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I have only "rolled" a couple of times, and each time has been with close friends of mine

My question is: How does it feel to roll with someone your going out with? what do u feel? what do u say?

I can only imagine the things that you feel when your with someone that u really, truely care for......

Please peeps, tell me your experiences......




Do You Hear It?? Its Coming......


When I Think About You... My Feelings Cant Explain..Why After All This Time..My Feelings...

[This message has been edited by avalondon3 (edited 06-02-2001).]


i love rollin with my bf... we hug a lot and just tell each other tru feelings.. we're extremely close as it is, but when we roll together it brings us even closer cuz we love to be near each other the whole time


"cLuBBeRs DoNt FaLL...ThEy tRiP aNd RoLL"


all touchey feely and honest, we wound up just talking about shit for the longest time




1. To pass beyond the limits of

2. To be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass

3. To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe)



It is so amazing! I can honestly say I don't think my relationship would have made it if my BF and I hadn't rolled together. We finally talked all of our problems out and it brought our relationship to a whole nother level. Not to mention all the wonderful kinky shit that goes down when we roll. cwm4.gif



"No further evidence is needed to show that "mental illness" is not the name of a biological

condition whose nature awaits to be elucidated, but is the name of a concept whose purpose is

to obscure the obvious."


Love it. It's like a truth syrum. You just spit out whatever is on your mind. And when you get home the sex is great. It almost feels as if your bodies are melting together. Can't think of any other way to describe it.




WONDERFUL...we talk soooo much that it only helps our relationship..although I usually brush everything he says off as "E" talk...b/c at that stage you LOVE everyone...

My experiences have all been extremely good..so I would recommend it..just always keep in mind- you are rollin....



I am not afraid of tomorrow. I have seen yesterday and I love today.

I dont cry because it ENDED--> I smile because we HAPPENED..


It's great- like Sinergygirl said, if you're having any issues you might otherwise feel too inhibited to talk about, they come out.

And if there aren't any issues... well, you just babble on to each other about how in love you are!


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif


i hafta agree with everyone, it has to be one of the craziest times we have had.. all the things you have wanted to say and do just come out...i love the little cracked out adventures you take, like to find stooges, weed, ice, lollipops...whatever...and then when you come down you have some one to roll around the bed with cuz you know you both can't sleep, then the next day there is this "oh my God what did i do last night" vibe in the air and it is absolutly great


I must agree as well. I feel like a night spent rollin' is well worth the $$$ you'd spend on couples' counseling! A lot of issues can be worked out because you are not on the defensive. (And then the kinky shit is an Added Bonus!! tee hee!)


"You look Disco-Bitchin Fine!!"


rollin with your girl or man is dope. try it wink.gif


"I just can't believe all the things people say... why must I deal with this shit, every fuckin' day?" - Harry Romero

Resident Dj Club Exit's Red Room Every Friday...

Email: En0rgize@aol.com


make sure they are good hits


"I just can't believe all the things people say... why must I deal with this shit, every fuckin' day?" - Harry Romero

Resident Dj Club Exit's Red Room Every Friday...

Email: En0rgize@aol.com


Absolutely go for it!!! Rolling with my bf was one of the best rolls I've ever had. We spent hours talking about problems, reasons we were in love - anything and everything we had wanted to discuss for weeks but were to inhibited to really say. It adds an entirely different dimension to your relationship and, at least in my experience, it sticks after the high is over. You still feel that much more connected. Good luck - you'll love it. cwm28.gif


Nothing can be as savage as love...one taste is never enough...


I have rolled several times with my boyfriend. Nothing will ever compare to the first time we rolled together. We had the most unbelievable, long, passionate, sex we have ever had. It felt like I was getting off the entire time. Nothing has ever compared to it since. Not even when we rolled later. The rest of the times, it was great but we mostly talked a lot. He told me things I never knew before and we were just the happiest people in the world. It is was a great experience. cwm32.gif

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