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ur myspace pages

Guest computerjockey

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Guest Ryan EliteEnt

Hmm, a lot more people go to my .com than my MySpace profile.

MySpace is a social networking community, and a valuable one at that. I tell everyone who runs any sort of business with a web presence, to at least put a basic profile up since it takes ten seconds. Invest more money and time in your .com, since the bulk of your paying clientele are gonna Google for whatever your service is, rather than shuffle over to MySpace and look.

Also there's the obvious issue of MySpace being controlled by a single entity. You might be too young to remember this, but back in the day, services like AOL were not connected to the greater internet. You paid $20-$30 a month for a "closed" online experience, which is what MySpace essentially amounts to being a free version of.

Again, it's cool because it's free, but having a .com of your own can't be beat.

Pod you right!!! I could write a lot about this, but you said most of it already. If you are a Real business you should have a .com. Myspace is cool, but come on get a real website or don’t print any online address. All Real Businesses should have a .com of some sort.

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Guest speedway

Again, I'm not demeaning it, but it comes down to appearances.

Having "djcomputerjockey.com" looks infinitely more stylish and slick than "myspace.com/computerjockey".

Maybe I'm old hat at this internet stuff, but again, it hearkens back to the days of www.freeprovider.com/~user or something. It's what you did since www.yourwebsite.com cost good money to set up and run. Now, you can set up and have a website for less than $10. Some hosts will even give you a MySpace-esque "fill in the blanks" template to get you started.

Plus, with your own presence, you have infinite control over what you can do with it.

And if you're in the adult industry, you can't use MySpace that effectively. Porn chicks have MySpace sites, but not as their primary marketing vehicle. And MySpace admins sometimes get high and mighty about the girls linking to their own sites.

MySpace? Use it cause it's free, but I wouldn't rely on it.

Totally agree - from a pr/marketing perspective one's own website is much more effective than myspace. That being said, what are the best hosts these days for one to set up their own .com?

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Guest endymion

Totally agree - from a pr/marketing perspective one's own website is much more effective than myspace. That being said, what are the best hosts these days for one to set up their own .com?

That is the subject of much debate. I've run zillions of web sites for zillions of clients over the last 10 or 12 years and out of all of the hosting providers that I have dealt with I still recommend Dreamhost. We hosted CoolJunkie at Dreamhost until late 2005 with very little down-time and very few problems. It may be in part due to my long-standing relationship with the owner, but their service has always been outsanding in the rare times whenever anything does go wrong. They went way out of their way to work with us on a few issues even though we were a drop in the bucket to their overall business.

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Guest speedway

Thanks for the leads. Taking a look now - It is amazing how the how much the pricing for these services have gone down.

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