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Loose Change 9/11

Guest irishboy

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Guest JMT

Thanks. I'll read through it. Personaly I don't take that film as gospel, but it does bring up some interesting questions I would like answers to. Like why there is a video of the object hitting the Pentagon that is not getting shown to anyone, especialy with this controversy. Just show the damn tape and people will shut up about it being a missle rather than a plane.

that is what the 2 loose change rejects wanted you to think. perception is reality. in actuality, the pentagon video was shown to the public immediately after it was released as evidence in the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui, aka the 20th hijacker.



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Guest Buck White

emmm most people thought it was very interesting,general vibe was that Gov was covering up something big or small.

Dubya aint the most popular round these parts. Tony Blair has fallen out of power cause of his association with Bush.French dont like him either.

Americans can be very arrogant; if they've seen something on the 6 o clock news or read about something in the Sunday newspaper then...BY GOD....it has to be true. It's pathetic. I've worked with a lot of people from all over the globe, including many europeans, and have been fortunate enough to have had some fairly in depth discussions with them...and they, imo, tend to be a lot less gullible than the half wit sycophants that occupy space in this "great" country.

So exactly how many "europeans" did you speak with to draw up the conclusion that half the US population are gullible and arrogant? Only a moron would make a sweeping generalization like that. If this country is going down hill, its because of fair weathered citizens like yourself.

lol. Listen, lady, reread what I wrote....then we can talk.

Actually...I'm bored and can't sleep so let me get this out of the way. What the f*ck does it matter "how many" ? 10....75.....4. People

abroad think that there are 300 million idiots living here; you have to,at some point,ask yourself....why is that ? And MY personal discussions, with them, gave ME a clearer understanding of why. Your dumbass wants to know "how many europeans". Clearly I said, " people from all over the globe, including many europeans..." And since your a numbers man....I never said half of the u.s. population. However...you seem to be an attestment to the "gullible and arrogant" troglodytes I was alluding to. Many of your ilk have bought into this whole "Patriotic" crap....hook line and sink. And in doing so....you somehow believe your "leaders" have YOUR best interests at heart.

You, obviously, have no idea what's going on around you. You just pledge allegiance...to your flag...no questions asked. Don't be angry that you've been brainwashed, though. All of us have. And the one's that think they havent been...are deluded. There's a remedy for this, though. Just add some cynicism to your diet...you'll be amazed how many lies you've been spoonfed YOUR entire life. It's your lot, in life, to sort out the subterfuge...and many don't. I'm sorry you and Apostrophe got so offended.

yada yada ... I feel like im listening to Rosie O' Donnell on one of her rants. So cynesicm brings clarity huh? Yes the current administratiuon has made some serious mistakes and I challange you to find a post on this board where I have tried to defend those mistakes. Our foreign policy needs an overhaul for sure. Im looking at the 50,000 foot view of our contry. The one I know to be the best on earth. Ask me if i care what someone in France thinks of me or my country.

FYI - Your overuse of S.A.T words is classic. Close the dictionary, this is a music message board, there's no one to impress.

an attestment to the "gullible and arrogant" troglodytes I was alluding to ..... lol

You mispelled cynicism. And the S.A.T word jab......I've been waiting 500 some odd posts for somebody to say something about that. lol. What took you so long ? You're the man J.B ! And forgive me for being sardonic....but what I think you meant to say was....close the thesaurus. Not the dictionary. And I havent owned a thesaurus since high school.Furthermore...I have absolutely no idea how to use a colon or a semi-colon. Basically, if I like the way a semicolon looks when composing a sentence...I'll just throw one in. And I disagree...there are people here to impress; but that's not why I choose to use the words I do. I'll use whatever words that pop into my head. If I can help the artist formerly known as Saleen expand his vocabulary,improve his diction, grammar and spelling...I'll sleep better at night. I never thought of myself as a polymath. But I have an opinion...and that's what keeps this particular section of the site afloat. No hard feelings J.B. I love to partake in a little verbal pugilism from time to time. And I did butcher that sentence. Humility is one of my stronger traits, though...so I don't mind admitting it. I'm glad you got a chuckle...because I laugh daily when reading posts on this site...and I'm glad to of given back a little.

Big up yourself.

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