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Which party suffers more if terrorist strike the USA...AGAIN?

Guest drlogic

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Guest swirlundergrounder

No offence taken, it just seems a bit silly to pretend to know the answers to everything when all you and I have to go on are media and government reports - not exactly the most honest or trustworthy sources imo. The best we can do is speculate.

Ah but you see Logic has claimed that he has some kind of insider information that is not generally known to the public on all issues. Which he never sites his sources in his statements. This is why he claims that most of what you hear and what we argue about is false.

This is why he comes off as arrogant.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I try to simplify stuff and filter news best I can. If something just sounds to crazy to be true..9 times out of 10, it usually isn't true. From my experience w/ my lib friends, they're more willing to believe the outrageous news, than question it. The negative news has been a constant dribble from the press FROM DAY 1 of this admin. So I understand why the critics are so bitter,,,,that still doesn't make them right.

Dude that's all we do is question shit. So if we question something according to your general stance we are not being patriotic. But then on the other hand you claim now that we don't question most of what we hear we just go along with it.

You get info. We get info. You post ideas, news, quotes etc that support what you believe and we do the same. But when we don't blindly follow our fearless leaders in the White House you make a stink about it.

9/10 things you hear you say are not true because 9 out of 10 things you hear these days don't really support your political views! Ever think about that?

Ever think about why this adminstrations parties approval rating is in the fuckin; tank lately?

Or maybe you think now that most Americans are dissaprove of the current admistration based on the B.S Media we all get. Yet for some reason the minority of people in America who do approve on this administrations job (most of them are faith based followers who are agianst gays getting married and mixing religon and politcs) are getting the right information...

Bottom line is you and I and everyone else will really never know the whole truth. Maybe no one really ever does...

Unless you have some kind of Clearance that we don't have which I doubt you do..

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Guest drlogic

No offence taken' date=' it just seems a bit silly to pretend to know the answers to everything when all you and I have to go on are media and government reports - not exactly the most honest or trustworthy sources imo. The best we can do is speculate.

[/quote']Ah but you see Logic has claimed that he has some kind of insider information that is not generally known to the public on all issues. Which he never sites his sources in his statements. This is why he claims that most of what you hear and what we argue about is false.

This is why he comes off as arrogant.

fair enough,,,but i try to think more than I feel.

as for the media,,,,I don't know if you've noticed but........they get more wrong than they do right...be it Karl Rove going down,,,,Delay going to jail,,,Rapes/Murders in New Orleans @ the stadium after Katrina,,,Bush lied about WMD,,,Saddam had no links w/ Al-Qaida and other terrorist prior to 9/11 and our invasion yrs. later, etc..etc..etc...


Then the critics move on to the next "scandal" of the week w/ their foundation of their arguments/opinions based on lies or half truths, hence BEING FLAWED @ THE ROOT!

Get my drift?

You think I'm arrogant? Try listening to Bush critics accuse the president of all sorts of things as if they were fact. How do you think that sounds to me.?...someone who's actually taken the time to flip the coin over, learn the other half of the story and come to my own LOGICAL conclusion/s. Those people sound JUST AS ARROGANT to me as I might sound to them.....

and the beat goes on........and the beat goes ooooooon.......

round and round we go,,,,round and round we go lol


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