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No Grey Goose at Space??

Guest wasted24_7

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Guest LeVeL

Level Vodka is great...I like a bunch of Vodka's better than Grey Goose.

First in my list if Ciroc Vodka, LeVel, Absolute, Finlandia,Belvedere..it goes on and on...Grey Goose is at the bottom of my list.

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Guest redman

Grey Goose is not a bad vodka, but all were doing is buying a brand thats overated

Kettle and Stoli are amazing Vodka that are much smooother and better tasting that Grey Goose will ever be. And the hanger arent half as bad when there with the goose. And level is pretty decent too.

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Guest wasted24_7

Well i dont think goose is the BEST vodka but it is high quality and for someone like myself, the taste really makes a difference when you're drinking it straight or with very little mixer.

Kettle is far better than level though imo.

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imo goose tastes great......thats why you can usually catch me drinking straight out of the bottle...

lmao!! i dont want to think about red bull vodka.......for at least 4 days.

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Guest ddg

imo goose tastes great......thats why you can usually catch me drinking straight out of the bottle...

lmao!! i dont want to think about red bull vodka.......for at least 4 days.

lmao @ 4 days......we shouldnt be thinking about drinking until at least 2009...

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I was talking to a co-worker about different liquors and we were talking about different vodkas, he said take the vodka that you like and pour it in a shot glass straight up, than take another shot glass and b4 you pour your vodka run it thru a coffee filter.

try both of them, purpose to see which one is smoother & better tasting.

i have to try this, as he says that not only will it taste better but you will deff get all of the impurities out, which it makes sorta sence.

my liquor of choice at the moment is rum, don't think space carries any top shelf rum so i just stick to bacardi which i know its low grade rum, but its better than nothing.

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Guest hiram

all vodkas practically taste the same. its grain alcohol distilled so high(80 proof)that its basically pure alcohol diluted with water. maybe flavor infused vodkas give different tastes. i never cared for grey goose but i think the flavor is all mental. i recently discovered a new vodka called SVEDKA which i think is pretty good. and cheap too

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Guest JMT

i disagree. over time, regular vodka drinkers can taste a (slight) difference in vodkas. i used to think goose was just trendy but after doing enough field-testing i think its the best tasting out of the major premium brands ive tried. but in europe there is a polish vodka called Bol's which i like better than any other.

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Guest hiram

i think the "taste" merely comes from the water they pour in it. you can agree that evian water taste different than fiji or voss. grey goose filters their vodka through active charcoal, same thing as those brita water filters, which may give it a different taste. and i think its belvedere or another vodka that only uses glacial water.

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Guest Marina22

I usually adhere to the Russian rule as well and Stoli's great. Not a Vodka drinker per se but I do drink it. Svedka is pretty good and so is Kettle One. I'd have to have a bunch in front of me plain but I'm not an expert so as long as it doen't give me a headache, gotta stay away from the tonic though...

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i think the "taste" merely comes from the water they pour in it. you can agree that evian water taste different than fiji or voss. grey goose filters their vodka through active charcoal, same thing as those brita water filters, which may give it a different taste. and i think its belvedere or another vodka that only uses glacial water.

I agree

Fiji or Voss spend the extra money on marketing and water filtration than most consumer cheaper($) bottled waters such as Evian, nestle, zepherhills, w/ the exception of 2(Dasani owned by Coca Cola & Aquafina owned by Pepsi). A Fiji bottle water averages $2-3 dollars for a small bottle compared to Evian which is about $1-$1.50 dollars per bottle. But I don't know for sure if either Fiji or Voss actually use some type of industrial softerner due to their higher cost per bottle or if it is just a marketing scheme.

Brida's is the biggest joke, all they do is remove chlorine from your sink water, but u still get all the impurities associated with minerals that cause hard water.

A true home/commercial softener will do the job, also cost a lot more as a company would have to install the system outside your property, extensive labor, ect...but u would have clean water, no chlorine, no impurities, no hardness, no sulfur, no soup in the water. What most consumers don't know is that bottled water is just like tap water, unless it's softened.

For example...why does Starbucks coffee taste so good @ your local Starbucks? All Starbucks locations use a simliar system to eliminate the minerals that cause hard water and offcourse chlorine. It's easy to tell as if you were to buy the ground coffee and try to make it at home, it wouldn't taste the same(if you didn't have a water softener).

So you are right, if the water that such companies are mixing with these vodka is actually softened it will give a better or smoother taste to that vodka. The problem is that certain labels woud rather spend millions on media marketing/advertising rather than improving better tasting quality, thus brainwashing consumers into thinking the pretty label makes it the better vodka.

Seems like it has worked...hence America's most selling beer...Budweiser ::):P

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