked that city, if it wasn't for the cold weather I wount mind living there....

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Guest Electric Eel

This is why if you cant carry it all on if you have valuable stuff at least carry that with you!

I actually think you're mom was just trying to make you feel better by telling you it was stolen instead of saying she actually forgot to buy you something :P

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Guest swirlundergrounder

This is why if you cant carry it all on if you have valuable stuff at least carry that with you!

I actually think you're mom was just trying to make you feel better by telling you it was stolen instead of saying she actually forgot to buy you something :P

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Guest swank

Terry you are ABSOLUTELY right. I have travelled extensively over the last 20 years (give or take a few :P) for work and pleasure and have seen it go from terrible to repulsive even though news magazines do documentaries on this subject and the general public are more aware of the situation.

I have learned to travel with only carry on for work but with kids...not always that easy carrying the HOUSE in a carry on. I once fought with ticket agents when an airline that I use changed the carry on size and my co-workers' suitcase wouldn't fit in the cereal box sizer they had at the gate.

It's just getting worse and I think they should make the plastic wrap more accessable for people. As a matter o' fact, think I'm going to invent a new plastic wrap with 'exploding die packs' like the theft deterrent tags found on clothing in the stores or in bank note bags.

Funny to see those fockers with red die all over their face and hands... ;D

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Terry you are ABSOLUTELY right. I have travelled extensively over the last 20 years (give or take a few :P) for work and pleasure and have seen it go from terrible to repulsive even though news magazines do documentaries on this subject and the general public are more aware of the situation.

I have learned to travel with only carry on for work but with kids...not always that easy carrying the HOUSE in a carry on. I once fought with ticket agents when an airline that I use changed the carry on size and my co-workers' suitcase wouldn't fit in the cereal box sizer they had at the gate.

It's just getting worse and I think they should make the plastic wrap more accessable for people. As a matter o' fact, think I'm going to invent a new plastic wrap with 'exploding die packs' like the theft deterrent tags found on clothing in the stores or in bank note bags.

Funny to see those fockers with red die all over their face and hands... ;D

good perspective

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Guest Diabolique

I want to say I agree, because I fly more than all of you, (used to fly 4x/month) but actually I've been lucky. I thought they stole something only to find it later in my closet, or shoved into the lining of my luggage. I packed all my valuables onto a carry-on that once I got on the plane, I absent-mindedly tried to put it onto a bin that was too small. It was my first time using my new carry-on so I realized too late it needed to go into a bigger overhead compartment. This attendant saw me stuggling with it, and told me to check it once she picked it up ( it wasn't any heavier than other folks, but...) . It had ALL of my jewlery, laptop, 3 pairs of glasses, my best clothes, pretty much 4K+ in that bag. I was nervous the whole flight, nervous it would go to the wrong destination, or worse, but everything was fine (it was in international flight tho, I would be livid if it were an american one). Of course when I went back I made sure to swiftly store my carry-on and hide the Monica Seles grunt trying to make itself known as I lifted it, lol..

I've left a coupla hundred bucks in a purse, lodged in a suitcase, awhile back, and I was shocked to find it was still there. They do steal I think, Billions, if not millions, of dollars worth of OUR things, and only like $150K has been recoverd. >:(

I pretty much travel with the adage of don't take anything you might really miss...but vacation makes that IMPOSSIBLE! :-\

They have locks now that are TSA friendly, but it's TSA's employees that are the theives!

we're stuck between a rock and a hard place. I'm sorry to ear your family lost so much stuff, Terry. Everyone filed claims right?

---sometimes....I put a note saying "you will be horribly cursed if you steal anything from here" (but in detail, so they can imagine if it's really worth it.) Dunno if it works but...So far so good. ^_^ Undereducated folk are usually the most superstitious of all. ;)

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Guest LeVeL

U know its really something that you say this Terry because my friends Uncle actually is a baggage handler for American Airlines and he has come home recently with Digital Camcorders,Digital Camera,Oakley Sunglasses, MP3 Players, Ipods ect. you name it he has come home with it.

He claims that people tend to lose this and is kept on the lost and found but employees take it. I really dont know if he actually steals it from the bags but I was imagined he did something like that.

I totally feel Terry on this and I actually heard of a new Baggage handling service this actually mails your bags to your Hotel or Home destination instead of holding it on the Plane your traveling on.

I really would consider paying for some kind of service like that or atleast carrying the most priceless possesions with me in the plane instead of storing it in a luggage where handlers can do their way with them.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I want to say I agree, because I fly more than all of you, (used to fly 4x/month) but actually I've been lucky. I thought they stole something only to find it later in my closet, or shoved into the lining of my luggage. I packed all my valuables onto a carry-on that once I got on the plane, I absent-mindedly tried to put it onto a bin that was too small. It was my first time using my new carry-on so I realized too late it needed to go into a bigger overhead compartment. This attendant saw me stuggling with it, and told me to check it once she picked it up ( it wasn't any heavier than other folks, but...) . It had ALL of my jewlery, laptop, 3 pairs of glasses, my best clothes, pretty much 4K+ in that bag. I was nervous the whole flight, nervous it would go to the wrong destination, or worse, but everything was fine (it was in international flight tho, I would be livid if it were an american one). Of course when I went back I made sure to swiftly store my carry-on and hide the Monica Seles grunt trying to make itself known as I lifted it, lol..

I've left a coupla hundred bucks in a purse, lodged in a suitcase, awhile back, and I was shocked to find it was still there. They do steal I think, Billions, if not millions, of dollars worth of OUR things, and only like $150K has been recoverd. >:(

I pretty much travel with the adage of don't take anything you might really miss...but vacation makes that IMPOSSIBLE! :-\

They have locks now that are TSA friendly, but it's TSA's employees that are the theives!

we're stuck between a rock and a hard place. I'm sorry to ear your family lost so much stuff, Terry. Everyone filed claims right?

---sometimes....I put a note saying "you will be horribly cursed if you steal anything from here" (but in detail, so they can imagine if it's really worth it.) Dunno if it works but...So far so good. ^_^ Undereducated folk are usually the most superstitious of all. ;)

We totally filed claims. But when you are travelling with a baby, being sure that we have items to feed her, something to wipe her butt with and change her clothes takes priority over your things!

When we went to Seattle we travlled seprately because Sarah couldn't get off work fo the whole duration that me and Sofia were in Seattle. So I had to pack light. I only had a backpack of stuff on my back (mostly little kid things, toys, books, diapers etc.). Along with her stuff, I had her and her stroller (that converts into an airline seat). So there was no way for me to travel with anything else.

Oh and one more thing...On this trip American Airlines lost Sarah's luggage during her transfer flight in LA so a courier service delivered her bags to her here in Miami.

Who ever stole her stuff went though her bag maticulously. That memory card for our digital camera (that had our parting pictures on it) was tightly wrapped in one of our daughters pajama pockets. So that person who stole this shit went through everything. I mean if you are going to unroll a babies pajamas and look in those tiny pockets, then they must have taken the luggage somewhere and spent a lot of time combing through it.

They even stole a battery charger to a camera that wan't even in the bag. How senseless is that?

We called the courier service and they repeatedly hung up on us!

But ultimatley the loss of her luggage is the Airlines fault!!

American Airlines sucks ass! My inlaws had their luggage lost on their last trip here by them and didn't get it back for almost 2 days!

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Guest swirlundergrounder

U know its really something that you say this Terry because my friends Uncle actually is a baggage handler for American Airlines and he has come home recently with Digital Camcorders' date='Digital Camera,Oakley Sunglasses, MP3 Players, Ipods ect. you name it he has come home with it.

He claims that people tend to lose this and is kept on the lost and found but employees take it. I really dont know if he actually steals it from the bags but I was imagined he did something like that.

I totally feel Terry on this and I actually heard of a new Baggage handling service this actually mails your bags to your Hotel or Home destination instead of holding it on the Plane your traveling on.

I really would consider paying for some kind of service like that or atleast carrying the most priceless possesions with me in the plane instead of storing it in a luggage where handlers can do their way with them.

[/quote']Some airlines have thier own stores where they sell a lot of theire missing items also...

If things go unclaimed like a majority of itmes do then by all means 'finders keepers'...

Obviously the airlines cutting down on their payroll and personel is somewhat causing this problem.

Perhaps if enough claims get filed then they might see that the cost of not having quality people staffed is not worth the amount of monetary claims from people who have lost their belongings while travelling on their arilines!

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Terry...man I'm sorry you're going through all this bullshit. I gotta tell you...I work for American, and even I DO NOT check in anything that I would care to lose. It's a problem that happens in every airline, and it really sucks. I've heard the horror stories from people working the ramp...but it used to happen way more often, BEFORE TSA was created. I know people who work in the TSA in MIA, my best friend actually works the ramp in MIA for them....and he won't even check his own bags. You see...due to new procedures....they can use ANY excuse to open and check your bag....plastic wrapping, locked, whatever.....and like any job, field of service, etc....you're always gonna have shady people with greedy eyes and loose hands.

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