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Guest boyfrombklyn

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Guest boyfrombklyn

I'm just curious what most people take these days. I've considered taking steroids in the past, but never actually did. What's good, what isn't, side effects, etc.?

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Guest boyfrombklyn

Yeah, I'll probably never take them. I'm just curious to what people are taking these days.

[This message has been edited by boyfrombklyn (edited 04-16-2001).]

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Hot on the market is Growth Hormone/Sersostim (humanatrope is chemical name)...I'm only 155 and don't even work out to tell you the truth but anyone I know who is hittin the sauce is eating this shit up. It is actually made for AIDS patients that nned to gain back weight. They combine that with Deca...stick with a good diet and excercise...if you must..try a cycle of Test to start you off...easiest and has least amount of side effects if you get the American goods. cwm15.gif


Do You??


This information is not intended to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions, or adverse effects. If you have questions about the drug(s) you are taking, check with your health care professional. This information is provided as a guide only. cwm2.gif

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Growth Hormone is not a steroid, its umm Growth Hormone. It has very different effect then A.S. For example if taken by itself it will for the most part not produce any significant muscle growth. It will however lead to the decrease in bf esp in the areas where it is injected.

The side effects of GH are very different then A.S too. You get no acne, mood swings, gyno, hair loss, eleveted blood pressure etc.

GH is very effective however, if taken with Insulin and/or another A.S such as testosterone enenthate. Together with Insulin it will lead to enormous lean muscle increase. It is said to be the best stack available so far. Insulin its not something to fuck with, as if you take it too much you will go into insulin shock, go into a coma or die.

"Hot on the market is Growth Hormone/Sersostim (humanatrope is chemical name)"

Thats actually not true. Growth Hormone is the chemical name, and Humatrophe is the trade name.

The cheapest ive seen GH is $600 per kit which is 126 iu's. Your supposed to take 4-10 iu's per day, 5 days on 2 days off.

As you can see this is not very cost effective which is why GH is not very popular yet as most people cant afford it. Most of the pro athletes which during off season gain 20lbs and still test negative on a drug test due so thanx to GH.

GH is not "controlled" like A.S are and posession of personal supply if legal.

"if you must..try a cycle of Test to start you off...easiest and has least amount of side effects if you get the American goods"

The above is not a good advice at all. Testosterone has the most sidde effects and the gains are not permanent. If you do Test(dosnt matter is its American or other) you will get "big" but most of your gains will be water. Since your gains are mostly water they will disapear faster then you gained them after you stop taking it.

The side effects of testosterone are pretty bad as well. To already mentioned water retention add acne, testicular shrinkage, elevated blood pressure, mood swings, and gynocomastia(you will get breasts like your gf)

Before you decide to take any drug i suggest you read and learn about it as much as possible. This especially goes for AS as there is a lot of bad information especailly on the street.

Id say that it takes about 3 years of good heavy lifting before you start juicing.

Finally, if you decide to take A.S look at drugs such as Primabalon Depot, Equipose, Winstrol, Anavar. These are mostly Anabolic in nature and will give very good results with only minimal side effects.

Happy juiceing!


"Nobody picks on a strong man." - Atlas

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Like I said...I am only 150 or so...thanks for the info Diesel. cwm15.gif


Do You??


This information is not intended to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions, or adverse effects. If you have questions about the drug(s) you are taking, check with your health care professional. This information is provided as a guide only. cwm2.gif

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What are your thought's on Suspension??

Also, I thought about taking something to rip up a bit, I was thinking Clenbuterol or Winstrol, which would you choose in your opinion.

Just curious, you seem to know whats up.

[This message has been edited by bionic (edited 04-24-2001).]

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If you want to get ripped up, I would stick with the Win. Clen is kind of sketchy, with the number of pills you have to swallow. It puts a major stress on the liver (not that everything else does). But you have to keep doubling your pill amount. Try Win, but you would need 30 or so, because it is not oil based it is water based so the injections would have to be increased.

Originally posted by bionic:


What are your thought's on Suspension??

Also, I thought about taking something to rip up a bit, I was thinking Clenbuterol or Winstrol, which would you choose in your opinion.

Just curious, you seem to know whats up.

[This message has been edited by bionic (edited 04-24-2001).]

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Originally posted by bionic:


What are your thought's on Suspension??

Also, I thought about taking something to rip up a bit, I was thinking Clenbuterol or Winstrol, which would you choose in your opinion.

Just curious, you seem to know whats up.

[This message has been edited by bionic (edited 04-24-2001).]

Suspension is one of the most dirtiest testosterones out there. If your going to do test,I would reccomend either Enthanate or Proponiate.With Proponiate,it comes in 50mg so you have to shoot 1cc 3-4 times a week. Enthanate is usually 200mg,you can stick to 200-400 mg a week for 8 weeks. I would reccomend winstrol,start it your 5 or 6th week into your cycle of test,take a shot 100mg every other day for 4-6 weeks,you should see some nice results..Be sure to come off the test on 3 shots of HCG 5000 iu's,then take 2 weeks of clomid,this will help get your own testosterone back to normal and your balls the way they used to be.It wouldn't hurt taking 1 shot of HCG in the middle of your cycle either.



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I didn't have any serious interest in taking Suspension, I was just curious about peoples opinions. I know somebody (not well enough to ask) who's taken it a lot and is a monster..

I've been working out for a while, and am not huge, but I'm comnfortable with the size I have. I'd like to cut it up though.

With Winnstrol I heard it's 1 every other day but for how long?

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Tastyt, never heard of e saving someones life before but whatever youd be suprised how many people use steroids in one form or another . Actors, pro athletes guys that look cool at clubs etc most of them dont look anything close to "sicence experiment gone wrong"....but you got your opinion on it and nothing i can say will change it so ill just leave it at that.

Testosterone suspension is water based testosterone meaning it is dissolved in water not oil. Being it water based, frequent and often very painfull injections are necessary. Im not sure if any of you tried either suspension or winstrol depot, but the injections sting like a bitch.

Since it is water based, it is much faster acting then other testosterones(such as enenthate, cypionate or even propionate) and therefore will bring little different results then the other forms.

For one thing,it is very androgenic and it will not cause water retention but give user a hard" ripped" look. Thats why your body looks lean and mean while on suspension. He will however shrink very fast as soon as he stops taking it. See anyone can be mean and big while on shit, only few can keep what they gained while off the juice.

Suspension shuts down your own test production fast. Hair loss is a big side effect of suspension, because it very easily converts to epitestosterone. Same goes for gyno, chances are you will get gyno with suspension even if you have not with other oil based forms of test because suspension converts more rapidly to estrogen.

Overall its not a beginner drug, and its not a good "quality" drug. It will bring on very fast results, but the gains will come off just as fast when you stop taking it.

It is very easily available and pretty cheap thats why a lot of guys are taking it.

Actually test and dbols and deca are very easily available and probably the majority of steroids that you will ever come across will be these 3.

Dont take suspension, there are much better things out there.

winstrol is also water based just like suspension but it is mostly anabolic and pretty mild androgen. It will not cause rapid muscle gain but after time it will produce nice long lasting effects. It does not cause water retention, bitch tits(does not convert to estrogen) and it will not supress your own test production. Much much better choice then testosterone. Winstrol is harder to get on the black market and its usually pretty expensive. In my opinion it is one of the best and safest drugs out there. It combines well with anything including testosterone.

clenbuterol is not broken down in the liver therefore it is safe for your liver. You will only need 7tabs/day of clen to see results.

winstrol(both oral and depot) are 17-aa drugs, which mean they have an extra carbon attached to them to help them pass through the liver without being broken down and eliminated, and that makes them bad for you liver. You should have your liver enzymes checked if youre using winstrol especailly large doses for long periods of time.

Also test prop is also available in 100mg/ml and it should be injected daily or every other day. It also converts to estrogen very easily so you might want to use some kind of anti-estrogen with it.

any other questions PM me!



"Nobody picks on a strong man." - Atlas

[This message has been edited by diesel77 (edited 04-24-2001).]

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Originally posted by bionic:

I didn't have any serious interest in taking Suspension, I was just curious about peoples opinions. I know somebody (not well enough to ask) who's taken it a lot and is a monster..

I've been working out for a while, and am not huge, but I'm comnfortable with the size I have. I'd like to cut it up though.

With Winnstrol I heard it's 1 every other day but for how long?

Yeah it is one every other day. But, you can space them out a little more after a while. 30 shots should be the right amount that is what one of my friends did.

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Originally posted by diesel77:

Also unlike e, or other drugs AS actually save lives

That's not a valid argument! The guy asking about steroids is interested in using them to buff up, not save his life! My grandma was on steroids for her terrible arthritis, that doesn't mean it's ok to use them to look like some science experiment gone wrong!

Also, E did (does?) have medicinal value. It was used by therapists. And don't forget about medicinal marijuana.

So there! tongue.gif


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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Originally posted by diesel77:

Also unlike e, or other drugs AS actually save lives

That's not a valid argument! The guy asking about steroids is interested in using them to buff up, not save his life! My grandma was on steroids for her terrible arthritis, that doesn't mean it's ok to use them to look like some science experiment gone wrong!

Also, E did (does?) have medicinal value. It was used by therapists. And don't forget about medicinal marijuana.

So there! tongue.gif


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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