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Ladies..How about some Vaginal Exercises....?


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Let me start off by saying this...I really have to get some osrt of sick demented kick out of all these wacked ass posts I put up because Im starting over. I had this entire post written up and was ABOUT to hit submit and then my computer erased it all. Ugh!!! But, anyway, I have no problem with it being I do nothing at work except this to keep my sanity.

Now that Im done bitching let's start shall we...Ladies this post is for us. Im sure you have all heard about vaginal exercises. We know they can increases stimulation as well as help for preganancy but how many of us actually do them? And knowing the benefits, how many of us sit down every night and do this? Probably not many. But come on nw...dont we want to have a better orgasm? Dont we want to make it tighter so our man gets more pleasure? We do all of these crazy positions from hanging upside down from the ceiling to throwing your legs behind your head or one of the other million and two wicked postions we twist our bodies into for added pleasure. But something that wouldnt take too much time each day to make it better then just those positions, we overlook. I think I need to change that!

Anyway, Im going to copy and paste some things from the website. I'll put quotes around them for I dont want it to be viewed as my words when its not.

"There are several benefits for a woman to exercise her vagina:

This will...

...make it easier for you to reach orgasm.

...make your orgasms stronger/better as the muscles you're exercising are the same as used during orgasm.

...make your vagina more sensitive(you'll feel more). When squeezing you'll feel your partner much better inside. It will simply heighten your sexual satisfaction.

...prevent prolapse and incontinence.

...make childbirth easier and your muscles will regain more quickly after the birth.

- For your boyfriend it will be a tremendous difference. You will get tighter. You can pull and squeeze your partner's penis.

- You don't have to be nervous the first time you make love with a new partner, wondering what he will think of you as a sexual partner. You'll have better sexual self-confidence. You'll know that your present/future boyfriend/husband/lover won't be disappointed.

- Men prefer women with a strong vagina (to many men it's more important that his lover has a strong vagina than having a perfect body). In some cultures women exercise their vaginal strength in order to help them keep their future/present husband.

- You can be proud of your vaginal strength(just like one can be proud of one's body).

- The woman will get more control in bed. Many women enjoy that and think it's fun."

Now its good to start these exercises as young as possible. If you dont already exercise, you may be loose and have weak muscles. If you start strengthening them now, you will be better off in the wrong run. Your pregnancy will be better, sex life, adn when menopause reers its ugly face, your muscles wont be INCREDIBLY loose. This is most likely why older woment have difficulty achieving orgasm. Theyre too damn loose to get any friction! I dont know about any of you chickys but I sure dont want or need that ...lol.

Here is a brief explanation that I copied and pasted from the site. You can click on the link on the bottom of the page to get a better explanation. I merely copied this for the post to just give you an idea.

"-How is a Kegel exercise done?

It's very simple.

The easiest way to exercise is simply to contract the vagina, then relax.

Repeat 20-400(depending on your strength) times/day.

As well as being simple to do, the exercises only take some minutes each day.

And unlike other exercises(like jogging, swimming, strength training, etc.),

you don't even have to take a shower afterwards, and the results are very


Aleternative (more efficient and advanced) ways to exercise are described

further down this page.

When exercising you should not use your stomach, leg, back or buttock muscles.

Breathe slowly and deeply.

Put your hand on your stomach when you squeeze your pelvic muscle.

If you feel your abdominal muscles move, then you are also using these

muscles. Your leg and buttocks muscles should not move.

There's also gadgets like vaginal cones to help women locate and exercise

the right muscles.

As no one can tell that you're exercising, you can do the exercises anywhere,

anytime. On the bus, when walking, watching TV, lying down, driving a car,

sitting, during sexual intercourse(tighten your pelvic muscles to grip your partner's

penis and then relax), while brushing your teeth, at work, standing in line at the ATM,

waiting for an elevator, whenever a telephone operator puts you on hold, when jogging,

make a habit of doing some contractions everytime you take a look at a watch, every

morning when you get out of bed, etc.

If you already have a daily exercise program for your body, you can do the Kegel

exercises as a part of that program.

Unfortunately, some women, even though they take interest in their body and exercise

(by jogging, swimming or slimming) in order to get fit (either for health reasons or to

become more attractive), seem to care only for the 'outside', often neglecting that it is

equally important to exercise(by doing Kegels) the 'inside'(both for attractiveness and

health reasons). Actually, when it comes to attractiveness, the inside may be even more

important than the outside, as many men prefer a woman who has good control of her

vagina to a woman with a perfect body. That's positive as it's easier to exercise the

vagina than it is to get a perfect body.

For best results, you must exercise faithfully. The muscles won't increase in

strength overnight. Most women will notice changes after just three weeks.

When exercising your vagina, it should not feel as if your anus is tensing too.

It may be hard to tighten the vagina separately, but when you've exercised

for some time, you should be able to feel the difference between these muscles.

Don't worry if you can't contract them separately, though. It's not *that* important.

Some women, who have talent and take interest in their vaginal strength, can

become expert in using their muscles in sex to *greatly* enhance the sexual


Now girls, I noticed that this improves more then just our vaginal muscles. It also help build self confidence. Odd but true. You are to start becoming "proud of your vagina" soon after you start the exercises and strengthen those muscles. This is such a riot to me Im sorry, but I just cant stop giggling over here.


The site also recommends the use of ben wa balls. I have these just never got around to using them. I think I will try now after the information that I just came across:

These exercise the muscles and increase the pleasure.

To make love with yourself:

Will broaden your erotic skills.

Will increase your sexual self-confidence.

Will increase your self-knowledge.

Will affect your life together with your partner in a positve way.

Prevents unfaithfulness if you and your partner often are at different places.

Strengthens your pelvic floor.

Well-exercised pelvic floor muscles will increase:

The sensitiveness of your orgasm.

The strength of your orgasm.

The sexual experience.

Prevents incontinence.

How to exercise the muscles of the pelvic floor:

Make love to yourself, the orgasm will give the pelvic floor a good training.

Sexual intercourse, squeeze the penis of your partner.

Ben Wa balls, two balls connected with a string that is inserted into the vagina, which

shall be used when you move. The balls give a sexual stimulation while you exercise.

Kegel exercises. You don't have to exercise in the queue at the supermarket. You can

exercise while masturbating just as well. Contract around a dildo or a finger."

Okay heres the link if you feel you want to go see some more. I can find other links if anyone is interested. Hope you enjoyed. Im sorry I never get in too deep on the posts but Im working and dont quite have the ability to put much thought into it. Hope you enjoyed girls...and boys who Im sure also clicked on the link with curiosity..hehe CAUGHT YA FELLAS!!

Hope you all ahve a fabulous *HUMP DAY*!






- "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn

- Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention!

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ANd the best part is girls...that these really work!! Trust me! I know most of us are young so we aren't too concerned about doing our Kegal's b/c we think we'll be incontinent soon or get a prolapsed uterus but as far as increasing sexual pleasure and orgasm, WOW! cwm41.gif I will not lie to you.

THe best way I could describe how to do them is picture you are on the toilet peeing. THen try to stop your stream. There you have it, the Kegel exercise! Easy as pie, and a WORLD of difference!



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