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TERMINATED (Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi Killed in Air Raid)

Guest obby

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Guest mursa

Today's modern liberal and Bush hater response to the news of Zarqawi's death:


My guess, they'll ignore this as they ignored the celebratiions in streets of Baghdad after America took the captial in 3 weeks. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume they'll (the typical critics) just cover up this news by ignoring it and endless reporting on Abu Ghrrib or the alleged murder of civilians by Marines and the always amusing "oh yeah, well where's Usama,,huh??" LOL

As always, good news for Ameirca and Iraq always seems to end up being bad news for todays modern, misguided liberals. Imagine voluntarily putting oneself in such a position? Go Fig'r??????? I say we take to the streets and start handing out cake and candy. LOL



Not everything is as black and white as you would like it to be.

...this is bringing me back dejavu of when Saddam was captured ..........alot of these american gun ho extremists came here saying this was finally the "turning point in iraq"

now back to our regular scheduled program..http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/meast/06/08/iraq.main/index.html

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Guest pod

War or not, the guy deserved to be killed.

Don't give me that sanctity of life crap, some people on this planet would best serve it by just dying.

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Guest tres-b

War or not, the guy deserved to be killed.

Don't give me that sanctity of life crap, some people on this planet would best serve it by just dying.

Well said. Some people shouldnt be living and he was one of these people.

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Guest drlogic

Next prediction about the press:

They'll start demanding investigations as to how the US was tipped off about Zarqawi's wherabout and if the intel was obtained via "torture"........LOL WANNA BET?

This of course will follow the stories of Nick Berg's dad whacky comments, Abu Ghraib, alleged killings by Marines, Guantanamo, Secret prisons in eastern europe, ,,,,,,,,,,

all, of course to counter the positive news.

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Guest sross

I'd want sross clones on the jury if I was accused of murder. I'd walk away scott-free.

I hadn't even taken sides on this topic yet lol.

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Guest trancepriest

Here's another liberal weighing in... I'm glad Al Zarqawi is dead. This guy was a murdering monster. Anyone going around cutting off peoples heads on a regular basis... deserves to die.

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Guest pod

Just convince your liberal friends and we'll be all set.

And for the record, no, I'm not a conservative either. 8)

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Guest jamu

I was watching the news this morning and most of the high-ranking Democrats that were interviewed said something to the effect of' date=' "yes, this is good news, BUT....Bush, WMD's, blah, blah, blah..." Can't these fucktards just leave that shit alone for one day? A mass murderer has met his maker, yet some politicians want to beat to death the same old talking points.


Shaun I think what is happening with the liberal parties is saying this... YEAH a mass murder is dead yeah!!!!!

Then they are saying.... Boo republican conservatives and the Bush administration for throwing us in stupid war that we don't have to be a part of. And Republican conservaties are saying we (Republicans) do one right thing and they (Democrats) don't forget the past. Well let me remind you that you killed Zarqawi. So..... there are still how many MORE new angered Muslims because of our invasion? And no I wil l not give Bush the credit for killing him. I will give it to the lower star generals and intelligence officers that did the work on finding him, who will be outted if they disagree with their superiors in order to protect our country. I don't give the republican party or the bush administration any credit. As a matter of fact I blame them for making Zarqawi the figure that he is today. So booo hooo hoo for us continuing to remind you that its you guys (the supporter of this war) that we are in this and still losing young American lives.

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Guest obby


Zarqawi was alive after bombing: US general

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was alive and made a move to escape when U.S. troops reached the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, mortally wounded in an American bombing raid, a U.S. general said on Friday.

"We were not aware yesterday that in fact, Zarqawi was alive when U.S. forces arrived on the site," Maj. Gen. William Caldwell, the spokesman for the U.S. military in Baghdad, told Fox News.

Iraqi police had arrived on the scene of Wednesday's bomb attack first and put Zarqawi on a stretcher, Caldwell said. The U.S. forces arrived later and identified Zarqawi, who died shortly after.

"He was conscious initially according to the U.S. forces that physically saw him. He obviously had some kind of visual recognition of who they were because he attempted to roll off the stretcher, as I am told, and get away, realizing it was U.S. military," Caldwell said.

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Guest slamminshaun

I don't give the republican party or the bush administration any credit. As a matter of fact I blame them for making Zarqawi the figure that he is today.

Yes, I also blame them for making him into maggot food.

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Guest jamu

I don't give the republican party or the bush administration any credit. As a matter of fact I blame them for making Zarqawi the figure that he is today.

Yes' date=' I also blame them for making him into maggot food.


Without their Intelligence Officers they wouldn't even have known who the guy was. Then again since the party Replaced most of the knowledge top officials in the CIA because they were conflicting with White House ideals, I don't think anybody in the CIA knows who anybody is anymore. And after Zarqawi who even to go after. I bet our Clandestine services are in complete shambles with the crummy leadership assigned to them right now.

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