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Contesting "Love"


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- You say that he loves you more than you love yourself. Maybe that's because you don't love yourself enough. But if that’s true then why does he expect so much in return for his love from you? Doesn’t he practically want to own you? You're not allowed to have one male friend. That's a big price to pay for being “loved”.

- You say that he's proven to you, many times, his undying and unconditional love for you. An average man does not get a lot of opportunities to prove his love. One that does usually creates the opportunities himself/herself. Why would anyone do that? Love doesn't need to be proven. It should be felt.

- You say that you're in love with the fact that he loves you so much …perhaps you are the one who loves him so much that you’re just fooling yourself wanting to believe that he does. Maybe someone else loves you much more than he does and you just don’t see it …or choose not to see it.



[This message has been edited by Ph0eniX (edited 03-09-2001).]

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So, what are you trying to say? He doesn't love me, or I am in love with myself, but he loves me more than that, unless I can't love him enough to love me more?

Oh god, I am totally confused!!!

Nice to hear from you though, pheonix, I've missed ya!!!



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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I have never been in love with someon who loved me so I am no first hand expert.

All I would say is that frm my experience, love and sexual attraction are not fair. You are not necessarily loved because you deserve it. Nice but ugly people do not usually find themselves the recipient of as much love as beautiful people. And the people we lovedo not always love us. It isn't fair and maybe it shouldn'tbe. Who are we to design the universe. But pretending things are fair really fucks us up.

So CMB - maybe all the things that you are saying about your BF are reasons why he should be loved. And they are good ones. But most reasons for love are hindsight, after the fact explanations or just reasons why we love someone more. But that initial decision to be romantically in love just happens. It is or it isn't. It starts and it stops. Logic and reasons have something to do with it but they are notthe whole story - no where near. Someone's undying love can help sway you to love them but it alone will not keep you in love.

You don't sound like a girl in love CMB. And not having any male friends is unacceptable. You can give him time to adjust but eventually he has to be finewith it. Don't get me wrong. Most couples do not alllow same sex friends. And that is ahealthy decision for them as they both can't handle it and don't want it. But those of us that do and can handle it ned to be paired with others who can or we lose a huge part of our lives.

Anyways, I'm a romance virgin so I don't know shit and I'd take anything I say with a grain of salt. Just this story got me thinking and Ithought that I would share my thoughts with you to see if they stimulated any on your part.

Whateverhappens remember you have a huge virtual friend and fan in MrDick!!

~Big Hug~


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Originally posted by Ph0eniX:

- You say that he loves you more than you love yourself. Maybe that's because you don't love yourself enough. But if that’s true then why does he expect so much in return for his love from you? Doesn’t he practically want to own you? You're not allowed to have one male friend. That's a big price to pay for being “loved”.

- You say that he's proven to you, many times, his undying and unconditional love for you. An average man does not get a lot of opportunities to prove his love. One that does usually creates the opportunities himself/herself. Why would anyone do that? Love doesn't need to be proven. It should be felt.

- You say that you're in love with the fact that he loves you so much …perhaps you are the one who loves him so much that you’re just fooling yourself wanting to believe that he does. Maybe someone else loves you much more than he does and you just don’t see it …or choose not to see it.

Okay, CMB (?) I don't know your story, I don't know how long you've been dating/going out/saying I love you etc. I don't know the parameters of your relationship with your BF. BUT I do know that he is insecure. My ex of two years was like that. I was not allowed to even LOOK or GLANCE at another guy, much less be friends with one. He would freak out on me, yell, scream, you name it. Once he found a picture of me and one of my other ex's in my photo album and insisted that I throw out those pictures and got so angry he stormed out of my house. For a while he wouldn't even let hang out with my own best friends!

Now, if he is that bad - that his jealously causes raging fits - get out of this relationship. I know the reason I stayed in mine. I have trust and other issues with men and I convinced myself that he loved me SO much that it caused him to get that upset. It was his screwed way and my screwed up thinking that caused to believe he loved me so much more. NOT TRUE! In the end, I basically just ended up lying to him all the time because I couldn't be held back any longer. I needed to satisfy my own needs first, instead of his. So think about what you need to be happy, and satisfy your own needs first. If you have similar needs then, it will work out...

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OK, for the record, I am not sure how Phoenix's story became about me...I was just posting a reponse of confusion to the initial post. But thanks for your support!!!



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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Originally posted by cmb1975:

OK, for the record, I am not sure how Phoenix's story became about me...I was just posting a reponse of confusion to the initial post. But thanks for your support!!!

haha ...the post is a reflection of my observations [personal experiences of my good friends] ...I'm not sure how it became your story



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