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Anyone on here go on a diet?

Guest mr.miami

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Guest Slide On The Ice

I lost 40 pounds over a few month period by eating canned chicken breast for breakfast and lunch and small dinners, and drinking a lot of water every day. I didn't drink soda but very rarely at the time, and then only diet soda, and I cut my sugar and carbs down as much as possible. I didn't follow a specific diet for dinners, I only avoided fats and carbs as much as possible, and stuck to eating the chicken breast for breakfast and lunch. Swanson chicken breast (chopped and canned) is 98% fat free, has 15 grams of protein, and has only one gram of sugar and one of carbs. I had a friend who had lost a ton of weight eating only canned tuna fish every day, which has no calories or sugars. But tuna on it's own, with the high-fat mayo added, tastes lousy. But the chicken breast on its own, right out of the can, is very tasty and satisfying...once you get over the fact that you're eating plain chicken breast out of a can by itself. All in all, in my diet last year, and then the continued diet after a several month hiatus were I gained several pounds back, I went from 240 pounds to 190. But then I got my insatiable appetitie back again and have eaten generous amounts of Chinese food, sushi (with eel sauce and spicy mayo) and other indulgances, and have increased back up to around 205-207. I'm 5'10 and not really fat...but I have a big belly and midsection so I feel bloated. I need to get to the gym...and eat sensibly again. But damnit I'm weak and the sushi keeps calling to me. And the cheesecake too, on occassion.

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join a gym, i go to la fitness...if you want to get into a routine you're best bet is to join a gym because it will motivate you to stay on track, i just dont think walking will really do much if you are really trying to lose weight because you're body will react alot faster if you shock it w/ fast paced exercises like sprinting for 10-30 seconds, than walking for another 60 seconds, than sprinting again for another 10-30 seconds, and doing something like that for about 5-10 times depending on how much you want to burn.

also doing some sort of cardiovascular excersice like basketball, raquetball, jogging moderate pace, for 60 mins once or twice a week will really make a difference.

it's also what you eat, as slice has said stay away from junk food, no fast food, no major high fatty foods, stick to low fat, high protein, maybe carbs once a week or completelly cut it out of your diet.

i weigh 230-240 at 6'5, i can gain n lose weight rapidly.

you also dont actually have to call it a "diet", it should just be part of you, what you eat everyday, if you avoid fast food that's a big start.

slice quick question i assume the canned chicken was only one serving, correct? wouldn't it be more cost effective if you just bought boneless/skinless breasts and cooked it instead? assuming the price of the canned chicken is around 1.50 to 2.50?

ps...drink only water, you can also drink tea, dont buy arizona unless u really want to, just make your own tea at home, buy a large family size packs, boil the water and store it in empty bottles of water, use some sort of dietary sugar like splenda, ect...i used to drink soda and diff juices all the time, now it's just water and different cold teas.

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Guest barstar diana

What did you find was the best way for you to lose weight? How many pounds did you lose?

high protien, moderate carbs, and working out hardcore did it for me...always works...spinning seems to do the trick 3x a week and wieght trainning 1-2x a week.

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What did you find was the best way for you to lose weight? How many pounds did you lose?

high protien, moderate carbs, and working out hardcore did it for me...always works...spinning seems to do the trick 3x a week and wieght trainning 1-2x a week.

it's different for everybody

all depends on your body types and if varies alot between women and men

i personally think he should do training at least 3 times a week min

moderate cardio meaning different exercises 3 times a week

least minimum carbs or 0.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

You will get so many opinions on this thread but what works for one person may not work for you. You have to know your own body and how it reacts to certain eating habits.

If you are seriously going on a diet then you should go see a nutritionalist who will analyse your body and metabolism and make the best recommendation for you and your body type..

If you want to loose weight and quick, start smoking crack..

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Guest coach

Yeah, I hate the gym. I'd rather be doing nearly anything else. So, I just eat less and get more physical activity. I lost 40 pounds that way a few years ago, before I moved here. After I moved here, that's been a lot harder.

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