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Venezuela Dictator Vows To Bring Down U.S. Government

Guest obby

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Guest JMT
It's totally telling that the stock photo that you dig up on North Korean diplomacy is from Clinton days, since there's been none of that for the last six years and hey wow look how well that worked out for Bush. His diplomatic strategy with people he doesn't agree with is to just ignore them. Doesn't seem to be working.

while i will agree we have had no diplomacy since (or before for that matter), the irony of the photo was lost on you. right after toasting Kim Jong, we provided him with a nuclear reactor AND hundreds of millions in aid money and food, meanwhile he funded (now obvious) uranium enrichment projects while letting at least 1 million of his people starve to death. also during that time, china, NK and pakistan ALL traded missile and nuclear technology. in 1998 clinton's chief of staff testified that NK had no missile program. a week or so later they fired a rocket across japan. this issue didnt happen overnight, or even just in the last 6 years.

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Guest drlogic

JMT,,,you're making sense in a venue marinating w/ non-sense.

If what you have posted does not fit the "it's all bush's fault" template, you're pissing into the wind my friend.

Take your pick:

wild fires, 9/11, recession, terrorism, faulty intel, black out, terrorism, parkinsons disease, aids, famine, hunger, poverty, homelessnes, high gas prices,terrorism, melting glaciers, hurricanes, floods, terrorism, global warming, global cooling, school shootings, trans-fats, terrorism.....etc..........LOL

All have been said by more than one liberal talking head to be directly or indirectly the result of the big cowboy dummy, Bush. That's their story and they're stick'n to it, God Damn It! LOL

God forbid an elected Republican behaves like a Democrat (ie..Foley), then all hell breaks loose! LOL

ps..I hear ya', though!

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Guest endymion

I busted out laughing out loud when I realized that you guys really are trying to blame Clinton for North Korea building a nuke after six years of Bush inaction. Actual out-loud laughing.

Bush is a more colossal failure than even I am suggesting if he's doing nothing but falling into traps set by Clinton, six years later. He's totally powerless because of a decision made by his predecessor twelve years ago? That's the omnipotent and invincible, strong-on-national-security president that you guys talk about?

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Guest drlogic

lol back @ ya'!

Here's a time line that should have you falling out of your chair too......

Here is the path, by the way, to October 8th. The Path to October 8th is the sequel to The Path to 9/11. The Path to October 8th -- of course that's when Kim Jong ll tests his little nuke.

• 1993: North Korea shocks the world by saying it will quit the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and then layered suspends its withdrawal.

• 1994: North Korea and the United States sign an agreement in Geneva, North Korea pledging to freeze and eventually dismantle its nuclear weapons program in exchange for help building two power producing nuclear reactors.

That was the sucker deal made with Madeleine Albright -- Jimmy Carter did some advance work -- and with the Clinton administration. So it was 1994, Clinton's second year in office that North Korea ran the sucker deal to perfection against the United States.

• September 17th, 1999: Five years later: President Clinton agrees to a first major easing of economic sanctions against North Korea since the Korean War's end in 1953.

• July of 2000: North Korea threatens to restart its nuclear program if Washington does not compensate it for the loss of electricity due to delays in building nuclear power plants.

(Laughing) The reason they're having delays in building nuclear power plants is because they took what we gave them and they're using it to develop weapons!

• July of 2001: The US State Department reports that North Korea is developing a long range missile.

• December 2001: President Bush warns Iraq and North Korea they will be held accountable if they develop weapons of mass destruction.

• January 29, 2001: Bush labels North Korea, Iran and Iraq an "axis of evil."

• October 4, 2002: North Korea tells visiting US delegation it has a second covert nuclear weapons program.

(Laughing) When you look at this timeline of events, The Path to Yesterday, The Path to October 8th, once again you find a totally snookered United States of America, making deals with communists and thinking they intend to keep them.

Read the Background Material...

(CNN: Clinton 'had plans to attack N. Korea reactor' - 12.16.02)

(Reuters: Defiant North Korea conducts nuclear test)

(AP: North Korea Wants Congratulations)

(AFP: Nuclear test was low power and conducted in mountain tunnel)

(U.S. Wants Sanctions on North Korea)

(AP: Iran Blames U.S. for N. Korea Nuke Test)

(AFP: Bush urges immediate UN response to North Korea's nuclear test)

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Guest JMT

I busted out laughing out loud when I realized that you guys really are trying to blame Clinton for North Korea building a nuke after six years of Bush inaction.

if you think one is to blame and the other is innocent you havent done enough homework.

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Guest drlogic

if you really wanna LOL, ask the "critcis" what should have been done and/or what/how they would handle N. Korea.

Buckle up.....You're in for a doozy,,,so don't drink milk while reading their "plan"(that is, asuming they're willing to put the same amount of effort/passion into remedies as they are to tearing down those whom they disagree with).

You critics hate Bush more than you do anything/anyone else. That alone is quite telling and on parade everytime a new issue arises.

I figgin' love you guys! I wish you all had prime time spots on t.v. and radio,,,,and a marching band!

C'mon...make me laugh! :D

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Guest james stratus

I'm what used to be called a "Barry Goldwater conservative"' date=' a species that no longer exists.


What do you mean they no longer exists? Today, they're called "Libertarians".

We used to be called "Republicans".

Yeah...so Democrats used to get all of the southern vote, and they no longer do. Political parties change, evolve, whatever....its true, yesterday's Republicans are today's Libertarians. Here's an article you might get a kick out of.


I could write an entire book on the changing history of the Repubs and the Dems. Change they have! The roles have been reversed and it is kind of freaky. Once upon a time the Democrats represented the rural South while the Republicans represented the Industrial North. Democrats represented slavery and secession while Republicans represented anti-slavery ideals and overall forward thinking for our nation. These sides stayed the same until the early 20th century, then it all began to change.

Ideals shifted to more modern era concerns and roles started to get reversed. Dems became the Republicans and vice versa in ever increasing cases as progressive thinkers in the Dem camp came to the table and implimented change that was against the Southern grain....

In basic summation the Republicans of the later half of the 20th Century and the 21st are no longer the party of Lincoln. A truth that has been levied on new era Republicans by both Liberals and Moderate Conservatives. At that time the country as a whole was more conservative, but the Republicans were the liberals of the day. Now the Republican party has been hijacked by Neo-Cons who actually discount our freedoms and are kings of Double Speak. Democrats are now for the people and so are the new old Republicans.

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Guest james stratus

Who's Kim Jong Il's tailor? I'm trying to get me some of those Dr.Evil-esque suits with the top button and zip up front.

Maybe Iran's Prez could give him some fashion tips. He always looks very breezy and comfortable for someone who is completely disconnected with reality.



Those who rightfully put blame on the Bush administration are actually the ones who are thinking. ;)

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Guest obby

Who's Kim Jong Il's tailor? I'm trying to get me some of those Dr.Evil-esque suits with the top button and zip up front.

Maybe Iran's Prez could give him some fashion tips. He always looks very breezy and comfortable for someone who is completely disconnected with reality.



Those who rightfully put blame on the Bush administration are actually the ones who are thinking. ;)

Thinking that EVERYTHING is Bush's fault isn't actually thinking at all.

History 101 bro

History does not lie.


if you really wanna LOL, ask the "critcis" what should have been done and/or what/how they would handle N. Korea.

Buckle up.....You're in for a doozy,,,so don't drink milk while reading their "plan"(that is, asuming they're willing to put the same amount of effort/passion into remedies as they are to tearing down those whom they disagree with).

You critics hate Bush more than you do anything/anyone else. That alone is quite telling and on parade everytime a new issue arises.

I figgin' love you guys! I wish you all had prime time spots on t.v. and radio,,,,and a marching band!

C'mon...make me laugh! :D


lol back @ ya'!

Here's a time line that should have you falling out of your chair too......

Here is the path, by the way, to October 8th. The Path to October 8th is the sequel to The Path to 9/11. The Path to October 8th -- of course that's when Kim Jong ll tests his little nuke.

• 1993: North Korea shocks the world by saying it will quit the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and then layered suspends its withdrawal.

• 1994: North Korea and the United States sign an agreement in Geneva, North Korea pledging to freeze and eventually dismantle its nuclear weapons program in exchange for help building two power producing nuclear reactors.

That was the sucker deal made with Madeleine Albright -- Jimmy Carter did some advance work -- and with the Clinton administration. So it was 1994, Clinton's second year in office that North Korea ran the sucker deal to perfection against the United States.

• September 17th, 1999: Five years later: President Clinton agrees to a first major easing of economic sanctions against North Korea since the Korean War's end in 1953.

• July of 2000: North Korea threatens to restart its nuclear program if Washington does not compensate it for the loss of electricity due to delays in building nuclear power plants.

(Laughing) The reason they're having delays in building nuclear power plants is because they took what we gave them and they're using it to develop weapons!

• July of 2001: The US State Department reports that North Korea is developing a long range missile.

• December 2001: President Bush warns Iraq and North Korea they will be held accountable if they develop weapons of mass destruction.

• January 29, 2001: Bush labels North Korea, Iran and Iraq an "axis of evil."

• October 4, 2002: North Korea tells visiting US delegation it has a second covert nuclear weapons program.

(Laughing) When you look at this timeline of events, The Path to Yesterday, The Path to October 8th, once again you find a totally snookered United States of America, making deals with communists and thinking they intend to keep them.

Read the Background Material...

(CNN: Clinton 'had plans to attack N. Korea reactor' - 12.16.02)

(Reuters: Defiant North Korea conducts nuclear test)

(AP: North Korea Wants Congratulations)

(AFP: Nuclear test was low power and conducted in mountain tunnel)

(U.S. Wants Sanctions on North Korea)

(AP: Iran Blames U.S. for N. Korea Nuke Test)

(AFP: Bush urges immediate UN response to North Korea's nuclear test)

I doubt they will research anything head. Hate is blinding.

Some people need to step away from wikipedia and hit up a real history book.

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Guest drlogic


I just tried farting w/out leaning to lift an ass cheek....big mistake....what was I thinking? I just basically tried to force my ass gas through my solid plastic chair......

I think I hersey squirted/sharted....



If only I hadn't been engulfed w/ this cooljunkies pscho-babble, I might have been able to lean before farting, but NO, Bush made me shit my pants!

I'm Dr. Logic and I support this message.

Carry on.....DOH-DOH Headz!

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Guest james stratus

Who's Kim Jong Il's tailor? I'm trying to get me some of those Dr.Evil-esque suits with the top button and zip up front.

Maybe Iran's Prez could give him some fashion tips. He always looks very breezy and comfortable for someone who is completely disconnected with reality.



Those who rightfully put blame on the Bush administration are actually the ones who are thinking. ;)

Thinking that EVERYTHING is Bush's fault isn't actually thinking at all.

History 101 bro

History does not lie.


I never said blindly blame. There is where the actually thinking comes in. That is, unlike everyone who actually fell for the BS about Iraq and have been regurgitating that BS on boards like this since late 2001.

And I'm not getting where you are going with the reference to history. Unless you are refering to Bush Jr and how he certainly doesn't know that those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.

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Guest james stratus

Obby, I'll say this here as I knew I would get a comment like that from you. I know history very well. I am well versed in the history of all the major US conflicts since the Revolution. And History was just one of the subjects that I got straight A's in up through college. That was both for knowing the facts, AND the analysis of events.

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Guest endymion

I'm what used to be called a "Barry Goldwater conservative"' date=' a species that no longer exists.


What do you mean they no longer exists? Today, they're called "Libertarians".

We used to be called "Republicans".

Political parties change, evolve, whatever....its true, yesterday's Republicans are today's Libertarians. Here's an article you might get a kick out of.


Very entertaining, thanks! This is a wonderful fantasy here:

There has been talk in the past of the left wing of the Democratic Party splitting off, but it hasn’t happened. This time is different, thanks to campaign finance reform. The leftists will have at least $200 million in “527†money from George Soros and other leftist billionaires, enough to build a political organization and attract good candidates. They think the Internet has changed the rules of politics, favoring third parties, and they may be right. They plan to run a Hollywood celebrity for president, giving their party instant credibility. Maybe.

This new party, probably called the Progressive Party, will lose the 2008 presidential election, but millions of people will vote for a third-party candidate for the first time. The Progressive Party will be a battering ram for other third parties, leading the way by lowering ballot access requirements, opening debates to third-party candidates, and laying to rest the “wasted vote†argument.

But how many "leftist billionaires" are there? Most philanthropist billionaires seem to be way more interested in the big poverty eradication project than who's running for office in the US.

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