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I heard that you can do UP TO 25 pills without doing real real damage. ::i know people who have done ALOT more pills and are ok. AND i also know doing 1 pill is bad enough:: Whatever...just tell me if its semi-true?? cwm13.gifcwm1.gif


EXIT fridays!-->*eSCAPE* Guestlist!!!


Have you experienced the e-SCAPE? ::wink wink::


Well I might as well fuckin kill myself.

Smi-True? 100% wrong!

Don't believe the hype...moderation is key.

Sounds like the old rumor I used to hear back in the day...if you took acid 7 times or more you are considered legally insane...what a crock.

I beat Charles Manson's insanity if that were the case.

Take care of yourself...do anything in moderation...everything will be aiight!


Do You??

AIM: GaHuB 69


This information is not intended to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions, or adverse effects. If you have questions about the drug(s) you are taking, check with your health care professional. This information is provided as a guide only. cwm2.gif


i am moderate. but i heard that you shouldn't do it ::lets just say:: 1 pill/month until your 30?

i dunno. cwm13.gifcwm36.gif


EXIT fridays!-->*eSCAPE* Guestlist!!!


Have you experienced the e-SCAPE? ::wink wink::


I think it has less to do with how many pills you do than how closely you space your rolls. If I roll more than once within a 6 week span, I get really cracked out, and it lasts for days. Not cool. Just give your brain time to recover between individual rolls, and you should be ok.



Nothing can be as savage as love...one taste is never enough...


I have rolled nearly every Saturday for a year or so and haven't noticed any brain damage yet....who said that? What...damn, there go the voices again...

MODERATION IS KEY, plain and simple!

I unfortunately have lost the "magic" due to the fact I rolled so much. I am under 30 but over 25...rolled over 100 times in that time period(not counted how manyhits..yuck that would be a sick number). Hold a great job, make decent cash. I am not brain damaged.

If you want to t alk about short term memory...that's a different story cwm30.gifcwm29.gifcwm30.gif


Do You??

AIM: GaHuB 69


This information is not intended to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions, or adverse effects. If you have questions about the drug(s) you are taking, check with your health care professional. This information is provided as a guide only. cwm2.gif


Originally posted by djscotphreak:


If you want to t alk about short term memory...that's a different story

did you say something?




1. To pass beyond the limits of

2. To be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass

3. To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe)



I agree...I partied for 8 years..did about 20 pills a weekened EVERY weekend (save maybe 2 or 3 in those 8 years) and I have a phat job, nice house, etc etc. My short term memory is shit as compared to what it was...but the times I had, people I met (the good ones) and experiences I had I wouldnt trade for the world. I have definitly lost that party magic and will probably never get it back. O well...time to move on and start some other magic doing something else



I've been doin E for 2 years now, and in those 2 years I've probably taken over 60 pills, probably more that I don't remember. I haven't really noticed any real damage or stuff, but yeah gotta agree with the short term memory being lost lol, mine's gone!!

But oh well, who needs their short term mermory anyways rite, lol!!




Aim: Romina321


Originally posted by gambitrah:

I agree...I partied for 8 years..did about 20 pills a weekened EVERY weekend (save maybe 2 or 3 in those 8 years) and I have a phat job, nice house, etc etc. My short term memory is shit as compared to what it was...but the times I had, people I met (the good ones) and experiences I had I wouldnt trade for the world. I have definitly lost that party magic and will probably never get it back. O well...time to move on and start some other magic doing something else

omfg bro...20 pills a weekend?? EVERY WEEKEND?? i'm not even talkin bout the bad side effects of E now, but isnt 20 pills over 2 days just a tad bit too much? i mean, let's say u sleep for 10 hours/a day, that still leaves 14 hours for u to take an average of 10 pills in, so thats what, like a pill every hour and a half?? daaamn....


E...there is no other alternative

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