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Ever walkled in on your perants? (TRUE HORROR stories!!)


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NO lie when I was like 7 yrs old I heared my mom screaming and shit so I kicked down the door cuz I thought it was a robber that jumped in the bed and tried to rape my mom so I started fuckin hiting the guy but it ended up being my dad and shit but I didn't know it was him cuz they were in the dark and under the covers and shit....after I realized what was goin on I ran out the room and bugged out....now Im fuckin tramatized for life that's why I smoke so much pot and do so many drugs.. cwm29.gifcwm30.gif


" bass in ur f...bass in ur fa...BASS IN UR FACE LONDON "

" Directions DIrections.." - GrOOve



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Originally posted by clubhead32:

NO lie when I was like 7 yrs old I heared my mom screaming and shit so I kicked down the door cuz I thought it was a robber that jumped in the bed and tried to rape my mom so I started fuckin hiting the guy but it ended up being my dad and shit but I didn't know it was him cuz they were in the dark and under the covers and shit....after I realized what was goin on I ran out the room and bugged out....now Im fuckin tramatized for life that's why I smoke so much pot and do so many drugs.. cwm29.gifcwm30.gif

LOL this is tooo funny........i can only imagine how they felt too! LOL



"Luna, thank you so much!"

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no thanks god no hahahah but i prefer not doing that in my house becaus ei dont feel so free doing that i feel like i dont know i prefer to be in another place doing that



Making Love And Having Sex The Biggest Pleasures in This Life. ScaredGirL.

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OK..so here it goes. When I was 15 I use to sneek out my window to go joy ride with friends. I lived in a one story house so that wasn't like a problem. A friend would pull up at the corner at around 2:00 am and I would sneak off to go do bong hits and drive around in his dad's stolen car..but that's another story. In any case, one night I got back..high as shit and found my window had slid shut. It locked from the inside so I was like total fucked. I went around the back of the house and found all the doors locked. To my relief a window was ajar but it was also the window that lead to my perants bedroom. In my stoned rational I thought "awe what the hell..dad snores all night and mom sleeps like a log." So I quietly opened the window so I could fit in and holsted myself through the opening. As I was like half way in with my legs still dangling outside I caught a glimps of the most disturbing thing that I will ever see. In the dark I could make out the image of my mom riding my dad like a crazed woman. She was bouncing up and down and moaning like a banshee. I was so freaked that I fell all the way in and ripped the curtains on the way down pulling the curtain rods, the flower pot on the window sill and a big resting mirror by the window along with me. the crash almost gave my perants a heart attack and as I fought my way out from under the curtains all I could hear was my mom's screams of horror as she ran naked towards the bathroom. My old man struggling to get his robe on with a rock hard boner and cursing and yelling.I ran for the door and in to my room and slamed the door shut. I was in such a horrible state of mind that I just crawled into bed and layed awake all night. In the morning I found my entire family downstairs eating breakfast and no one said a word. I just picked at my food and went back up stairs. Later on that afternoon my dad nailed my window shut and grounded me. But the horrible image of my folks doing the dirty will forever haunt me.

To this day if a chick ever straddles me I start to go limp. TOP THAT ONE!! (but for your sakes I hope you don't)

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ehh i walked into the hotel room with my mommy riding my father.. only i was like 15 so hell it was distrubing.. i think thats why i did drugs and like dropped out of hs and got my ged.. lol jk..

i wanna walk in on mugwump masterbating...


lips.gif~LiPz~ lips.gif

"take my heart or i'm gonna lose, if you walk away i'll never use it"





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MUGwump...the people at my work think I am a lunatic...I am laughing so hard, I have tears runny down my face!!! Holy shit that was funny!!!



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well I'm glad you all find humor in my tradgedy!(sniff sniff) Ok..it is funny in retrospect but I've heard worst. One friend of mine claims he fingered (toed) his mom by accident. NOW THAT"S DISGUSTING!! (I think he's full of it) But he claims that at a family dinner his girl was sitting accross from him and next to his mom. He desided to play footsies and slid his bare toe under the table and between what he thought was his girls legs. To his horror his mom , sitting next to his girl and therefore directly in front of him, screamed and threw her plate of mashed potatoes up in the air. Apperantly he slid his bare toe right up his mom's twat by accident. But atleast he never had to see his dad's bobbing boner bouncing around the room like I did. Oh and Lickmyipz...you can walk in on me anytime babe. Just as long as you offer a hand. laaaaterz~ (when are we all meeting?)

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