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Are people really THAT stuuuupid!?!?!?!

Guest mp3some

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Guest mp3some

Third similar email i get this week....



Maybe we can all be rich!!!! :-)



I'm an attorney,

And I know the law. This thing is for real. Rest assured AOL and

Intel will follow through with their promises for fear of facing a

multimillion-dollar class action suit similar to the one filed by

PepsiCo against General Electric not too long ago.

Dear Friends; Please do not take this for a junk letter. Bill Gates

sharing his fortune. If you ignore this, You will repent later.

Microsoft and AOL are now the largest Internet companies and in an

effort to make sure that Internet Explorer remains the most widely

used program, Microsoft and AOL are running an e-mail beta test.

When you forward this e-mail to friends, Microsoft can and wi ll

track it (If you are a Microsoft Windows user) For a two weeks time


For every person that you forward this e-mail to, Microsoft will pay

you $245.00 For every person that you sent it to that forwards it on,

Microsoft will pay you $243.00 and for every third person that receives

it, You will be paid $241.00. Within two weeks, Microsoft will contact

you for your address and then send you a check.

Regards. Charles S Bailey General Manager Field Operations

1-800-842-2332 Ext. 1085 or 904-1085 or RNX

292-1085 Charles_Bailey@csx.com


thought this was a scam myself, but two weeks after receiving this

e-mail and forwarding it on. Microsoft contacted me for my address and

within days, I received a check for $24,800.00. You need to respond

before the beta testing is over. If anyone can affoard this, Bill Gates

is the man.

It's all marketing expense to him. Please forward this to as many

people as possible. You are bound to get at least $10,000.00 We're not

going to help them out with their e-mail beta test without getting a

little something for our time. My brother's girlfriend got in on this a

few months ago. When i went to visit him for the Baylor/UT game. She

showed me her check. It was for the sum of $4,324.44 and was stamped

"Paid in full"

Like i said before, I know the law, and this is for real.

Marie Catalano


631-390-8272 (fax)



The information contained in this message and any attachments is

privileged and confidential and protected from disclosure. If the reader

of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent

responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you

are hereby notified that any reading, dissemination, distribution,

copying, or other use of this communication or any of its attachments is

strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error,

please notify the sender immediately by replying to this message and

deleting this message, any attachments, and all copies and backups from

your computer. If you have received this communication in error and are

unable to reply to this message, please notify the sender immediately by

telephone at (417) 335-7367. Thank you, Skaggs Community Health Center.

Kevin Alt


Authorized Retailer of Cingular Wireless

9557 Brewerton Rd Brewerton,NY 13029


----- ------- End Forwarded Message ------- -----


The information contained in this electronic e-mail transmission

and any attachments are intended only for the use of the individual

or entity to whom or to which it is addressed, and may contain

information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from

disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this communication

is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible

for delivering this communication to the intended recipient, you

are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, copying

or disclosure of this communication and any attachment is strictly

prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please

notify the sender immediately by telephone and electronic mail,

and delete the original communication and any attachment from any

computer, server or other electronic recording or storage device

or medium. Receipt by anyone other than the intended recipient is

not a waiver of any attorney-client, physician-patient or other

privilege. Thank you.

::) ::) ::)

I cant beleive they actaully think a $10,000 check will come from microsoft just for forwarding an email.............

Damn ppl!! get real!!! >:(

and quit sending me stupid shit like that..........

I should collect all the email addresses on these mails and sell them to telemarketers and spammers! lol

Maybe I could actually make $100!!! :D

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Guest durrtylexx

lol these have been going around for years.

i like the "african king needs your help moving money out of his country emails"

i can't believe people are that stupid..

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Guest Slide On The Ice

That's funny. Like as if Microsoft didn't have the resources to forward emails among all their locations and would pay that kind of money. The naive sucka who forwards those emails to all his friends and family will probably be forwarding a nice little virus along with them courtesy of "Bill Gates".

I get a sloppy looking email every couple of months, from some manager of the european lottery, telling me that I have won 500,000 dollars and all I need do is call them and give them my bank name and account number so they can transfer my sudden fortune into my account. It's a laughable joke that they are that stupid to think that people will fall for that scam and turn their account info over to them. And it's pretty sad that there are a lot of people who probably do fall for it.

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Guest michael^heaven





Attention Michael Heaven,

I sincerely apologize for intruding into your privacy especially by contacting you through this means for a business transaction of this magnitude, but due to its seriousness and urgency it therefore became necesary for me to seek your


I am Barr. Alex Bakri the personal lawyer to Late Mr. Mark Bear, a foreigner, who worked with an Oil Servicing Company in the oil rich Niger Delta Area of Bayelsa State. I am contacting you concerning my late client and an investment he made. I would respectfully request that you keep the contents of this mail confidential and respect the integrity of the information you come by as a result of this mail. I contacted you independently and no one should be informed of this communication. I would like to intimate you with certain facts that I believe would be of interest to you.

This is a genuine transaction and is 100% risk free. All I'm demanding from you is your honest co-operation to enable us achieve our goal, and not a perfidious person. On the 6th of May, 2002 it was reported to us that my Client, his wife

and their only daughter were involved in a Local Plane Crash at Kano State,enroute Abuja (The Capital City) all occupants in the Plane lost their lives,unfortunately on this same flight were other dignitaries like the Sports Minister and a host of others

Meanwhile, until his death, my late client had a Fixed Deposit Account of USD $15 Million deposited in a Secrity Company ( STANDARD UNIC SECURITY COMPANY) here. Recently, I received an ultimatum from the Security Company asking me to provide my late client's relative so that the money would be given to them. But unfortunately it was discovered that my late client did notdeclare any identifiable family member in all the official documents he tendered to the Security Company while opening the account.

Therefore, this development leaves me as the only person with the full picture of what the prevailing situation is in relation to the deposit my late client made and who is entitled to be the Bona Fide Beneficiary/Next of Kin or relative

because he died intestate.Therefore, if I fail to locate any of his relatives or his next of kin (and have this money transfered to them) the Security Company will at the expiration of the 6 weeks ultimatum given to me confiscate the account.

According to the ultimatum issued to me by the Security Company, if I fail to present to them my late client's relative, with a legitimate statement of claim for the money before the given time they will confiscate the account and the money declared 'UNCLAIMED BALANCE'. This will result in the money being taken over by the Security Company. This will not happen if I have my way.

Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives of my late client all these while, my proposal, therefore, is to present you as the next of kin/relative of my client due to the fact that you are a foreigner and can easily pass as apossible relative of my client. I know you will be wondering

how possible this could be but I assure you that this is simple.

I therefore seek your consent to present you as the Next Of Kin to my client so that the money he deposited with the Security Company would be paid to you and there after you and I will share the money 30% for you and I will be taking 60% while 10 percent shall be for any Mecillious espensis regards to this transaction. I assure you that the deposit would be released to you within a few days because I have all the relevant information that would facilitate that will

be required on Documentation.

First, I will like you to provide immediately the following information:

Your full names......................................................

Contact address......................................................

Telephone/Fax Numbers................................................


International Passport or Drivers Liecence...........................

With these information I will prepare the necessary documents and affidavit that will put you in place as the next of kin. After we have successfully satisfied the requirements of the bank the money totalling USD 15 Million would be paid

into your account for you to take 30% and I will be taking 60% . All I require is your honest co-operation to enable us see this through.

There is no risk at all because everything would be done legally and my position as a qualified attorney will facilitate everything . Secondly, I will give you all the necessary documents that would serve as evidence proving that you are

the Next of Kin/ Relative of my late client. These documents will legally confer on you the status to act as the Beneficiary of the Estate of my late client.

What I related to you might smack of unethical practice but I want you to understand that this is a once in life time opportunity capable of turning around our situation. The truth is that this money would not be taken by the government but by some greedy Security Company Officails and I would not fold my arms and watch this happen hence my decision to contact you.

Thank you as I await your positive response.

Barr Alex Bakri

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Guest Slide On The Ice

---Received that^ puppy courtesy of myspace. ::)

I've seen similar versions of that one. The scammers have a generic version that they apparently use and only change the names of the nations and the people. :P

I remember a few years ago there were advertisements on late night TV showing a babbling idiot in a suit of question marks jumping around announcing that there are government grants in the amount of 5,000 or more just waiting to be claimed, and that you can get a $5,000 government grant because you are entitled to it, blah, blah, blah. I told several people at the time that it was not to be believed, that it was a scam because the government did not simply hand out grants to people just because they state that they have use for it. It was a scam, I told everyone, and when the company started sending me emails advertising their access to grants for a small fee, I emailed them back condemming them for preying on the gullible and unknowing. They never emailed me again.

On January 8th of 2005, I was rushing about at work, wrapping up for the day so I could go home, when my cell phone rang. I answered it and it was some fella from the Government Grant Center giving me a sales pitch about the government grant I am entitled to of at least $5,000. Being busy I wasn't fully listening and asked him to call me back later. He said he couldn't, and that by not talking to him I was throwing away at least a guaranteed $5,000, and wasn't it worth 5,000 to give him a few minutes of my time? Well, I didn't recall the nonesense I described in the first paragraph on top of this one, just yet, but I knew it was a sales pitch of some type not to be believed. On the other hand I've passed up too many chances in the past by not looking further into them, so I gave him my attention, though I literally told him to make it quick because I was busy, which he did not like but I didn't care.

So anyway, here's the deal, as long as I'd paid taxes within the last 3 years and was over 18 and worked full time and had a valid credit card and the whole 9 yards, I was entitled to a minimum 5,000 to use for college or buying my first home, or opening a business, or yada yada yada. Yeah right, whatever. He swore up and down that it would not cost me anything but a $250 processing fee, and that I would get a guaranteed minimum of a 5,000 dollars in government grant money. So I said, pretending to be interested but still playing with him, "Guaranteed by whom?" So he said that the company guaranteed it, and he gave his word that the guarantee was valid. Yeeaaahhhh, as if! All for a one time processing fee of $250, and not a penny more, guaranteed; and the 5,000 minimum was guaranteed.

Then I asked him why his office phone number hadn't shown up on my cell phone's caller ID and he replied that they don't give out the phone number. So I said, "Okay, give me your full company name and the address." Of course, they didn't give out their address either. Like that was a surprise. So I said, How do I know the grant money is guaranteed?" And he said, "We guarantee it, and I give you my own guarantee." So I said, "And I take that as the word of God from someone I don't know, over the phone? Haven't you seen the film Boiler Room?" And he assured me that if the company was not legit that they would not have been in business as long as they had been. He then referred to the commercials of the man in the question mark suit dancing around, as proof of the company's validity (well duh, if it's advertised on late night TV, then it has to be legit, right Gomer?), and I said, literally laughing, "You mean that idiot in the clown suit dancing around like an imbecile? You're proud of that?"

But the story doesn't end there...

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Guest Slide On The Ice

Okay, so he guaranteed me again that it would only cost me a one time fee of $250, and that I would not be billed until the 12th of January (that conversation had been on the 8th.). Okay, so maybe I would see what those clowns had to say in printed letterheads that he said they would send me, no harm in at least that, right? Yeaaaaah, not! Okay, so where are we...a guaranteed 5,000 dollars in government grant money, guaranteed over the phone by a salesman rallying behind a fool in a riddler suit, all for a one time payment of $250. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't falling for this bullshit, but I was listening to him for kicks and giggles. So then he said, he was transferring me to the next level in the process in which I would give him my checking account number to hold so that they can direct debit me for my convenience on the 12th. I said, "If I'm not being billed until the 12th, why do you need it now? I'll send you a check on the 12th." He said that they had to have the number in advance. So I told him it wasn't going to happen. They can send me a bill with their company address and phone number, and I send them a check. I wasn't some schmuck about to tell them my account number so they can clean me out. He guaranteed their validity again and I said "See ya!"

And that was the end of that. Damn scam artists. What is sad is that they sometimes get a hold of the elderly and the gullible who fall for their scams and lose everything in the process. It's a sad shame the depths that so many will slither to scam and steal from the unwary. They say a fool and his money are soon parted. Maybe so, but I despise the deceivers.

So that was what happened a year and a couple of months ago. I later wound up getting conned out of a lot of money at the end of 2005 by my scumbag mortgage broker, who was a long time friend of my mother's before she died. I was so careful not to be fooled by strangers. Never saw the sheep in wolve's clothing that came after me afterwards. ???

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Guest JMT

i cant believe that people (some i actually know personally) STILL forward that dumb shit to me! it makes me wish i could reach through the computer screen and slap some sense into them.

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Guest Devilicious



>This was also on Pittsburgh's WTAE channel 4 new's


> >>Never, ever answer a cell phone while it is being CHARGED!!

> >>A few days ago, a person was recharging his cell phone at home.

> >>Just at that time a call came and he answered it with the instrument

> >>still connected to the outlet.

> >>After a few seconds electricity flowed into the cell phone

> >>unrestrained and the young man was thrown to the ground with a heavy

> >>thud. His parents rushed to the room only to find him unconscious,

> >>with a weak heartbeat and burnt fingers.

> >>He was rushed to the nearby hospital, but was pronounced dead on

> >>arrival. Cell phones are a very useful modern invention. However, w! e


> >>must be aware that it can also be an instrument of death. Never


> >>use the cell phone while it is hooked to the electrical outlet!

> >>



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