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How about the worst experience of the conference...

Guest Kimmy

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Guest Kimmy

Saturday nite at Pawn Shop >:( I have never been their before. Was it me or the sound guy in the main room. It sounded awful. I hope Danny T. sounded better than that!! Again the sound was terrible and the set by all of those DJ's in the main room was pretty sad (what i could hear of it anyway). I left spent another 20bucks to go back over the bridge to go to Angel Lounge and had a very good time with good sounds for alot cheaper than the Pawn Shop. Unless anyone tells me different i am never going to the Pawn Shop again.

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Guest Devilicious

"it's that time of the month again..."

Say that to all the whiny bitches who are always complaining about space why don't you? ::)

Worst experience of WMC for me was working over 18 hours straight without a break of any kind... and dealing with fuckhead guidos to boot.

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Guest durrtylexx

I'm not going to lie but the restroom situation at shine blew.

the circo loco drama was retarded as well.

i forgot about the thugs hanging out on sobe.

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Guest Miss_Digital

I'm not going to lie but the restroom situation at shine blew.

the circo loco drama was retarded as well.

i forgot about the thugs hanging out on sobe.

rest room at cafeteria sucked more

i was there on friday for JZ once you got in you couldnt get out i was holding it in the whole time :'(

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Guest rhythmburn

I'm not going to lie but the restroom situation at shine blew.

the circo loco drama was retarded as well.

i forgot about the thugs hanging out on sobe.

circo loco was retarded...

killed the vibe

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Guest Devilicious

"it's that time of the month again..."

Say that to all the whiny bitches who are always complaining about space why don't you? ::)

hope ur not talking about me...or else my feelings are gonna be broken

in better words this is the pms thread aka its that time of the month again lol...

much better way to put it :)

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"it's that time of the month again..."

Say that to all the whiny bitches who are always complaining about space why don't you? ::)

hope ur not talking about me...or else my feelings are gonna be broken

in better words this is the pms thread aka its that time of the month again lol...

much better way to put it :)

rumor has it that it feels quite nice during intercourse...sorry greygoose/redbull made me post that

no doubt! ;D :P

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Guest Miss_Digital

my personal worst experiance was getting something stuck in my ear

and this is how it happened

night starts out good its wensdays night i go to cafeteria to see my friend spin

we hang out i buy us some drink

we hang with some brits

then his friend sean had the hook up for Porter house wich i wasnt gonna go to but if we're getting in free why the hell not

So we go to suite and the music is un bearably loud so loud my friend jesse

does a Mc guyver and makes ear plug out of napkins

usually i dont use ear plugs but the music was so intensely high i had to

few minutes later we leave Suite and on to Howells POPTART party

it was awesome

and the music was at a good level

so i decide to get the ear plugs out right ear easy ... sucker pops right out

left ear !!!!! UHHHH!!! its stuck! and for like 5 minutes i'm in Automatic slims trying to get the damn thing out

I panic and i'm like i have to do a mini operation on my ear

then i rush and swing open the bathroom door

after 2 Seconds... I'm like shit ....


:-[ >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

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Guest rhythmburn

^ i'm sorry you got something stuck in your ear, but LOL rushing in a panic into the men's room ;)

makes me think of the southwest airlines commercial....

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Guest Miss_Digital

^ i'm sorry you got something stuck in your ear, but LOL rushing in a panic into the men's room ;)

makes me think of the southwest airlines commercial....

the 2 doors were right next to each other

but i was sooo flustered at that point i didnt notice i was pushing in the wrong door

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Guest JMT

bad sound? how about waiting in line for 2 hours to get into ultra, and then have to wait in line for everything else once inside. i saw about 4 acts. i would have given my left nut for just "bad sound".

you live and you learn, i guess...

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Guest tijuanarave

Conference was great except for UMF of course... It simply sucked. I knew it wouldn't be that fun, massive events always have perks. but come on, UMF was the worst festival I have ever attended. The lineup was sick, but everything else sucked. They were expecting 50,000 people, they advertised so much. Then the day comes and it look like they prepared for 10,000 not 50,000. At lest I can say that I went and now I know what it's all about, and what is that?, that is simply SUCKS ASS!!!

Just like I said last year with SPACE, first time there was my last one...

I had to complaint about something.

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Guest pod

Tonsillitis from Monday till Thursday.

Learning to walk normally again. (sprained ankle from two weeks before, and I finally got off crutches the day of Global Gathering...)

Combined painkillers and antibiotics, pretty much being in a fog as a result of it. Not a fun fog either.

Next year I'm living in a bomb shelter starting three weeks before conference.

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Guest Marina22

bad sound? how about waiting in line for 2 hours to get into ultra, and then have to wait in line for everything else once inside. i saw about 4 acts. i would have given my left nut for just "bad sound".

you live and you learn, i guess...

I feel your pain, that was me and I was looking forward to Ultra so much too. Sucks to pay $20 an hour for four hours! Definetly learned the hard way.... Oh yeah, still sick from being in the cold too long ;D

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Guest Marina22

bad sound? how about waiting in line for 2 hours to get into ultra, and then have to wait in line for everything else once inside. i saw about 4 acts. i would have given my left nut for just "bad sound".

you live and you learn, i guess...

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Guest defunes

I had a really good time at UMF. Got in quickly, about 15 Min. Went straight to buy my drink tickets, I bought 10 or something like that and then didn't worry about doing that line. The line to get the beer once you had the tickets was pretty fast.

But my bad experience was Wednesday going to the cycles party, there must have been 15 people there, 12 leaning on the bar and 3 dancing. It was a huge empty dance floor and some dumb ass bumps into me dropping my beer bottle. Nothing worse than spilling beer.

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Guest Philip

But my bad experience was Wednesday going to the cycles party, there must have been 15 people there, 12 leaning on the bar and 3 dancing. It was a huge empty dance floor and some dumb ass bumps into me dropping my beer bottle. Nothing worse than spilling beer.

When I heard about this I was kinna relieved. That party was supposed to be hot and I couldn't make it. I guess when you stand back and think, it's really a small % of the people that attend WMC that know the name Paul Woolford. Despite the fact he is becoming huge in the minimal circles.

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