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The Never Ending SexStory


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Ok Guys…these are the rules: The story intentionally cuts off at a critical point so that the next poster can add to it thus adding their particular “flava” to it. No limits, anything goes, and no criticism/drama.

Let’s see how twisted it gets and how long it lasts shall we? Your portion can be as long or short as you want it to be.

I’ll set it up and you take it from there:

Raver-X and Cand-E had known about each other for a while, having met through the now infamous Club Planet Message boards on a freak “dare”. They had privately held many a conversation through IMs and PMs but now their curiosity was so overwhelming that it was interfering with their normal lives and threatning to expose them to the rest of the group.

After exchanging pics on several occasions they decided to attend a meetup but not let on that the “meetup” was in fact a “coverup” for a “hookup” –knowing how scandalous that could be.

When they met, their eyes locked and what had been a long and tension filled exchange of words and stories rapidly became a serious and inviting reality. They approached each other and sheepishly shook hands… Cand-E blushing and gently sliding her luxurious hair back to reveal her impeccably applied makeup. Slightly nervous she looked down away from Raver-x’s steely glare but not before acknowledging the surprise between his legs…Oh my god she thought: he’s extremely well built and that “thing” between his legs….shiiiit!

After a pleasant evening filled with stolen glances and smiles. Raver-x pulled her aside and requested that they continue the evening at the Millenium hotel Downtown. Could she? How naughty. Would she? How utterly scandalous….how purrrrfect!

They hailed a cab as the hot humid NY breezes waifted through their hair, and proceeded on their way to enjoy perhaps a nice bottle of Champange. As the cab wound its way through the city, Cand-E grabbed Raver-X’s hand and placed it within hers. She thought to herself, mmmmm, just the touch of this man’s hand is causing me to get extremely wet. Raver-X was also having similar thoughts luxuriating in the heat and attraction between them. The stiffness he felt in his crotch was unbearable as evidenced by the nervous swaying of his leg back and forth…he thought: Shit, there’s no way I’m gonna last for more than two seconds with this girl… she’s fucking HOT!

Cand-E could no longer contain herself and took the initiative, knowing how Raver-X liked to be dominated occasionally as he described in his posts. She cooed: kiss me. The low frequency of the tone of her voice coupled with the unwavering stare from her beautiful eyes shot through him like an arrow of hot passion. He resisted for only a half second and replied sheepishly…shyly: “maybe we”…. but it was too late! Cand-E had shifted herself in such a way as to be face to face with him and gently but firmly cupping his face in her hands, she kissed him. Teasingly at first but then more aggressively as her ample breast heaved while their tongues danced together.

They kissed, and kissed, for what seemed to them to be forever. The Cab Driver got the hint and as he smiled to himself he adjusted the mirror and whispered: My Boy!

Raver-x lost all nervousness and gently guided Cand-E’s hand to his aching ManMeat, hoping for some form of relief through the touch of a loving Woman. Cand-E’s panties were now soaking wet. So wet were they that she involuntarily and uncontrollably squeezed her legs together in a futile attempt to quell the longing she felt in her special region. Her hand rested on the massive manmeat, she firmly tightened her grip as he murmured: Eeeeek!





"Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."

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All the desire and passion that was evident in their messages to each other, was exploding full force between them. No more waiting and hoping for the anonymity of their relationship to end. In the back seat of that taxi, all of their fantasies were about to come true.

Cand-E's hand began to stroke Raver-X's throbbing cock, up and down, forcefully. She could feel the heat inside of her building. All of her inhibitions were being set aside as she began to kiss his neck and pull his shirt up. Her mouth moved slowly but intuatively down his chest, tasting every part of him along the way. Raver-X could not beleive what was about to happen. Just then, she pushed both of his hands behind his head and began to work her way toward his manhood. Unbuttoning his pants, she slid her tongue across the top of his head. Teasing and tantalizing the throbbing shaft.



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

[This message has been edited by cmb1975 (edited 03-09-2001).]

[This message has been edited by cmb1975 (edited 03-09-2001).]

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Just as Cand-E's tongue began to slither up Raver's throbbing cock the cab came to a sudden stop.

"Sorry lovers but we're here" the cabbie said in a bemused tone.

After getting over the initial shock of disapointment the unzipped and tangled pair quickly zipped and untangled, paid the driver, and left the cab from opposite doors.

The tension between them was unbearable as they walked into the lobby. Raver couldn't even look at Cand-E for fear that he would jump her right then and there. Cand-E kept her eyes down and her hands to her sides as embarassment and wanton lust fought for control within her. Her npples were rock hard underneath her light summer dress. She was sure that everyone could see them. What surprised her was that she wanted them too.

Cand-E stood by herself next to the large marble column in the lobby while she waited for Raver-X to get the room. "Damn! he looks fine" she thought to herself as the increasingly damp sensation between her legs caused her ass to squirm against the rock hard column behind her. She vowed that by morning this would not be the only rock hard column that she squirmed again.

Cand-E was shaken out of her reverie with a jolt as she feltRaver-X's hand grab hold of hers and lead her towards the elevator. The touch of his hand was like a live electric wire. Sparks flew between them and Raver must have felt the same thing because he abruptly let go of her hand in the same way that a child's hand retreats from a hot stove. The tension was way too much to bear and there was no way that either would last the elevator ride if they maintained contact. As it was it was anybody's guess whether they could make it up to room 2014 without molesting each other. She could feel him next to her. The scent of him, the warm breeze of his breath, it was too much. She was sure the other guests must know how worked up she was, how hot she was between her legs. They mst be able to feel it, to smell it, the scent of a woman in heat. And she didn't care. In fact she liked it. She had never felt this wanton in her life and she hoped that everyone around her knew it.

Raver-X kept his hands sheepishly folded in front of him as they eneterd the elevator. Even through his jeans he was sure that the people around him could see how hard he was. He was't the biggest guy in the world but he wasn't small either. And he felt bigger and harder than he could ever remember. Everytime he shifted his weight the feeling of the denim rubbing against the engorged tip of his cock made him feel like he was going to explode. He wasn't wearing any underwear that night and he was glad of it. The less clothes the better because he was going ravage this girl the moment he walked through the door. If he can only last that long.

The elevator door opened on the 20th floor and the rush of air into the elevator washed Cand-E scent right across him. Raver felt every muscle in his body tense. His senses were on fire. He had never been this excited in his life. Worries about how long he would last danced through his head but disapeared as he realized that he didn't care. However long there would be more to come. This girl was going to get the fucking of her life.

As they exited the elevator and Raver rummaged for the room key he smiled to himself. He was the man. He was going to show this girl a thing or two that was for sure.

As they stopped in front of Room 2014 Raver thought to himself confidently "Cand-E will consider herself lucky if she comes out of this alive and walking". Just then he looked up only to find Cand-E's smouldering eyes staring right into his. Dark and shining with passion they did not flinch. There wasn't a shread of self-consciousness nor shyness in her face as her stare of wanton desire drilled right through him. Raver felt his swagger vanish as he suddenly wondered to himself if it was indeed going to be Cand-E that was lucky to get out alive.

But there was no way he was turning back and with a gulp he turned the knob and they entered the room.

[This message has been edited by mrdick (edited 03-09-2001).]

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and a rather lavish room it was . Raver X excused himself into the lavatory for just a second, and this gave Cand-E a chance to have a look around.

The king sized bed, decorated in a floral spread consisting of deep red, green, and beige sat in the middle of the room, 2 windows to the right of the bed, both closed, with blinds drawn for obvious privacy. A large plush chair in a deep green which seemed to match the hues in the spread, all decorated in a very "hotelesque" manner. Cand-E decided to get a little comfortbale, and kicked off her steve maddens, the feel of the plush carpet under her feet was rather comforting and cooling considering she had been in those shoes for quite some time, and the summer heat was not a help, her light sundress wasn't much of a bother, but the little string that tied around her waist to show off her impecable curves was beginning to annoy her, so she loosened it and continued to browse.. An ice bucket, atop the writing desk, some stationary, and the remote to the TV were all located ontop the table as well.

Raver-X was taking quite some time in the bathroom, and Cand-E hollared out "You okay in there"? - "Be right out.. Just freshening up a bit" came back from behind the cream colored door.

Cand-E decided to utilize her free time, and grabbed the icebucket, .. and jotted a few lines on the hotel stationary -

"went to grab some ice, be back in a couple-, by the way, you see the chair over in the corner? - I want you naked, and sitting in it upon my return"

She grabbed the key from the nite table to the right of the bed, and wondered if the bible which was most likely located in the drawer beneath the key had ever witnessed what was about to occur in room 2014 this evening.

She let herself out of the room, and took her time walking barefoot thru the halls to the ice machine.. The machine was the kind where you needed to scoop the ice out yourself, and so she grabbed the metal shovel, and began to scoop.. The coldness of the scooper shockd her hand, and at the same time made her smile in an almost devilish sort of way,, picturing how the coldness of the ice was going to shock RaverXs body as well.

She finished up quickly, and began her walk back to the room, wanting to rush, but also wanting to give Raver X enough time to prepare for her.

She got to the room, and inserted the cardkey into the designated slot, .. Red, Green, red, GREEN.. "CLANG". the lock released.. Slowly she opened the door, and was greeted by the sight of RaverX sitting in the chair just as she instructed him, he was however in his black calvin klein boxer briefs instead of naked, and this in a wierd way, pleased her. She wasn't usually turned on by failure to comply w/ her requests, but the sight of his rock hard cock in those calvins did nothing but please her.

She came in, and didnt say a word, approached him, slowly, ice bucket in her left hand, and w/ her right hand, she slowly un tied the string which was part of her dress belt, the string came lose, she placed the ice bucket on the floor next to his feet, and took the string with both hands one at either side of the string, and pulled to test its strength.. The crimson colored cloth held up just right.. .. Finally , the silence was broken, and out of Cand-E came the words "Give me your hands"..

With a slight hesitation.. raverx complied.. and offered his open palms. Cand-E took his hand, one at a time, and examined their manliness, bringing them closer to her mouth, to allow him to feel the warmth of her breath, she stopped just before allowing herself to lick on his fingers in anticipation of what she would soon have her lips wrapped around.. .. The ice was still sitting close by, and Cand-E decided to put some of it to use.. Placing a piece in between her thumb and pointer finger, she slowly caressed his hands w/ the frigid cube , until each of his fingers had felt the coldness, and then, she allowed herself to show him the transition of cold to warm, by placing her blood red pouty lips on the tip of his middle finger, and slowly, licking the tip, and w/ even less speed, bringing her soft, wet, tongue to wrap itself around his digit, brought her entire mouth around his long fingers in an upward, downward motion, w/ just a tinge of suction.. his lower body flinched in anticipation, and made her look down.. and what a lovely sight indeed, he must have not been completely hard before, because now, poking out of the top of those briefs, is the engorged head of his dick.. she wanted it just as bad as he did.. she stopped what she was doing .. told him to make fists, took the right hand, placed it behind him, took the left hand, placed it in the same spot, and began to tie a complex knot, giving her control of what was to come...


im not the average gerl in yer video -

and i aint built like a supermodel -

but ive learned to love myself unconditionally because i am a queen!!


am i less of a lady if i dont wear pantyhose?? -

my momma always said a lady aint about what she wears its all about what she knows!!--

............... "ouT 4 doL"


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after his hands were tied together, she realised that she was feeling a little warm, and what other way to tease him but take her clothes off, and not let him touch.. Cand-E stepped back from the chair where Raver-X was sitting and tugged gently on the string that held her dress on behind her neck.

Raver-X felt as it took minutes, not seconds for the dress to fall to the floor.. as the dress fell to the floor, Raver-X seen that Cand-E's body was alot more beautyful then expected.. Infront of him were the 2 most beautyful firm supple breasts with beautyful pink 'hard as rock' nipples. Cand-E felt herself become red, considering she had never done anything like this before, and it had been awhile sence she has last any kind of 'non self' pleasure..

Raver-X could not take his eyes of her lovely breasts untill he realised where her hand was.. on a lovely clean shaved pussy.. Cand-E walked over to the desk to grab the chair, and place it across from Raver-X... she sits down on the chair, grabs an icecube and places her legs spread on the arms of Raver-X chair. Cand-E gently rubs the icecube against Raver-X lipz then runs it up her inner thigh touchs it to her moist pussy lips for just a moment and runs it back down her other thigh and rubs it gently across his lips again.. Raver-X can hardly contain himself. all he keeps thinking is how much he loves this type of teasing, and how he wishes his hands were not tied behind him, because he sure in hell would please her more then she could ever please herself.. Raver-X sits foward to give Cand-E a hot passonate kiss, right before there lips touch she gently pushes him back into the chair. as he slumps back into the chair, she starts running the icecube back up her thigh.. Raver-X can't help but notice how pale white her skin looks, how almost perfict her body is, almost flawless besides the birthmark right by her bellybutton..

As Cand-E almost reaches her lips with the icecube again, she slowly parts her lips to revel a beautyful pink glissing wet pussy that looks as though its begging for attention, he looks down and realises that she has her clit pierced, and wishes that he could play with it with his tongue ring. Cand-e rubs the icecube up and down, making her very cold, and let out a shreak like moan in pleasure.. Cand-E can't hold herself back anymore, she looks and makes eyecontact as one finger from her other hand enters her tight hot pussy.. quicky she removes the finger and gently rubs it across Raver-X's lips.. she can't hold herself back anymore, and Quickly Grabs Raver-X by the back of his head lightly forces his head towars her pussy and moans how she would love him to suck on her clit.. Raver-X quickly agrees and places his tonguering on her clit and starts to.........


lips.gif~LiPz~ lips.gif

"take my heart or i'm gonna lose, if you walk away i'll never use it"




<A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.lipz.net" TARGET=_blank>www.lipz.net</A>

[This message has been edited by LikmyLipz (edited 03-09-2001).]

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…gently massage the smooth upper regions her lips just above her clitoris. Just then Raver-x extends his tongue, straining against his restraints he thinks to himself: just a taste… puleeease, I can’t take this anymore!. He extends his neck ever so slightly, just enough to make full contact with Cand-E’s swollen clitoris…and then BZZZZZT, BZZZZT… OMG he thought: WTF? Who’s at the door?!. Slyly, Cand-E relaxes him and exclaimed while you were in the bathroom, I took the liberty of ordering some room service for our evening together.

Daaaaaaammmmmn Raver-x thought as she sauntered over to the door. To say that he was pissed would be the biggest understatement as he contemplated being caught, busted in this compromising position. His erection quickly subsiding. He hears giggles and then the approach of his friend…..SHIT! She wasn’t alone!

Mischievously, Cand-E whispered to the completely shocked Raver-X: I want you meet my girlfriend: Angel!



"Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."

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(popz xenadrine, gets ready to WRITE her azz off.. lmao)..


.. and of course they take their time, slowly caressing every inch of his olive colored smooth cubed stomach, following the "love trail" which is so perfectly shaped it seems to be manually groomed, that leads down to his throbbing cock.

Cand-E takes her mouth off of his stomach, and rises up to meet his eyes w/ hers, which Angel continues to work her talented tongue w/ circular movesments, now up to his elastic band of the calvins which are generously moist from the pre-cum which has exited raver-x's oh so ready body... Her tongue gently lifts the elastic, now half of her tongue lays inside the underwear, and theother half is still visible.

She goes back and forth, hip to hip, and while doing so, the tip of her hot moist tongue hits his hard cock, all the time Cand-E is still watching his face, working him w/ her seductive eyes, making sure he likes the way angel works his body. - Cand-E straddles Ravr-Xs chest aarea, as not to get in the way of Angels "work area"... her legs are resting on the chair arms, but her lower region sat directly under his ribcage,, half on his chest, half on his stomach area.. her ass.. just above Angels face as she continued to tongue down his hip region..

Cand-E slowly moved up and down, against RaverXs smooth, carved, chest.. The feel of her smoldering hot pussy against his body made him ache for the teasing to cease.

He spoke "Please- enough teasing"- and then, w/ out a hint of hesitation, Angel stopped teasing his lower body.. She rose up.. .. and stood behind Cand-E who was still straddled ontop of his Chest.. .. w/ more room to spare, cand-e lowered herself down, slowllllyy,,, the entire time she moved down , her pussy did not come off of his chest.. when she reached her destination, which was atop the hard cock that was waiting below for her, ... the glistening streak of pussy juice that was left on his chst became visible.. and a very audible "mmmmmm" from Angel filled the room -..

"May i?" she looked at Raver -X in anticipation of a "Yes" .. and he responded .. eagerly "Only if you share".. - "Of course"..

Angel slowly made her way around Cand-E who was now sitting ontop of his still concealed hard dick... and gently, took the tip of her tongue, and cleaned Cand-Es pussy juice off of Raver-Xs adbomen.. .. .. and as promised, she shared.. she made her way up to Raver-Xs mouth, and kissed him.. HARD .. allowing him to taste the sweetness of the wet pussy that was rubbing all over his hard cock as they kissed.... Angel stopped kissing him - .. and asked him in the form of a whisper to his right her ".. how does she taste."

before he could respond.. she spoke again "do you want more"? - "yes" .. he responded.. Angel moved back, and was now on her knees.. next to the firmly planted calves of Raver X .... and in a very seductive way, crawled closer to the chair that the cande and raverx sat in..

her hands were now on Cand--Es hip.. slowly making their way to her tight pussy.. . she worked her feminine little hand,inbetween the legz of Cand-E and with her middle finger, began to tease her clit.. .. .. cand-e was wiggling around which showed angel, as well as raver-x that she was enjoying what she was feeling -.. .. "mmm, put it inside me " came out of cand-es fire red lipz.. and so angel obliged, and did just that.. allowing one finger to slip inside Cand-es wet, ready, tight pussy.. Cand-E moved around like a fish out of water.. and this pleased Angel.. She liked to know when her partner was feeling good.. .. all of a sudden the moans and heavy breathing from cand-e become constant, and loud.. ..

..it is prtty obvious that Cand-E is going to cum all over angels finger, and this pleases all parties involved.. "make her cumm" raver-x says... .. the tlaking from Raver x- is a turn on for cand-e, and she tells him to keep talking - whcih he does ".. cum baby, i want you to cum all over her finger, so she can feed me because you taste so fucking good".. -- .. this brings Cand-E over the edge.. and angel feels cand-e's already tight pussy grip her finger so tight.. all of a sudden a rush of warmth, and a loud sigh.. "im cumming"... says cand-e.. followed by numerous moans, and heavy breathing -.. angel continues w/ her constant movement, not to lose the rhythym, and when the pussy spasms cease, Angel quickly takes her hand, and brings it up to Raver-Xs level, and shoves the cum drenched fingers in his mouth...

"Clean Them" she orders -



im not the average gerl in yer video -

and i aint built like a supermodel -

but ive learned to love myself unconditionally because i am a queen!!


am i less of a lady if i dont wear pantyhose?? -

my momma always said a lady aint about what she wears its all about what she knows!!--

............... "ouT 4 doL"


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Raver-X's jaw dropped to the floor. He was speechless. Standing next to the Cand-E was a beautiful brunette barely dressed in a short skirt and tank top.

"Hi," she whispered seductively.

"I hope you don't mind," Cand-E said.

Raver-X just stared at the two of them, as he tried to put together a sentence. But before he could worry about what to say, Cand-E and Angel were walking towards him. Angel bent down and gently kissed his lips.

A smile spread across her face as she looked at Cand-E and said, "But he is all tied up, thats not fair, he won't be able to do much but watch."

"For now," Cand-E replied.

They approached each other and began to kiss. Angel's hands began to caress Cand-E's smooth skin. She cupped one of her breasts in hand and began to tease her nipple. Raver-X's pants began to bulge immediately as he watch these two beauties fondle and caress each other. He wanted in. He began to struggle with his restraints, but he couldn't manage to break free. Just then, Cand-E turned her attention back to him. He sat there completely helpless waiting for her to set him free and let him join in. She leaned forward towards him and proceeded to kiss him. Their tongues danced in each other mouths as Angel used this opportunity to use her tongue elsewhere. Cand-E whispered quietly in Raver-s ear, "You like"...

Raver-X could only manage a smile. Cand-E returned the smile and look down at his throbbing hard cock. Angel appeared from behind her and look down too. At that same moment, the two girls were thinking the same thing, how much they wanted that cock. Slowly they began to kiss his chest, then his stomach...



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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His eyes widened and his face went pale. Holy shit, he thought, she is not kidding. He was into some kinky stuff, but this was going a little too far. He fumbled with his restraints as the two girls prepared themselves for what was about to happen. He looked on in horror as the two girls lubed up the strap on and turned towards him.

“Girls, c’mon, I, uh…” he stammered, “This is, um, just not, well, I….”

He didn’t know what to do, what to say. ‘This was all going so well and now they want to fuck me, oh god, in my….What is going on here? ‘ he thought to himself.

“I just can’t do it!!!” He screamed. Suddenly, he was alone, sitting in the chair.

“Holy shit, I was dreaming!” he said to himself. “Oh thank God!!!”

Raver-X had dosed off while fantasizing about Cand-E.

Just then he heard the door open and close. Cand-E appeared before him carrying a bucket of ice.

“Shit, you look like you saw a ghost!”

“Oh, I uh…” He didn’t quite know what to say. He didn’t want to tell her what he had dreamt of or even admit he had dozed of while waiting for her.

“Well, I think I know how to make you feel better.” With that she walked over to Raver-X and sat before him.

“Now I am sure I told you that you should be naked when I get back,” she smile up at him. “I guess I will just have to help you with that.

She began to unbutton his pants. Her hand found what she had been waiting for all night. She once again, began to caress his cock, feeling it stiffen at her touch.

She looked up at Raver-X to find him staring down at her, with a quick smile, she went back to the task at hand. She licked the head of his dick, quickly, then slowly, tasting him, enjoying him. She pulled his pants further down and exposed his manhood. She nearly gasped at the size of it before her, as if saluting her for her bravery. She continued teasing his cock with her tongue licking from the top all the way down the shaft, licking his balls and all the way up again. Then she included her hands in the motion. Soon, she was ready to take it all. She wrapped her lips around the head and began suck, up and all the way down. She started slowly then proceeded to get faster, up and down, up and down. Her hands in motion with her mouth to give him the full effect. She wanted to please him, wanted to make him feel so good. She knew she would get the same in return. Her tongue, mouth and hands continued the dance until Raver-X could take it no longer.

“I am gonna cum, “ squeeked out of his lips.

Cand-E stopped shortly only to say, “I wanna taste it”

With the Raver-X came in her mouth. She continued sucking and licking, swallowing the warm sticky cum.

Raver-X reached down and lifted her chin. Her eyes were filled with passion and excitement. He took her hand and helped her stand. At the same time, he stood and proceeded to pick her up and carry her over to the bed. He lay her down gently and kissed her sweet lips. He lifted her dress and placed his hand on the warmth of her pussy. A big smile spread across his lips. He began kissing her neck and moving down towards her stomach, hips and then thighs. All he wanted now was to taste her sweet lips….



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

[This message has been edited by cmb1975 (edited 03-13-2001).]

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Clean them…NOW! Angel ordered as she winked at her friend who understood exactly what to do next. Oooooh Raver-x thought to himself: a little domineering with the request but it’s all good. As he washed her fingers clean with hot wet licks and kisses, he watched as Cand-E jumped off of him and head over to the bed where Angel had laid her back-pack down. Angel cooed seductively: don’t worry about her…just keep cleaning those succulent juices from my fingers….we have another “treat” for you….close your eyes Baby…

What seemed like an eternity went by and all Raver-x could think about was finally getting at some nice, tender, hot, succulent…....no…no…NO!!!!!…Cand-E stood in-front of Angel wearing the most menacing looking “strap on Dildo” Raver-x had ever seen! He thought: Whole-E-Sheeeit!!: she’s gonna Fuck Her! WooHoo, Yay, Hah!, Sheeeeit! Yee-Haw! He thought about the scene he was about to witness! He truly thought he had died and gone to heaven, when to his shock and horror Cand-E looked deeply into his eyes, waved a tube of astro-lube analube and whispered with an evil grin:

That’s right: this is for you…



"Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."

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…those same lips which were quivering, begging for attention. Slowly he parted her creamy thighs and observed the clean shaved loveliness before him. He inhaled gently the scent rising seductively from her inner most being. Gently he parted her to make her “lil man stand up in the boat”. With the gentleness and delicacy of a flower he kissed and proceeded to lick, while simultaneously sliding a finger….


"Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."

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....slowly inside of her."

"ummm..." came the slow moan of approval as Raver began to expertly manoeuver his finger inside of her.

Using the thumb and fore-finger of his other hand Raver spread Cand-E's upper lips to provide him with a breathtaking view of her shaven pink, pouty, privates. The clitoris was indeed standing at attention. Already throbbing and engorged it was begging to be touched - to be licked. But not yet.

Removing his finger Raver brought it to his mouth and licked it clean. "yumm" he explained as he bent down to go to work.

Using both hands he spread Cand-E's inner and outer lips wide-open, marveling at the bright shade of pink that was revealed. He couldn't wait a second lnoger - he had to taste it. With that he kept the lips spread and proceeded to run the flat of his tongue all along the exposed felsh in a slow, gentle swipe from the bottom of her pussy to the top.

"That feels so fucking good!!" Cand-E sighed as she took her hands and ran them through Raver's hair. "So good".

Raver hadn't even started. Usng the point of his tongue he traced the outlines of Can-E's inner and outer lips. Taking his time and mixing in softer and harder strokes Raver proceeded to devour Cand-E's open pussy. But not once did he go near the clit.

Raver was in heaven. There is nothing he liked more than the taste and feel of a beautiful cunt. Already Cand-E's lips had swollen until they were pink and puffy - just the way he liked them. The warmth coming from them was unreal and she was incredibly wet. Raver just couldn't get enough of the sweet musky taste and kept at it - driving CAnd-E wild.

Cand-E, for her part, was going out of her mind. Raver's tongue was driving her from one level of excitement to another with its swift strokes. She had wanted him for so long, and now, finally, he was there - between her legs - eating her pussy. Cand-E began to arch her back and swivel her hips as the excitement rose in her. Feeling incredibly wanton she spread her legs wide, bending her knees, and grinding her now totally exposed pussy into Raver's face. The adrenaline was rushing through her and she felt like she could fly. The feeling was incredible. She was free. She could do anything - say anything she wanted. She had never been this horny.

"That's it - eat my pussy. Eat my fucking pussy. Make me cum all over your face" she screamed out.

Cand-E's wanton pleas drove Raver wild. But still, he would not be rushed. He gave a delicate flick of his tongue to Cand-E's exposed clitoris. He was rewarded with a shreik as Cand-E's muscles contracted in anticipation. But not yet. Not yet.

"please...my clit...please" Cand-E Begged.

"relax...relax...I'll make you cum when its time. I'll make you cum lots of times", came Raver's reply as he struggled to seem calm and hide his own growing excitement. Of course the rock hard errection sprouting from between hi legs was a dead give-a-way.

Taking The fingers of his right hand to his lips, Raver proceeded to wet them with his mouth as he stared into Cand-E's lust shrouded eyes. Gone was her cockiness, her aggression, her commanding aloofness. All that was left was lust. Pure wanton lust. And Raver was about to pour gasoline on the fire that was raging inside of her.

As if in slow motion Raver's hand moved down to Cand-E's pussy as he continued to keep their eyes locked together. Staring deep into her he thrilled at the shudder that went tthrough Cand-E as the first two fingers of his right hand slowly entered her. With the thumb of hs left hand Raver slowly pressed on Cand-E's enlarged clit as he began to rotate his fingers while slowly pumping them in and out.

The connection between them was intense - almost spiritual as Raver kept up his fingering of Cand-E's pussy as he stared into her eyes. Cand-E's slowly rising orgasm was Raver's orgasm. Her moans were his moans as he found himself sighing in response to the inarticulate mumblings coming from Cand-E's mouth.

As Raver kept up his slow fingering of Cand-E's tight pussy the passion in Cand-E grew. Each moment she grew hotter. Her hips were rotating in time with Raver's hand. Raver wasn't sure whether he was finger-fucking her or whether she was fucking his fingers.

When it looked like she couldn't take any more Raver leaned forward and planted a long slow kiss on her mouth so she could tatste herself. As he broke away from the kiss he whispered in her ear "Now I'm gong to make you cum. I am going to make you cum hard all over my face. I am going to make you cum two or three times. I am gong to make you cum harder than you ever have before. Are you ready?"

"Yes!" Cand-E shrieked immediately as her pussy cntracted around Raver's hand, trying to suck it in. "Make me cum. Oh god please make me cum" she groaned.

With that Raver slid his face slowly down her chest, stopping to suck in each of her pert, hard nipples, and then worked his way down.

As Raver settled his head between her out-stretched thighs he took the point of his tongue and swirled it around Cand-E's puckered asshole. Cand-e stiffenned. She had never been touched there before. It felt dirty. Naughty. And so good. A whole new kind of pleasure. She just couldn't get enough pleasure.

Raver speeded up the in-and-out thrusting of his fingers as he kept twirling his tongue around her asshole. As Cand-E's thighs began to quiver her pussy juices flowed down until they met his tongue in her asshole. Raver knew she was ready.

He quickly licked his way up her pussy to the throbbing, spasming clit. With his free left hand he released it from underneath its hood. He briefly stared at it but could not resist it for long. With the pointed end of his tongue he flicked the edge of the nub. Back and forth as fast as he could he snaked the pointed tip accross her exposed clitoris.

The effect was electric and immediate. As if hit by lightning Cand-E's back arched high and hard. Her pussy clamped down on his invading fingers like a vice as it filled with her juices.

"I'm cumming so hard!" she screamed as she ground his pussy into his face. All the while he kept flicking on her clit and driving his fingers into her.

As her orgasm subsided Raver didn't stop. Leaving the over-sensitive clit to recover for a minute he nibbled lightly on her inner lips while keeping up with his finger-work. The goal was to give her just enough time to recuperate while still keeping her at a fever pitch.

When she had recoverd Raver took his mouth from her pussy long enough to lok her in the eye and say "Thatwas just a warm up. You think you can take another?"

Without giving her time to respond Raver began churning her sweet cunt with his fingers. His lips grabbed hold of her clitoris and he sucked in hard while running his tongue firmly back-and-forth all over it.

Cand-E responded swiftly, arching into another breathless orgasm. This time Raver didn't let up. He changed the rhythm of his fingers and released the clitoris from his lips. This time he bagan a steady, straight-forward thrusting motion with his fingers. With his tongue he matched that rhythm using long, firm strokes with the flat of his tongue over her clitoris.

After the shock of her first two orgasms Cand-E wasn't sure she could take anymore. She had never had more than two in a row. But this new, slow, relentless rhythm was already having an effect on her. Tee feelings seemed to be different - deeper, less sharp, more all-consuming.

Sensing that she was ready Raver curled the tips of his fingers forward. About two knuckles in he found what he was looking for: the rougher, bumpier patch of skin on the front wall. Using a come-hither motion with his fingers Raver began to caress Cand-E's G-Spot. All the while he kept up the slow, constant, inecscapeable rhythm of his tongue on her throbbing clitoris.

The sudden stimulation of her G-Spot overwhemed Cand-E with a new deeper, darker pleasure that seemed to come from all over her body rather than just her clitoris. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. Her body was wracked with little spasms as she ascended the peak to her third Orgasm. Her first G-Spot orgasm.

Without warning she returned to her senses as the sudden desire to pee took hold of her. "Stop. Wait I.."

Raver took his mouth off of the prize just long enough to comfort her. "Don't worry. You won't pee. Its normal. Just relax. Enjoy. This is going to feel so good. I am going to make you squirt all over my face and I am going lick up every last drop!"

Raver resumed in earnest. Keeping up the same constant rhythm he felt Cand-E's body begin to spasm. Her thighs quivered. Her stomach muscles contracted. Her legs squeezed and her back arched. But none of that could distract him. His tongue kept at her hard clit in the same unchanging time. His fingers kept up the same relentless motion on her a G-Spot. Raver would not be denied his prize.

Cand-E was awash in a rich, full-bodied pleasure that she had never known. Her head was turning from side to side and she could barely keep track of where she was anymore. Who she was. Her name. None of it mattered. Alll that mattered was the slow, steady, insistent rising of pleasure throughout her body.

As it reached a crescendo CAnd-E let out an unholy wail :Oh my God!! I'm cumming! I...I...Oh my God I'm cumming like I've never cum before!".

With that Cand-E exploded all over Raver's face. Unlike most orgasms that were a contarction then a sharp release this was different. It was an explosion. No contraction - just a long, steady release of all the tension in her body. The orgasm seemed to go on and on as the pleasure washed over her whole body. Her nipples were so hard they alomost hurt and she was vaguely aware of a rush of fluid jetting from between her legs. As Raver kept eating her, she kept cumming for what seemed like forever.

Raver was in heaven as Cand-E's pussy clenched rhythmically down around his thrusting fingers. As her juice squirted all over his face, down his chin, down her legs, he kept sucking it in. Eating her. Swallowing her. Devouring her cum.

Just as Can-E finished cumming Raver stood up suddenly and with a swift motion drove his rock had cock deep inside her still twiching pussy....

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She let out a moan, as she felt him push farther into her. Slow at first, he wanted her to enjoy every moment of this. He continued to pump into her cunt. He looked down at her pussy and watched the motions. His gazed turned upwards towards her. He took in every inch of her beautiful body lying beneath him. He met her eyes and the two lovers locked stares. All they were feeling within was evident in this stare. He started to fuck her faster.

Another moan. Harder. Faster. A cry out to god. Harder, Faster, Harder, Faster…her nails scraped his ass as she writhe and twist with pleasure at the feeling of his dick penetrating her hot wet pussy. She was building inside, he could see it on her face…Her lips were parted, but nothing was coming out. With that he reached under her arms and picked her up. He threw her hard against the wall and began ramming her even harder.

“Oh god,” she cried, “oh god it…it feel sooooo good”

He pressed his lips against hers and kissed her, passionately, deeply. Her hands found his hair and began tugging against the short strands. Her fingernails digging deep into his scalp. He bit down softly into her lower lip. Biting just enough to make is hurt but hurt good. She let her head rest against the wall, her eyes rolling into the back of her head.

“Yeah, baby, that feel good? You like that?” He taunted.

“I am gonna fuck your pussy all night,” he whispered in her ear.

Again, he could see her building, he could see the pleasure in her eyes. He could sense it in her response to him.

“oh god, I’m, I’m…I’m gonna cum….” she cried. With that, Cand-E exploded. Her cunt started to twitch and she started to whimper, as if crying. “I’m cuming, oh god, I’m cuming…”

Raver-X continued pumping away. Taking it slower and slower, just enough to keep her juices flowing. He held her there against the wall, as she rest her head in his shoulder. Slowly, she lifted her head and whispered in his ear…



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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"That's all you got?"

He quickly looked at her face. Her cheeks were flushed pink and a fine film of sweat streaked across her brow. Her red lips were slightly parted and her breath came out in jagged spurts. She looked absolutely exhasted, spent, but her eyes, well her eyes said differently. They gleamed impishly in the soft light as she repeated herself in a lower, raspier voice, her eyes never leaving his.

"I said, is that all you've got?"

He chuckled softly and ran his hand through her hair, kissing her cheek sweetly.

"Sweetheart, you haven't seen nothing yet..."




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…I’ve read your posts on the CP boards and I paid attention….I know you need more and I’m just the guy who can give it to you. Raver-x was actually amazed that he’d lasted this long….he knew for sure that he would blow a big load a long time ago, and yet…here he was: large and in charge! Heavy with lust…he contemplated her taunts: “…is that all you’ve got?…is that ALL you’ve got?!?”

He slowly and gently pulled out of her and started to kiss her neck, still flush from the excitement of her explosive orgasms….he also knew that it was his turn….he played the scenarios in his mind over and over again, and decided how to respond. He remembered her response to his fingers in her Ass and begged the question to himself: could she handle something a little bigger? He remembered her CP posts about how the forbidden region was an “exit” not an “entrance”, and yet she responded so positively to everything they had done thus far.

Here were two sexual beings in the midst of an incredible mind blowing fuck. He slowly turned her around so that her back was against his chest. He gently pushed so that she started to bend over with her perfect ass pointing skyward. The thought of what he was about to do….the incredible, indescribeable, impossible tightness of the region he longed to invade…the sheer taboo!

He reached for her waist to steady himself as he simultaneously grabbed for the lubricant (which magically appeared from nowhere). The cool slippery feeling of the fluid as he rubbed it on himself reminded him of the wetness he’d enjoyed just moments before. He gently applied additional lubrication to her to make sure she would not be uncomfortable, as he aimed himself at her waiting asshole…


"Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."

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