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So what happens if you're late?


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Women...what goes through your minds? And what happens if you are pregnant? What do you do?

Men...what goes through your mind if your woman is late?

Reason I'm asking is because a friend of mine recently found out she was pregnant. She feels as if her world is ending. Which I know, is not going to happen.


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Originally posted by phrankadelic:

Women...what goes through your minds? And what happens if you are pregnant? What do you do?

Men...what goes through your mind if your woman is late?

Reason I'm asking is because a friend of mine recently found out she was pregnant. She feels as if her world is ending. Which I know, is not going to happen.


I've been scared shitless maybe three or four times in my life ...but then I always reminded myself: you'll cross that bridge when you get there, Jack ...so don't worry for nothing. Girls skip periods sometimes *knocking on wood* ...it worked so far



[This message has been edited by Ph0eniX (edited 01-24-2001).]

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Silly Rabbits - take the test. Get the morning-after pill if necessary. Hell, a responsible girl should, inho, keep a spare test and some pills at home at all times.

Being late is a bad time to dawdle and stick one's head in the sand as far as I'm concerned - just my opinion and I'm sure it doesn't count as I have a pipi andnot a uterus. But when female friends of mine have had this happen I have always stressed this quick actionand to also keep the supplies on hand the next time. If you are preggers you gotta do some real quick thinking as to whetherto keep it or not. Morning after pill hurts for a couple of days butnot as bad as abortion pill or operation. Or if one decides to keep it - then you have all the more lead time to prepare.

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oh god, where do i start...first of all if your friend thinks she maybe pregnant, tell her to find out...have her take the home test...if it comes up positive, then she is most likely pregnant...these tests are very accurate these days...it measure a level of a hormone in your urine, this test can be taken the day after a missed period and be accurate...thats from my doc's mouth...tell her not to delay, it will only make it worse...

but in response to the main question, i think most women who are sexually active get a little nervous when they are late...


i know what i want, but it took me a long time to figure it out

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Originally posted by Ph0eniX:

we've done that ...but I just don't trust hpt's 100%

You're tellin me. I don't trust it one bit. Cause 4 years ago, my g/f did one of those take home tests...came out negative. She didn't get her period and we ended up going to a clinic where she had her urine and blood tested. Turns out she was pregnant. So much for those take home tests being 100%. Sha'right! Now I'm not saying that all are wrong, but that day it was. Maybe she did it wrong, I doubt it, but who knows.

This thread was started because of what I found out about my friend. It hit home because it happened to me. And I WAS practicing safe sex - the condom broke. Guess I've gots some potent spermies. She said the same thing happened to her. Don't think she's keeping it, which is something I don't agree on. But it's her life and I'm just giving her my total support. Pro-life vs. Pro-choice...that's another thread.

In case any of you care...we chose pro-life - and I'm the proud father of a beautiful 3 1/2 yr old daughter. I couldn't have made a better choice. Take a look for yourselves.


I've got the beat...the one for your mind as well as your feet!

AIM: Phatskils2

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Originally posted by phrankadelic:

In case any of you care...we chose pro-life - and I'm the proud father of a beautiful 3 1/2 yr old daughter. I couldn't have made a better choice. Take a look for yourselves.

Awwwwww...what a cutie...my daughter is 4!!


i know what i want, but it took me a long time to figure it out

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Originally posted by phrankadelic:

You're tellin me. I don't trust it one bit. Cause 4 years ago, my g/f did one of those take home tests...came out negative. She didn't get her period and we ended up going to a clinic where she had her urine and blood tested. Turns out she was pregnant. So much for those take home tests being 100%. Sha'right! Now I'm not saying that all are wrong, but that day it was. Maybe she did it wrong, I doubt it, but who knows.

This thread was started because of what I found out about my friend. It hit home because it happened to me. And I WAS practicing safe sex - the condom broke. Guess I've gots some potent spermies. She said the same thing happened to her. Don't think she's keeping it, which is something I don't agree on. But it's her life and I'm just giving her my total support. Pro-life vs. Pro-choice...that's another thread.

In case any of you care...we chose pro-life - and I'm the proud father of a beautiful 3 1/2 yr old daughter. I couldn't have made a better choice. Take a look for yourselves.

she's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo adorable

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GO one the PILL? Why wouldn't you. I initially went on it for medical reasons when I was 15 and have been on it ever since. I never have the lateness scare. I am like clockwork. I can clock it down to what hour of the day, if not the minute. Every 28 days exactly!! I don't need to worry bout it. I laugh when girls say they are afraid of gaining weight if they go on the pill. That makes sense. SO, when you get pregnant, you're not gonna gain any weight? LOL!



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everyone, thank you for your kind words about my daughter. she is truly the most beautiful girl and a reminder of our right decision. i, or better said - we, could've taken the easy way out and gotten an abortion. but that's just not me. and i totally have no regrets.

anyways...i totally agree with the pill. i think more women should be on it. if you are sexually active, you should be on it. i hear it's even good for your complexion. is that true? but there would be no worries about being late. so why even take a chance?


I've got the beat...the one for your mind as well as your feet!

AIM: Phatskils2

[This message has been edited by phrankadelic (edited 01-24-2001).]

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All this abortion talk is certainly gonna generate some opinions from someone...especially me. OK, now if a girl is not practicing any form of birth control (condoms, pill, Depo, etc) than when she gets pregnant, why the HELL have an abortion. Yes, a woman will become emotionally distraught many of the times, but all in all it is her own fault. She was the one not practicing safe sex in the first place.

Too many girls are turning to abortions as their form of birth control. All I can say is, why not use another form of birth control, other than the EVER SO RELIABLE PULL OUT METHOD(yeah right). It just doesn't make sense to me. And if you DO get pregnant, don't suck that baby outta you with a vaccuum, at least give it a chance and give it up for adoption! The selfishness in this world KILLS me cwm22.gif



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Originally posted by mrdick:

I have an issue with describing an abortion as the "easy way out". They are not necessarily easy and besides easy and tough have nothing to do with it.

Ok...poor choice of words. I've just heard of women that have had a few abortions because of their lack of concern for protection. so to me...that's their easy way out of a tough situation. but yes, i totally agree that it's not an easy thing to go through for those that have never been through it before. the feelings of remorse and regret linger. hell they may never even be able to conceive after the abortion. so that's a lot to put on one's head. something i wish women would never go through. But...it's their choice to do so.

and señor dick...i've got her license at home. right next to my shotgun! cwm6.gif



I've got the beat...the one for your mind as well as your feet!

AIM: Phatskils2

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This topic will a subject of debate long after we are all old and grey. It is a very touchy subject with many people. We are all going to have opinions on it, and we are always going to disagree somehow. I don't think its fair to say abortion is an easy way out. I don't think its fair to say that all people have abortions as a means of birth control. I am sure you have heard all of the arguments, so I will not go through them. Abortion is a very personal subject. It is my belief that this should remain a personal subject, not one to be decided upon by someone who will never, ever know the pressures, anxiety, fears, etc. of pregnancy, planned or not. Do not pretend to know until you have been there. With many things, it is hard to really know how we would react to something until we have experienced it.


i know what i want, but it took me a long time to figure it out

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well put cmb. but these boards are meant for opinions right? why not voice them? it is a touchy subject, but some will not learn the specifics of ones feelings if they are not voiced.

take for example some of the posts that miss kittie has brought up. at first, i thought they were nasty because i never understood it. but there are meanings behind it. don't get me wrong, i still think that most of them are nasty. that opinion is still there and will be. but at least i'm a bit more knowledgeable.

if people sit there closed minded, then they will not be aware of the reprecussions that this subject has touched upon. u know where i'm coming from? it's just another reason why i started this thread. to have some women voice their opinions and hopefully shed light to those that too afraid to see.

does that make sense? cwm25.gif


I've got the beat...the one for your mind as well as your feet!

AIM: Phatskils2

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i think you took my post the wrong way, or maybe i expressed myself the wrong way...i have absolutely nothing against people expressing their opinions on this board, after all, why else are we here...the last couple of sentences were really where my point was. i agree totally, you have to try to be open minded and see both sides.


i know what i want, but it took me a long time to figure it out

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Originally posted by cmb1975:

i think you took my post the wrong way, or maybe i expressed myself the wrong way...i have absolutely nothing against people expressing their opinions on this board, after all, why else are we here...the last couple of sentences were really where my point was. i agree totally, you have to try to be open minded and see both sides.

well, since you asked ...I'm here to kill some time between 9am and 5pm



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Abortion as birth control is not wrong at all. What it is is incredibly stupid.

Nevertheless, you either think aboprtion is allowable or not allowable for moral and philosophical reasons that should havenothing to do with how you got pregnant. I don'yt agree with saying "Oh - its your falt you got pregnant so this one you keep". How you got their is irrelevant for the abortion decision. However, I agree that once that decision is made someoen should slap you around for being so stupid as to not use birth control when you didn't want to have a kid.

And I think CMB and I already have an understanding that I want to see her naked. Of course that's only the beginning of what I want from her but its a start smile.gif

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If I even think I'm PG......I usually FREAK til I get it!!!!!!


Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long.

Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

Aolimer: Glowgirl42000

Email: Sugar4@earthlink.net

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Originally posted by phrankadelic:

You're tellin me. I don't trust it one bit. Cause 4 years ago, my g/f did one of those take home tests...came out negative. She didn't get her period and we ended up going to a clinic where she had her urine and blood tested. Turns out she was pregnant. So much for those take home tests being 100%. Sha'right! Now I'm not saying that all are wrong, but that day it was. Maybe she did it wrong, I doubt it, but who knows.

This thread was started because of what I found out about my friend. It hit home because it happened to me. And I WAS practicing safe sex - the condom broke. Guess I've gots some potent spermies. She said the same thing happened to her. Don't think she's keeping it, which is something I don't agree on. But it's her life and I'm just giving her my total support. Pro-life vs. Pro-choice...that's another thread.

In case any of you care...we chose pro-life - and I'm the proud father of a beautiful 3 1/2 yr old daughter. I couldn't have made a better choice. Take a look for yourselves.

tthat girlie is so adorable....u definately made a good decision



ne ide sve na misice ponekad je potrebno i MALO vise da OSVOJIS me

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I have an issue with describing an abortion as the "easy way out". They are not necessarily easy and besides easy and tough have nothing to do with it. I am glad that you made the right decision for you. You seem so happy and your daughter is just freaking beautiful.

But the way I see it is that everyone has to make the best decision for them and worry about tough or easy when they go to execute it. Sometimes the easiest thing is the right thing; sometimes not - life isn't a Disney fable smile.gif

So happy that you are happy. Does your daughter have a license o be that cute? smile.gif

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Originally posted by mrdick:

I have an issue with describing an abortion as the "easy way out". They are not necessarily easy and besides easy and tough have nothing to do with it. I am glad that you made the right decision for you. You seem so happy and your daughter is just freaking beautiful.

But the way I see it is that everyone has to make the best decision for them and worry about tough or easy when they go to execute it. Sometimes the easiest thing is the right thing; sometimes not - life isn't a Disney fable smile.gif

So happy that you are happy. Does your daughter have a license o be that cute? smile.gif

I agree with you ...abortion is definitely not the easy way out [for women at least]. I know girls who went through abortions and they hardly feel that way. They can't forgive themselves for the longest time if ever



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