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Look man it has nothing to do about laziness but more about genetics. Some people are genetically unable to be big as some people no matter how much u work out.I ve been working out for 5 months now Im a full time student and work part time time is also a factor, so its much deeper than just being lazy,,,,

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discipline has a lot to do with it too. If you don't have the genetic make up to be that big, then obviously you weren't meant to be that big. I understand the urge to make up for the fact that you don't have time to work out as much as you'd like, but be happy with yourself the way you are. Not to mention every girl I know thinks that muscleheads are f'in gross



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LMAO!!!! HAHAHA You fucking think lifting for five months is enough time....lol!!

OMG, the typical lazy ass...look bro...if you have only been lifting for five months....you are WAY under your Genetic Potential. If you are gonna use the sauce, then atleast get a good base to work with...or you will just be wasting your time. Also learn how to train and eat properly to get bigger before you decide to juice or, once again, you will be wasting your time.

BTW, how old are you, whats ur stats?

If you are under the mid 20's range there is no reason to juice cause:

1)again you arent near you potential till then

2)If you juice sooner than that you run the risk of messing up your whole hormone production system, this means that when you are say...35, you will have the testosterone production of a 55 year old, which is basically nill.

So if your gonna even think about it start reading up on it, but i would suggest you start reading up on natural training first cause you sound like a newbie who is giving up already.....

Carson cwm6.gif



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All I can say is this, don't do it. The adverse affects of doing steriods can be horrible. I know the appeal, I have heard all the arguments, but there is no excuse, not being a student, not working, nothing, that would be a good reason to use. Accept yourself for what you are, if you are not a big person naturally, so what, if you are naturally heavier, so what...I know someone who did steriods when they were younger, trying for that ultimate body, now, this person is on medication to control his rage, he will never be anything, he will have to be taken care of for the rest of his life...its not worth it, believe me.


i know what i want, but it took me a long time to figure it out

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Hitting the juice is a very big step, especially if you've only been in the game for 5 months. Regardless, it does work and it works effectively (if you know what you're doing), and as with all things, precautions, preperation, and education can minimize certain risks that accompany steroid use. As with above, you should really wait to hit the sauce until you've pushed your natural genetic limit and then use it to push your physique to the next level, but since I was also once a very anxious and idealistic bodybuilder, I know you'll probably try it anyway. The least you can do is be safe, and plan it all out.

If you haven't visited Elitefitness.com yet, go there, bookmark it. Its the online bible for the anabolically inclined. Check out the message boards, theres enough information there to last weeks.

First cycles will almost always yield the highest gains. I'd say go for an injectable like 500 mg of Sustanon for 10 - 12 weeks, with 30mg dianabol tapering down the first 4 weeks. Then clomid post-cycle, for 3 or 4 weeks. Don't worry about cutting down, just go all out and smack as much weight on as possible then cut later. I gained about 30 lbs. on my first, but in the end, the grand total was near 8 - 10 lbs. of muscle. You'll get nice and bloated like a balloon, so you're going to have to come up with some original reasons for why you've gone from beef jerky to thanksgiving turkey.

If you want more info or sites, I've got loads of them on my hardrive and bookmarked. Once again, I'm not advocating you use steroids yet at all, in fact, I strongly discourage it. But I know how it is to want something that badly, so be safe about it and learn all you can.

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Hitting the juice is a very big step, especially if you've only been in the game for 5 months. Regardless, it does work and it works effectively (if you know what you're doing), and as with all things, precautions, preperation, and education can minimize certain risks that accompany steroid use. As with above, you should really wait to hit the sauce until you've pushed your natural genetic limit and then use it to push your physique to the next level, but since I was also once a very anxious and idealistic bodybuilder, I know you'll probably try it anyway. The least you can do is be safe, and plan it all out.

If you haven't visited Elitefitness.com yet, go there, bookmark it. Its the online bible for the anabolically inclined. Check out the message boards, theres enough information there to last weeks.

First cycles will almost always yield the highest gains. I'd say go for an injectable like 500 mg of Sustanon for 10 - 12 weeks, with 30mg dianabol tapering down the first 4 weeks. Then clomid post-cycle, for 3 or 4 weeks. Don't worry about cutting down, just go all out and smack as much weight on as possible then cut later. I gained about 30 lbs. on my first, but in the end, the grand total was near 8 - 10 lbs. of muscle. You'll get nice and bloated like a balloon, so you're going to have to come up with some original reasons for why you've gone from beef jerky to thanksgiving turkey.

If you want more info or sites, I've got loads of them on my hardrive and bookmarked. Once again, I'm not advocating you use steroids yet at all, in fact, I strongly discourage it. But I know how it is to want something that badly, so be safe about it and learn all you can.

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Look u Newbie im not a lazy ass, Ive been busting my ass at the gym for 5 to 6 months. Going at least 3 to 4 times a week for 2 and half hours. Ive reached my genetic limit I have definition I just do not have mass. Ive lost 15 lbs during this period. I changed my diet no fast food and more greens. I just wanted info on it I never said I was going on the juice.

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youve only been working out for 4 fucking months...and youve reached your genetic potential???!!!..lol...all the guys you see at clubs that look big and cut have for the most part been working out for at least 3 or 4 years..it doesnt happen overnight...and youll lose most of the weight and strength after you stop taking them..you have to keep on them for them to be effective and thats extremely dangerous..if you wanna be big for about 10 weeks..id say go for it..otherwise dont bother..and keep busting your ass ..thats the only way

if you decide to go with the roids..id suggest buying some clearasil.......

for your back and shoulders..especially if you take D-bol or Deca

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I am not new to the board....i just changed my username recently. So neways....there is no way in HELL you have reached you genetic potential...

If you start eating 6 small meals a day with high protein you will notice that you gain weight...it takes TIME.

What you need to do is take the time that u would use to research roids, and go find some good info on diet and nutrition. Also sounds like you need to read up on training methods too....

Another thing you have to understand is that when you see a Bodybuilder of fitness model....They arent in contest shape all year round...you should see lee priest and the other guys in there off season...they are fat asses...they are ripped up for 3 months out of the year if that...

I'm not flamin' you...I just think its funny how people give up so quick...lol....

Carson cwm27.gif



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  • 2 weeks later...

Listen- don't juice. This is what you have to do- if you've really been hitting the gym for as long as and as often as you claim, you're metabolism will be at a point where if you are eating right, you will make your weight gains. Six small meals a day aren't going to cut it. You have to eat 3 or 4 HUGE meals a day, but the right stuff! I guarantee you will will notice muscle mass gains within a month. You have to figure out the correct amount of protein/carbs per meal (and fat, too, just not a lot and not bad fat!) depending on your weight.

Good stuff to eat- Breakfast- 6 egg whites, one yolk, scrambled (no butter!) Microwave them if you have to. 2 medium microwaved potatoes, raw spinach, a banana.

Snack- protein shake that has at least 30% carbs.

Lunch- 10 oz chicken (white meat NO SKIN!!!) BROWN rice (one and a half cups) broccoli or cauliflower.

Snack- same protein shake as above

Dinner- 10 oz chicken or turkey or fish, potato or brown rice

Before bed- protein shake.

Things that are good- chicken, turkey, tofu, beans (preferably not from a can) fish, steak (try not to eat to much red meat), potato, brown rice, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, oatmeal, all whole grains. Eat these all day long if you're working out 4 time a week for 2 hours a day. Eat lots of veggies, just make it a variety. Eat fruit, but in moderation. Lots of sugars is no good.

Avoid- any liquid but water (coffee/tea ok) salt, added fats, white bread, any junk food, fast food, pizza, milk/cheese, processed shit, you get the point. DRINK WATER ALL DAY!!!!! If you're preparing for a "big day/night" sometime, PM me and I'll fill you in on how to get cut up, etc........


Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

Pardon? Perhaps to know what time Digweed goes on?

AIM: crackorn71

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