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Science Finds Benefits in your Balls

Guest Slide On The Ice

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Guest Slide On The Ice


It's nice to know that the science community has found new value in the contents of my testicles. I wish I had been able to persuade more girls of that back in high school.

Mice testicles yield 'ethical' stem cells

16:22 24 March 2006

NewScientist.com news service

Andy Coghlan

Men’s testicles may provide an “ethical†source of embryonic stem cells (ESCs), suggest new experiments in mice.

A team in Germany has successfully grown mouse ESC-like cells from spermatagonial stem cells which normally turn into sperm. The ESC-like cells can be grown into all tissues of the mouse body, suggesting that if the same could be done in men, it would provide patients with a source of tissue-matched cells for repairing any damaged organs or tissue.

So far, all existing colonies of human ESCs have been derived from surplus human embryos, leftover from infertility treatments. Because a human embryo is sacrificed in the process, many religious groups oppose such research, especially in the US where President George W Bush has placed heavy restrictions on federal stem cell researchers.

The discovery that cells which behave like ESCs can now be obtained from adult mice may now open up the possibility of a similar “ethical†source from grown men.

“We’re in the process of doing this in humans, and we’re optimistic,†says Gerd Hasenfuss of the Georg-August University of Göttingen, Germany, and head of the team which pioneered the breakthrough.

Tissue choice

Hasenfuss and his colleagues first extracted spermatagonial stem cells from adult mouse testes, before growing them in the lab in a special mixture of growth factors and nutrients which coaxed the cells into becoming ESC-like cells instead of sperm.

“We can turn these into all kinds of tissue, from beating cardiac and vascular cells to neurons, skin cells and liver cells,†says Hasenfuss. And the process worked in 27% of the mice they experimented on.

Although the cells behaved like ESCs in tests, the team have decided to call them “multipotent adult germline stem cells†to distinguish them from their embryonically-derived counterparts.

“I think it will solve the ethical problem if you can generate cells from adult humans,†says Hasenfuss. He told New Scientist that his team is already taking testicle-tissue samples under consent from patients undergoing operations for other conditions, such as cancer.

“It’s rather painful, and is usually done under general anaesthetic, but it’s routinely done to gain sperm for IVF, for example, so it’s a well-known procedure,†says Hasenfuss. He notes that the cells would not be obtainable from a sperm or semen sample. “It has to be a biopsy.â€

Leap to humans

Although forbidden by law in Germany from obtaining ESCs from embryos, or even working on ESCs derived from the same source in other countries, Hasenfuss backs research on both sources – from adults and embryos.

To circumvent the ethical objections, his team has attempted for years to derive ESCs from adult tissues, and the testicular source is only success so far. ESCs were obtained from neonatal mice in 2004 by Mito Kanatsu-Shinohara and his colleagues at Kyoto University, Japan, but Hasenfuss says he is the first to get them from adult mice.

Other researchers welcomed the findings. “On the basis of what I see, I couldn’t discount what they say they’ve achieved,†says Paul de Sousa at the University of Edinburgh, UK. “The real news is the capacity to sustain these cells in culture and retain their ability to turn into all tissue,†he says.

“But it may be a leap of faith to apply it in humans,†de Sousa cautions. “I would be wary that things in humans would be as simple.â€

Journal reference: Nature (DOI: 10.1038/nature04697)

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Guest Slide On The Ice

pretty soon they're gonna say masturbation is abortion

I've heard that one already. The fundamentalist groups who believe that masturbation is a sin and sex is only for procreation, and that any spilling of semen out side of a uterus is evil in it's methods and motives. I enjoy jerking off to people like that. They turn me on to jerk harder and spill more seed. ;D

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Guest JMT

pretty soon they're gonna say masturbation is abortion

I've heard that one already. The fundamentalist groups who believe that masturbation is a sin and sex is only for procreation, and that any spilling of semen out side of a uterus is evil in it's methods and motives. I enjoy jerking off to people like that. They turn me on to jerk harder and spill more seed. ;D

i dont know whether thats funny or disturbing.

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Guest mp3some

pretty soon they're gonna say masturbation is abortion

I've heard that one already. The fundamentalist groups who believe that masturbation is a sin and sex is only for procreation, and that any spilling of semen out side of a uterus is evil in it's methods and motives. I enjoy jerking off to people like that. They turn me on to jerk harder and spill more seed. ;D

i dont know whether thats funny or disturbing.

??? :-[ :-X

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Guest Slide On The Ice

pretty soon they're gonna say masturbation is abortion

I've heard that one already. The fundamentalist groups who believe that masturbation is a sin and sex is only for procreation, and that any spilling of semen out side of a uterus is evil in it's methods and motives. I enjoy jerking off to people like that. They turn me on to jerk harder and spill more seed. ;D

i dont know whether thats funny or disturbing.

I'm not sure which it's supposed to be. I wrote it spur of the moment. ::)

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