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Bush's address to the nation last night regarding immigration

Guest swirlundergrounder

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Maybe instead of try in to get into our country, these people need to focus on making things better for themselves in their homelands!

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Guest bcnjunkie

What did you think? I actually agreed with everything he said for once!


Don't get converted....I think he said what his administration told him people wanted to hear on this subject.

He pretended to sound confident when mentioning how the 'national guard' would only serve 1 year terms at the border and not have to get involved with any of the legal or 'policing' issues...but he also said that about the last two wars when it came to the US troops.

He was also EXTREMELY vague when referring to a path to legal status. While he mentioned that he was not offering 'Amnesty' he in the same breath mentioned some 'jibba-jabba' about being here for a certain period of time, and paying taxes, and owning a home...and PAYING A FEE...YOU KNOW...A DEBT TO SOCIETY.

So if you can pay the fine...you're in.

crock-a-crap if you ask me...they're still running around in circles with their heads stuck up their asses. >:(

what a bunch of whining ......

[move]ZZZZZZZZZZZZ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ZZZZZZZ ZzZzZzZzZzZzZ[/move]

Still licking your wounds little man? :'(


wounds ??? ... from your whinning ? .... riiiight !!!!

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Guest swank

What did you think? I actually agreed with everything he said for once!


Don't get converted....I think he said what his administration told him people wanted to hear on this subject.

He pretended to sound confident when mentioning how the 'national guard' would only serve 1 year terms at the border and not have to get involved with any of the legal or 'policing' issues...but he also said that about the last two wars when it came to the US troops.

He was also EXTREMELY vague when referring to a path to legal status. While he mentioned that he was not offering 'Amnesty' he in the same breath mentioned some 'jibba-jabba' about being here for a certain period of time, and paying taxes, and owning a home...and PAYING A FEE...YOU KNOW...A DEBT TO SOCIETY.

So if you can pay the fine...you're in.

crock-a-crap if you ask me...they're still running around in circles with their heads stuck up their asses. >:(

what a bunch of whining ......

[move]ZZZZZZZZZZZZ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ZZZZZZZ ZzZzZzZzZzZzZ[/move]

Still licking your wounds little man? :'(


wounds ??? ... from your whinning ? .... riiiight !!!!

1) please learn how to spell...



sheesh...for real dude, get over it ::)

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Guest coach

The war in Iraq is a thorn in our side, but war is never pretty, quick, or simple.

This illustrates my point fairly succinctly, I think. He *said* over and over and over again that the war in Iraq would be quick and simple. We'd be hailed as heroes, etc. Obviously, he was mistaken or lying or misinformed or something. In any case, his words, what he said, had no meaning when compared to reality.

So, now, after all the times he's been mistaken, lying, or misinformed (depending on who you want to believe), we are supposed to believe he has suddenly changed? I still say we wait and see what actually happens rather than believing some made-up words.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

The war in Iraq is a thorn in our side, but war is never pretty, quick, or simple.

This illustrates my point fairly succinctly, I think. He *said* over and over and over again that the war in Iraq would be quick and simple. We'd be hailed as heroes, etc. Obviously, he was mistaken or lying or misinformed or something. In any case, his words, what he said, had no meaning when compared to reality.

So, now, after all the times he's been mistaken, lying, or misinformed (depending on who you want to believe), we are supposed to believe he has suddenly changed? I still say we wait and see what actually happens rather than believing some made-up words.

I think he has changed because of the pressure from the Republican party. Bush's low approval ratings is not only not good for him but it's not good for the Republian party as a whole in an election year. So he's trying to appease as many people as possible.
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Guest bcnjunkie

What did you think? I actually agreed with everything he said for once!


Don't get converted....I think he said what his administration told him people wanted to hear on this subject.

He pretended to sound confident when mentioning how the 'national guard' would only serve 1 year terms at the border and not have to get involved with any of the legal or 'policing' issues...but he also said that about the last two wars when it came to the US troops.

He was also EXTREMELY vague when referring to a path to legal status. While he mentioned that he was not offering 'Amnesty' he in the same breath mentioned some 'jibba-jabba' about being here for a certain period of time, and paying taxes, and owning a home...and PAYING A FEE...YOU KNOW...A DEBT TO SOCIETY.

So if you can pay the fine...you're in.

crock-a-crap if you ask me...they're still running around in circles with their heads stuck up their asses. >:(

what a bunch of whining ......

[move]ZZZZZZZZZZZZ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ZZZZZZZ ZzZzZzZzZzZzZ[/move]

Still licking your wounds little man? :'(


wounds ??? ... from your whinning ? .... riiiight !!!!

1) please learn how to spell...



sheesh...for real dude, get over it ::)

you're funny dude ... really. However, you're still whining ... how sad

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Guest obby

b] I think. He *said* over and over and over again that the war in Iraq would be quick and simple.


LOL that's the first time i have ever heard anyone say that our Prez said this war would be quick and easy.

Sorry bro but I have to laugh at that one.

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Guest swank

What did you think? I actually agreed with everything he said for once!


Don't get converted....I think he said what his administration told him people wanted to hear on this subject.

He pretended to sound confident when mentioning how the 'national guard' would only serve 1 year terms at the border and not have to get involved with any of the legal or 'policing' issues...but he also said that about the last two wars when it came to the US troops.

He was also EXTREMELY vague when referring to a path to legal status. While he mentioned that he was not offering 'Amnesty' he in the same breath mentioned some 'jibba-jabba' about being here for a certain period of time, and paying taxes, and owning a home...and PAYING A FEE...YOU KNOW...A DEBT TO SOCIETY.

So if you can pay the fine...you're in.

crock-a-crap if you ask me...they're still running around in circles with their heads stuck up their asses. >:(

what a bunch of whining ......

[move]ZZZZZZZZZZZZ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ZZZZZZZ ZzZzZzZzZzZzZ[/move]

Still licking your wounds little man? :'(


wounds ??? ... from your whinning ? .... riiiight !!!!

1) please learn how to spell...



sheesh...for real dude, get over it ::)

you're funny dude ... really. However, you're still whining ... how sad

this is so much NOT like me but...



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Guest swank
Congress has to pass laws. President Bush can only sign bills that are put on his desk.

President can VETO ANY bill he wishes....lets hope that doesnt apply to protecting our borders...funny no one has mentioned the Canadian border...

the Canadian border is a whole other thread... :-\

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Guest swirlundergrounder
Congress has to pass laws. President Bush can only sign bills that are put on his desk.

President can VETO ANY bill he wishes....lets hope that doesnt apply to protecting our borders...funny no one has mentioned the Canadian border...

the Canadian border is a whole other thread... :-\

I know. Canada has even tougher immigration laws than the US does I think. I would love to live in Canada if I were a single young chap. They have hella gorgeous women in Vancouver B.C...

:P :P

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Guest jamu

This president is nothing short of retarded. I think its not even worth speaking about President who doesn't know what the hell he's doing, is taking a very contriversal topic to move attention away from the; Libby thing, Gas Prices, and Iran... (Interestingly enough like someone mentioned months ago, that Iran was really was developing weapons of mass destruction... but certain confident republicans told me that I was outta of my mind by saying Iran was really to blame for developing weapons of mass destruction and allowing 911 pilots to get into the country.. hmm interesting.) I agree with Swank on everything so far. Swank your right on, on a lot of stuff. So far the republicans on here have shown me less and less real understanding of what is going on in the world and domestically. And more whinning about people angry at whats going on in our great country. So as far as I am concerned Mexican working in fields is less important then the economic state of this country due to oil prices, and the threat of a terrorist sponsoring country like Iran developing weapons of mass destruction, whom we really should have attacked in the first place not Iraq.

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Guest slamminshaun

It really doesn't matter what position Bush takes on an issue anymore. No matter what, people will roll their eyes and take a stand against him on every issue and somehow cite Iraq as their reason. It never fails. He lost political capital with Iraq, but did he run and hide from other issues so he didn't have to take a stand on them? Nope, he continues to take a clear stand on controversial issues with no regard for his own popularity.

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Guest jamu

He doesn't need to run and hide. He gets exposed. He is a feeble leader at best. This country has had much better leaders by far both Republican and Democratic, and Independent (Bull Moose). Bush however is not one of them. Shaun I think your better going with a seris of other more compitent Republicans. Bush is either compitent or capable. Nor does he really have anymore support from his own party. It would be like me backing up Hillary Clinton. I really don't like her or her stances. If she ran for president I would not support her. Nor should you be supporting someone that has done so much wrong for this country.

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Guest slamminshaun

He doesn't need to run and hide. He gets exposed. He is a feeble leader at best. This country has had much better leaders by far both Republican and Democratic, and Independent (Bull Moose). Bush however is not one of them. Shaun I think your better going with a seris of other more compitent Republicans. Bush is either compitent or capable. Nor does he really have anymore support from his own party. It would be like me backing up Hillary Clinton. I really don't like her or her stances. If she ran for president I would not support her. Nor should you be supporting someone that has done so much wrong for this country.

I don't support the person, I support the ideas. I only support Bush when his ideas are in alignment with mine, his stance on immigration being one of those I agree with. Even if I feel a leader is total crap, if their idea is good I'll support it.

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Guest jamu

But the thing is your constantly supporting his ideas. I mean republicans have some great ideas to help the country. But you have been supporting and defending this guy all the time. Sometimes I wonder if its not just you playing devils advocate, which makes you a very very good devils advocate. But the guy is only missing the tail to be the devil himself.

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Guest slamminshaun

But the thing is your constantly supporting his ideas. I mean republicans have some great ideas to help the country. But you have been supporting and defending this guy all the time. Sometimes I wonder if its not just you playing devils advocate, which makes you a very very good devils advocate. But the guy is only missing the tail to be the devil himself.

This is where you're dead wrong. The problem is some of you guys only pay attention to my posts when I support a Bush idea. Sure, I tend to hold conservative ideals so naturally I will agree with the guy more so then I'll disagree. But if you can't remember the shit load of times I've ripped into Bush for something or another, then you've been too busy worrying about my pro-Bush posts. Just like you calling me a Republican....dead wrong again, I'm not a registered Republican and haven't been for 8 years.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

But the thing is your constantly supporting his ideas. I mean republicans have some great ideas to help the country. But you have been supporting and defending this guy all the time. Sometimes I wonder if its not just you playing devils advocate' date=' which makes you a very very good devils advocate. But the guy is only missing the tail to be the devil himself.

[/quote']Brokeback Liberal I tell you people!!!

This is where you're dead wrong. The problem is some of you guys only pay attention to my posts when I support a Bush idea. Sure, I tend to hold conservative ideals so naturally I will agree with the guy more so then I'll disagree. But if you can't remember the shit load of times I've ripped into Bush for something or another, then you've been too busy worrying about my pro-Bush posts. Just like you calling me a Republican....dead wrong again, I'm not a registered Republican and haven't been for 8 years.

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Guest slamminshaun

So as far as I am concerned Mexican working in fields is less important then the economic state of this country due to oil prices, and the threat of a terrorist sponsoring country like Iran developing weapons of mass destruction, whom we really should have attacked in the first place not Iraq.

So, anti-immigration is a waste of time but somehow smoking bans are a cause worth fighting for?

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