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~The Vagina Monologues~


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Yes kiddies I have been surfing the web again for yet another interesting topic to speak about. My search first began solely with "vaginas". Simple enough you would think yet I came across one link which striked my interest. Funny think, someone from the board had told meabout this a while ago while walking the New York City streets. I had forgotten about it due to my own anticipation for the drinking we were about to commence.

As for what I found...Its actually the topic of our discussion, "The Vagina Monologues". It is currently being performed at the Westside Theatre on 407 W. 43rd Street.

From what I have seen, it appears to be a hit and also for a good cause.Some of the profits go to the V-Day fund which which supports groups working to end violence against women.There are three actresses which perform this silly little ordeal (and I mean silly in all goodness mind you). The author, Eve Ensler,toured interviewing women asking them to in fact, speak about their vaginas. Pure genious if you ask me. I personally am now DYING to go view this. Its affordable too at only $55/ticket. Im sure it could bring much delight to both males and females alike.

Here is the running order of the monolgues which I took from the web site. I will of course include the link at the bottom of this post as I always do.

1. Introduction

2. Hair

3. If your vagina got dressed, what would it wear?

4. If your vagina could talk, what would it say?

5. The Flood

6. The Vagina Workshop

7. Vagina Fact – Clitoris

8. Because He liked to Look at It

9. Vagina Fact – Genital Mutilation

10. My Angry Vagina

11. My Vagina Was My Village

12. The Little Coochi Snorcher That Could

13. What does your vagina smell like?

14. Reclaiming Cunt

15. I Asked a Six Year Old Girl

16. The Women Who Loved to Make Vaginas Happy

17. I Was There In The Room

Now Im quite sure that you can judge for yourselves the humor in these here Monolgues. I dont have time to give anymore information on it at this time but will be glad to do some more research if you all wish. Or you may go ahead and click on the link yourself.

I dont know about any of you but I sure as hell plan on going to see this for myself. Im actually quite excited about viewing it and hope you all will do the same. It's affordable, local, and goes to a good cause.

And who would have though...I wanted to put some type of wacky post up about vaginas themselves and came across something that can be much more entertaining!


For tickets:

Tickets are on sale through 4/1/01 and the schedule is as follows:

(The show is performed with 3 women sharing the stage for 6 week engagements.

For the schedule of performers click on "who's on" above.)

Tues thru Fri at 8:00pm

Sat at 5:00pm & 8:00pm

Sun at 3:00pm & 7:30pm

Tickets are $55.00 each.

Performances 12/22 - 12/30: $60

Sunday 12/31 @7:30PM: $65

A substantial amount of the proceeds will go to the V-Day Fund to support groups working to end violence against women.

If you go to the website, there is also a view of the seating arrangements. You can also stumble upon the ticket ordering info if you are in fact interested.

TaTa for now kiddies...and have fun playing! cwm12.gif



- "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn

- Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention!

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i saw that at Rutgers 2 years ago.....YUM.


-----"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me





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