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My Sunday Morning at Space review


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Guest soozin

It was uneventful. Got there around 630am and basically guys everywhere…. Patrick M was on the decks playing way too hard for the Patio. Felt like I was in the Main Room getting hammered with the bass I was basically standing around but I made the best of it… bounced around like I always do… Ivano came on next … still nothing… he did drop some old accapellas from the old school patio days which got everyone going but besides that NADA.. Got way to drunk spent way to much money and had an OK time… hey it’s hit or miss and it was a miss this morning.. Oh’ well can’t have an awesome time all the time… but still had some fun… always good to see some old friends…

and btw... i ALWAYS have fun @ space but i have to agree, this was kinda blah... interesting anyway to hear patrick m but def too hard too early. i liked ivano more than i usually do at least, but still nothin to write home about. nonethelss, senor porno.. always a pleasure. hope your head is ok:)

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Guest coach

I can only say id like to be doing other things rather than hanging at space during the day time. Plus everyone knows all the freaks come out at night.

Uh, I can't tell if this last sentence is said in a good way or a bad way, but that is kind of the point. I mean, freaks are fun.
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Guest slamminshaun

As I recall the last banning that was done didn't have a leg to stand on so yes I was banned and yes I have another Cool Junkie id. As for what I did that was so horrific I can't say. Plus no one remembers anyway for the times POD has mentioned my name didn't ring any bells for anyone.

I only know of one person that was banned, not that I really keep track or anything, or care for that matter.

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It was uneventful. Got there around 630am and basically guys everywhere…. Patrick M was on the decks playing way too hard for the Patio. Felt like I was in the Main Room getting hammered with the bass I was basically standing around but I made the best of it… bounced around like I always do… Ivano came on next … still nothing… he did drop some old accapellas from the old school patio days which got everyone going but besides that NADA.. Got way to drunk spent way to much money and had an OK time… hey it’s hit or miss and it was a miss this morning.. Oh’ well can’t have an awesome time all the time… but still had some fun… always good to see some old friends…

and btw... i ALWAYS have fun @ space but i have to agree, this was kinda blah... interesting anyway to hear patrick m but def too hard too early. i liked ivano more than i usually do at least, but still nothin to write home about. nonethelss, senor porno.. always a pleasure. hope your head is ok:)

Yea i had a good time only because of the company... and my head is fine ;D

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Guest tekniQz

Guys, girls whatever i mean im not gay and i love women but i dont go to Space for that i go for the music,if you cant be pleased with a set like the one Oscar threw down on Saturday then i dont know what you have to do(maybe stand on your head and do a cartwheel wile holding a poodle).Patrick M was very good you cant please evryone i do understand, but he impressed me for the second time at Space.He has come up short for me before but not the last couple Sunday mornings.

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Guest LeVeL

It was uneventful. Got there around 630am and basically guys everywhere…. Patrick M was on the decks playing way too hard for the Patio. Felt like I was in the Main Room getting hammered with the bass I was basically standing around but I made the best of it… bounced around like I always do… Ivano came on next … still nothing… he did drop some old accapellas from the old school patio days which got everyone going but besides that NADA.. Got way to drunk spent way to much money and had an OK time… hey it’s hit or miss and it was a miss this morning.. Oh’ well can’t have an awesome time all the time… but still had some fun… always good to see some old friends…

I love your honesty and its true, not everytime yu go to Space your going to get the best DJ's sets or vibe. You can drink yourself silly and that wont mean your going to have fun.

As far as Mr. Miami is concerned, if the guy was banned once then he doesn't deserve another chance, f he didn't get the memo the first time, what says he's going to get it the second time around.

The guy is clearly clueless..

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Guest Satan

Soooo anyone else went to space on Sunday? lol... it was thread jacked... but at least it created some traffic

haha...sorry i missed it. I was outta town. I know you guys called me from the patio.

was mr miami the dave navarro guy? kinda sounds like the same M.O., too funny dude.

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Guest pod

btw, good chillin w/ u Pod, per usual.

Drunken shit talking makes the world go 'round. Seriously. Shit talking is half the reason I go out these days.

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As long as i've been a member of this board I still see people still taking shit soo personal.

Personally i don't see anything wrong with Eric aka Mr. Miami...this is a message board not a groupie board which is sorta is actually to an extent. Let the guy speak his mind, if you don't like what he has to say, don't reply to his posts or don't take it sooo personal. So he doesn't have as much knowledge of edm as some of us may have or he can't ID songs like some people on here can, he doesn't like Space, boo hoo, cmon let's get real and grow up here. Why to this day people are getting emotionally heart-broken, if everyone that signed up to cooljunkie just had to enjoy all the same things in life like some "groupies" on here already do how boring and obnoxious would that be.

Those are the same people that "talk" aka bring out rumors...also referred to groupies, and these are not 18 year old kids either.

Im not defending the guy, we're not buddies either. But for once quit whining about space or other people's views.

ps...dont know bout the previous sn nor do i give a Fcuk.

pornstar good review first review that i see someone actually speak their mind, most people are too scared to do such task.

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Guest pod

We're not necessarily calling him out over his lack of knowledge, it's realistically the annoyance factor. I can understand asking questions, but come on, sometimes it's like dealing with a 12 year old. Especially considering he calls himself "Mr. Miami". I'm sure he's a nice guy in person, but this so seems like an act with an ulterior motive.

I have good reasons to be suspicious of a lot of new accounts established in the past 2 or 3 months. I'll be honest again, since you seem to want that, and that is that it's really not amusing after the 200th "plant" account. You want honesty, tell the "plants" to man up and be honest.

Of course you're not one, Diogo, but I'm telling you where I'm coming from on the Eric issue. And yes, I've had a short fuse these past few months. I'm sorry.

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We're not necessarily calling him out over his lack of knowledge, it's realistically the annoyance factor. I can understand asking questions, but come on, sometimes it's like dealing with a 12 year old. Especially considering he calls himself "Mr. Miami". I'm sure he's a nice guy in person, but this so seems like an act with an ulterior motive.

maybe he has adhd? lol who knows

dont think its an act ive met n hung out w/ the guy at vc twice, n we commented on edm ect, its not an act, he just doesnt know much about the scene, music, ect, as im sure uve encountered the type where ur out n bout, the only difference is that those type of ppl dont actually get on a message board, they are just not that i guess "edm" focused per say.

u know me im not just about tribal, yes its one of my fav genres but i like all types of music esp not just edm, my screen name is all4tribal but its more like saying im all 4 it if i were to describe it, not just about it...everyone's sn can mean different things, i think maybe you're just taking it the wrong way lol.

i have no idea bout the multiples accounts, that is childish for sure.

it just so it seems some ppl just say what others wanna hear

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Guest pod

Not necessarily multiple accounts, but more of a Promoter A tells his buddies to set up accounts and post about his or her party in the guise of "Joe Q Public" who happened to wander by the venue and "had a blast..."

Even if the party is excellent it is pretty dodgy. I'll be honest, I don't take a posted review seriously unless it is from someone who is "established" on here. For example, I'd take your word on a party since A) I know you and B) you've been around a bit.

I'm not expecting dance music knowledge by any stretch. It just seems that he's not letting on something...i.e. he's said some things that are "normal", then he reverts to "Eric" mode.

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Guest DoonS

basically guys everywhere….

Don't mean to barge into the conversation but, try going to Bricks Nightclub on Saturday. Then when that's done you can go to Space with the hottest chick you just picked up considering there's about 5 to1 in tha place........But what do I know, I'm just a resident there....HousetheRoof.

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Not necessarily multiple accounts, but more of a Promoter A tells his buddies to set up accounts and post about his or her party in the guise of "Joe Q Public" who happened to wander by the venue and "had a blast..."

Even if the party is excellent it is pretty dodgy. I'll be honest, I don't take a posted review seriously unless it is from someone who is "established" on here. For example, I'd take your word on a party since A) I know you and B) you've been around a bit.

I'm not expecting dance music knowledge by any stretch. It just seems that he's not letting on something...i.e. he's said some things that are "normal", then he reverts to "Eric" mode.

A) Dan do you and i know each other? "Yes" B) I think i have been around the block a couple of times. "Yes i think i have fallen on that street before"

Just messing with my new found CoolJunkie-ness

I cant believe that this thread is still going.....

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