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"Dog" Arrested in Hawaii.

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Dog The Bounty Hunter arrested

MSNBC has learned that U.S. officials have arrested TV reality star Duane "Dog" Chapman and two family members for extradition to Mexico.

Chapman's wife told MSNBC's Rita Cosby that heavily armed U.S. marshals arrived at the family's house today and took away Chapman, his brother, Tim, and son, Leland.

Cosby said she was told that Mexican government officials wanted the three men sent back there in relation to a three-year-old case.

In 2003, the Chapmans went to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico to retrieve Max Factor heir Andrew Luster, who was wanted in the U.S. on rape charges.

Luster is now in jail, serving a 124-year term, but at the time, the Chapmans were also jailed by Mexican authorities for a brief time three years ago.

Bounty hunting is considered a crime in Mexico.

At the time, the Chapmans were charged by Mexican authorities with illegally capturing Luster. The three returned to the United States after posting bail of their own.


My quick thoughts: Why are we playing nice with the Mexicans all of the sudden? They don't play nice with us.

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Guest tres-b

The guy brings a criminal to justice and we send him Mexico to get tried for it...

Bounty hunting may not be legal, but when you consider the corruption and real problems facing Mexico, this seems pretty ridiculous :P

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Yeah, what the hell, since when do we dance to their tune?

Luster would still be living on a beach down there, raping and murdering women, all the while the Mexican "police" would idly sit by and collect their bribe money.

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wow, so that Luster snafu finally came back to bite Dog (pun intended).

i remember how that was never resolved in mexico. that case is what made him a star.

but i agree, what the hell are we getting out of sending him back? at least the guy is taking criminals off the streets.

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Though his "star power" could work to his advantage in this one. Most of the time I decry when celebs use their influence to get out of legal trouble, but this time, I hope Dog and his crew make a huge stink out of this.

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Guest tres-b

Though his "star power" could work to his advantage in this one. Most of the time I decry when celebs use their influence to get out of legal trouble, but this time, I hope Dog and his crew make a huge stink out of this.


In most cases I am anti-star power, but in this case, give the Mexicans all they can take.

Remember the Alamo!

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It could be a big publicity stunt. I don't see the US all of the sudden going "OK Mexico, we'll get your guy for you..."

He's been on TV for three years now, it isn't like he was hiding. Something's up.

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Guest Philip

yea the whole thing is fishy but... as far as im concerned Dog is a freakn cock and i think how they treat criminals on TV is shameful. i'd tell Mexico to keep him.

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as far as im concerned Dog is a freakn cock and i think how they treat criminals on TV is shameful. i'd tell Mexico to keep him.

You're forgetting a few things here:

They're criminals. Most often felons he captures for selling meth and "real" drugs. It's not like he's going around shaking down weed dealers and small time hoods selling pills.

Secondly, he's out an assload of cash when these guys run. Tens, sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars. If I loaned you $75,000 and you ran, you bet your ass I'd be pissed when I caught up with you.

Thirdly, it's fucking Mexico. They weren't gonna do the job of getting that scumbag Luster out of the country, so a private businessman decided to do so in the interests of justice. I'd say the "right" of Dog and his crew bringing Luster to face trial here, outweighs Mexico's stupid law against bounty hunting.

A lot of things don't add up here, though like I said. It could very well be a stunt for the TV show.

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Guest Philip

as far as im concerned Dog is a freakn cock and i think how they treat criminals on TV is shameful. i'd tell Mexico to keep him.

You're forgetting a few things here:

They're criminals. Most often felons he captures for selling meth and "real" drugs. It's not like he's going around shaking down weed dealers and small time hoods selling pills.

Secondly, he's out an assload of cash when these guys run. Tens, sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars. If I loaned you $75,000 and you ran, you bet your ass I'd be pissed when I caught up with you.

Thirdly, it's fucking Mexico. They weren't gonna do the job of getting that scumbag Luster out of the country, so a private businessman decided to do so in the interests of justice. I'd say the "right" of Dog and his crew bringing Luster to face trial here, outweighs Mexico's stupid law against bounty hunting.

A lot of things don't add up here, though like I said. It could very well be a stunt for the TV show.

i didn't forget any of those things. i agree with you 100% on all bases here as well.

i still think its disturbing that he can treat people like that and the results be marketed for entertainment value. its a mockery of are justice system - which already is disturbing enough.

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Guest Philip

Whether the cameras are on or off, most guys in that line of work are pretty severe with people that run.

yeah, i can imagine its MUCH worse at times when the cameras aren't rolling. i would think they could at least handle themselves as professionally as, lets say, the cops on Cops. the fat bitch screaming and everyone high-fiving sends a horrid message to the general public imo. these are people just like you and me and they need help - not more of the same that they have had there whole life. sorry im a bleeding heart liberal :)

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If we're extraditing him to Mexico, let's extradite a few million of their citizens from here while we're at it.

i know what you are saying, but are they really harming any of us?

not sure if you heard the saying...

1 mexican labor worker equals 5 americans that never do the job correctly, or are always pissed.

most companies do not want to trade their mexicans legal or not legal for the average "white/black" american.

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I'm not concerned about the guys working the fields, I'm concerned about the convicted felons Mexico encourages to go north.

But let's not turn this into yet another immigration debate. The issue here is that we better not be jumping to Mexico's tune.

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