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I met this guy through a friend, but the thing is, we didnt meet in person, we met on the phone. It wasnt really intended that we were to hook up or anything, but thats what ended up happening. Well anyways. I absolutly loved his personality, he is one of those people, who you can tell anything to. I had never met the boy, and I told him more then i told my best friend! Well after about 3-4 months or so of talking on the phone, we finally got the chance to meet. We had been trying for a while, but our plans always fell through. When I saw him, I wasnt attracted alot, but enough. The first thing he did, (well after saying hi), was kiss me. (the kiss was very much welcomed btw), and we were together for a short time that night. Then the next day, I saw him again, and we did a little more.. (fingers went into action), and the whole time, i was thinking how strange this was. But anyways, That weekend, i spent almost the whole weekend with him, and i began to think i was becoming attracted to him, and as the weekend went by, i wanted him more and more. Well, i told him that i wanted him, and i didnt get a bad response from that. And for the rest of the weeekend, we just "played" around with eachother. Well, here comes monday, we both go back to school, and i didnt talk to him. Tuesday, I still dont talk to him.. i begin to think i only liked him because of the sexual thing, ut hat cant be, because sexually... he didnt really do anything for me. Wed. nothing. Thurs.. nothing. Friday-Wed, he went out of town, so i can understand that.. but when he got back, i called him, and when he picked up the phone, he said, "im really busy, can i call you later?" . so i was like ok w/e. Friday.. nothing. ... so i was thinking about letting it go. I began to think maybe t was only like a scam for him or somethihng, but then i wsa thinking, we used to talk every night.. did hooking up with him ruin things?? Was this a one weekend thing, or is it like he is just busy with school and things? I dont want to loose him as a friend , but i dont know what hes thinking.. and i dont know how to confront him.. should i even confront him???? HELP!!?? cwm34.gif


AIM: DeeLicious8P

Even if we never talk again after tonight, please remember that I am forever changed because of who you are and what you meant to me.

Love Hides Behind Every Corner...I must be walking in circles

Long you live and high you fly, smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry, all you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be


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sex is the QUICKESTTTTTTTTTTTTT and most CERTAIN way to ruin a FRIENDship!

rememeber that going foward in life...






"I'm gone, you ain't worth tha tears

You lost tha best thing you ever had in ya life..a waste of my years"

"ouT 4 doL"


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He definitely saw something he didn't like that night. Usually nobody goes 4 months on the phone for a night stand. You shouls call him and tell him to be as sincere with you as he can be, telling him you are not interested in him as a man, but as a friend, if that's the truth, if not, don't even bother.

"If you can't convince them....confuse them."

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you met a guy who wasnt, in your esteem, a real guy at all. he was a fantasy figure for you. you never saw his face, but you trusted him. you say he didnt really turn you on, but you messed around with him. see where i am going? you (and obviously he) had this cool fantasy concept going. it wasnt about just about friendship and/or lust, it was about creating a fully unique relationship experience.

you had your fun, he had his. i can tell by the subtext of your words that the charm has worn thin for you. his not calling proves that the charm has worn off for him.

you shouldnt feel used. you both had some fun. it prob was getting too much like a normal relationship, or something else that he feels he doesnt need in his life right now. also, since you admit that "sexually... he didnt really do anything for me," then the sexual part was most likely not that good for him either. although ppl often declare otherwise, good sex *is* very important to most men and women.

the prob is, as imnikki indicates, you cant go back to the way things were. decide what you want for *yourself* before you "confront" him. its pointless to have a conversation about where the relationship is heading if you dont have a clear idea of what you want for yourself.

also, i agree with chillinbeat who says "usually nobody goes 4 months on the phone for a night stand. You should call him and tell him to be as sincere with you as he can be." just be prepared, he might have no clue what he wants either, so you might have to let it drop.


i love music!

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ok, i understand what youre all telling me.. but we didnt have sex.. does that cahange anything or is it still the same thing?


AIM: DeeLicious8P

Even if we never talk again after tonight, please remember that I am forever changed because of who you are and what you meant to me.

Love Hides Behind Every Corner...I must be walking in circles

Long you live and high you fly, smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry, all you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be


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Originally posted by dee_licious:

ok, i understand what youre all telling me.. but we didnt have sex.. does that cahange anything or is it still the same thing?

i dont think it has all that much to do with the sex. i think you are both experiencing a letdown. i mean, you were probalby both driven by your own imaginations. you were probably thinking things like: whats he look like? is he as nice in person? will he think im pretty? etc. when you two finally met, all of that was suddenly lost. i think the sudden loss of your fantasy is what made the realtionship seem to dissolve. good luck. you seem like a caring and thoughtful person.


i love music!

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