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HEY UFC LOSERS! Time to admit, UFC jumped the shark..

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So Mr. Entrorage himself, got his ass beat in 1:53 seconds, but what is even more shocking, all these ass clowns claiming it's mixed martial arts bla bla bla bla bla bla bla, 99% of these fights are street matches with some boxing in them. There is really nothing to these fights. If Lidell got dropped in a 1:53 by some ass clown imagine what a pro boxer would do to him. He'd last 10 seconds and with no gloves, he'd die ring side.

Tired of you ass clowns thinking UFC is so great, it's a fad that will fade away. While I agree boxing is in the dumps, lets not proclaim UFC to be it's replacement. You see better fights at night clubs..

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Guest JMT

and michael moorer was knocked out by a flabby 45-year-old retiree.

quinton jackson didnt just walk off the street, he's been a beast for years outside of the UFC.

so when will a boxer sign up to save the day? probably the same day he wakes up and says today i feel like dislocating my elbow.

as far as the quality of the fights, little mac vs. don flamenco was also better than that de la hoya-mayweather snoozer.

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Guest Mattivi

dumbest post of the year. the UFC is rocketing in popularity and is bringing in more quality MMA talent month after month. although the fight was a disappointment from a fan standpoint, Liddell will be back and their will be a rematch that i guarantee u will last longer than 2 minutes. so bro stop jerking off to your Rocky's greatest hits soundtrack and wake up to the reality that boxing is (over)cooked like like my aunts thanksgiving day turkey ::):P

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Guest Buck White

jump the shark ? ??? I don't know what that means. Damn....sometimes I think YOU don't even know what you're talking about. JMT's right....I'll get in the ring with a boxer before one of these goddamn grapplers anyday.

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jump the shark ? ??? I don't know what that means. Damn....sometimes I think YOU don't even know what you're talking about. JMT's right....I'll get in the ring with a boxer before one of these goddamn grapplers anyday.

if you got into the ring with a pro boxer, with no gloves on, you would seriously have a great chance of dying or being brain dead. They always stop the fights when some dude has another ass clown in an arm bar, but one shot to the skull from a pro boxer can't be stopped.

Boxing is in the dumps, however last months fight did set a PPV record. UFC will fade very quickly.

How long did the fight at the hard rock go?

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Guest Buck White

jump the shark ? ??? I don't know what that means. Damn....sometimes I think YOU don't even know what you're talking about. JMT's right....I'll get in the ring with a boxer before one of these goddamn grapplers anyday.

if you got into the ring with a pro boxer, with no gloves on, you would seriously have a great chance of dying or being brain dead. They always stop the fights when some dude has another ass clown in an arm bar, but one shot to the skull from a pro boxer can't be stopped.

ight at the hard rock go?

Oh...I agree. Even with gloves on I could suffer the same fate. But one good shot from these UFC guys can yield the same result. But, with boxing, you're relegated to using your fists only. These other guys can do whatever and use almost whatever they want. And are skilled at it....for the most part.

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Guest Mattivi

thats a lame argument. there is just a good a chance if you got into a ring with a ufc fighter with no gloves you would have a serious chance of dying or going braindead. your whole reasoning system is flawed. yes boxers are better strikers than people in MMA, because thats what they do. but if you cant stay on your feet how are going to box? the minute the bells rings a well rounded MMA fighter, knows right off the bat that the boxer has no grappling skills, ergo is one dimsensional, shoots the boxer and gound and pounds him into next easter. its wouldnt even be close. sure i bet a boxer would get lucky here and there, thats the nature of the sport, but one dimensional fighters usually dont fare well in sporting events like Pride and the UFC. you have to remember this sport is in its infancy and is evolving for the better year after year. in a few years boxing will be all but obsolete, right up there with with your sense of music.

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Since I"m a noob, can some of you experts break down all the martial arts in this fight for me..


It's called Vale Tudo or MMA aka Mixed martial arts.


Definitions of Vale Tudo on the Web:

Vale tudo is a Portuguese term meaning "everything goes" used to describe mixed martial arts competitions with minimal rules. First popularized in Brazil, vale tudo has since spread around the world, and is considered an evolution of the challenge matches and a more brutal contemporary to competitions such as Ultimate Fighting Championship, Pride Fighting Championships and Pancrase.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Vale-tudo (Portuguese for anything goes) describes competitions in unarmed combat having minimal rules,[1] especially mixed martial arts competitions. It is sometimes considered a combat sport[2] and style of fighting[3] in itself.



In Brazil, the term vale tudo was first associated with booth fighting done in Brazilian circuses during the 1920s. Examples of such bouts were described in the Japanese-American Courier on October 4, 1928.

However, this circus term did not enter popular use until 1959-1960.


By Answers.com


One of the earliest forms of widespread unarmed combat sports with minimal rules was Greek pankration, which was introduced into the Olympic games in 648 B.C.

Some no-holds-barred events reportedly took place in the late 1800s when wrestlers representing a huge range of fighting styles including various catch wrestling styles, Greco-Roman wrestling and many others met in tournaments and music-hall challenge matches throughout Europe[citation needed]. The first major encounter between a boxer and a wrestler in modern times took place in 1887 when John L. Sullivan, then heavyweight boxing champion of the world, entered the ring with his trainer, the Greco-Roman wrestling champion, William Muldoon, and was slammed to the mat in two minutes. The next publicized encounter occurred in the late 1890s when future heavyweight boxing champion Bob Fitzsimmons took on European Greco-Roman wrestling champion Ernest Roeber. Reportedly, Roeber suffered a fractured cheekbone in this bout, but was able to get Fitzsimmons down on the mat, where he applied an arm lock and made the boxer submit. In 1936, heavyweight boxing contender Kingfish Levinsky and the veteran professional wrestler Ray Steele competed in a mixed match, which Steele won in 35 seconds. In all three of these 'mixed-matches', the wrestler won.

Another early example of MMA combat was the martial art of Bartitsu, founded in London in 1899, which was the first martial art known to have combined Asian and European fighting styles,[11] and which saw MMA-style contests throughout England, pitting European and Japanese champions against representatives of various European wrestling styles.[12]

Boxing vs. jujitsu contests were popular entertainments throughout Europe, Japan and the Pacific Rim during the early years of the 1900s. In Japan these contests were known as Merikan, from the Japanese slang for "American (fighting)". Merikan contests were fought under a variety of rules including points decision, best of three throws or knock-downs, and knock-out/submission. [13]

Professional wrestling died out after World War I and was reborn in two streams: "shoot", in which the fighters actually competed, and "show," which evolved into modern sports entertainment professional wrestling.[14]

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 180-lb. fighter Royce Gracie submits 275-lb. champion wrestler Dan Severn in UFC 4, 1994.[15]

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 180-lb. fighter Royce Gracie submits 275-lb. champion wrestler Dan Severn in UFC 4, 1994.[15]

Modern mixed martial arts are rooted in two interconnected movements. First were the vale tudo events in Brazil, followed by the Japanese shoot wrestling shows. Vale tudo (meaning 'anything goes') began in the 1920s with the famous "Gracie challenge" issued by Carlos Gracie and Hélio Gracie and upheld later on by descendants of the Gracie family.[9] In Japan in the 1970s, a series of mixed martial arts matches were hosted by Antonio Inoki, inspiring the shoot-style movement in Japanese professional wrestling, which eventually led to the formation of the first mixed martial arts organizations, such as Shooto, which was formed in 1985.


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Guest Mattivi

your using this match as if its the way all fights end in the UFC when its not. as if all the fights are just some watered down, amateur boxing contest. i dont see your point. And if pro boxers are such the big bad asses as you make them out to be, why arent they over in the UFC? Why, the payouts are getting pretty good? Hell Big Iron Mike has nothing to lose at this point in his life, could surely use the money, so why hasnt he jumped in the octagon if he is such a big badass? Simple because they are one dimensinal and would get their ass handed to them by most any well rounded, formidable MMA fighter. would they sometimes score a knockout? im sure, but not often.

Most of these fighters are world class in wrestling, judo, jiu-jitsu, kickboxing, mui-thai, etc. some are world class in not just one of those but mulitple disciplines. Why is boxing superior to any of those? what makes them so special? just because the above mentioned arts dont get the press that boxing does, does that make them inferior? answer me that? why would boxers wipe the floor with a Wanderlei Silva, Rampage Jackson, a Randy Couture, a Chuck Liddell, GSP, Matt Hughes, BJ Penn? hell even a washed up Ken Shamrock? when its been proven time and time again, that one dimensional fighters dont fare well in MMA, hence the term MMA... anyways its like all4tribalism said, its comparing apples to oranges.

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Inaki vs. Ali

The Year was 1976.

2 great fighters.



The fight was a draw due to all the massive rules for Inaki to fight Ali. Ali's team knew who they were up against.

From About.com

Major Rules Changes:

The rules of the match were announced several months in advance. However, two days before the match a whole bunch of new rules were added which severely limited the moves that each man could perform. The rule change that had a major outcome on this match was that Inoki could only throw a kick if one of his knees were on the ground. The truth behind the last minute changes will never really be known as there are many stories that have been floating around for the past three decades.

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Guest ddg

as far as the quality of the fights, little mac vs. don flamenco was also better than that de la hoya-mayweather snoozer.

greatest line ever in post...lmao...

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Guest swirlundergrounder

You know in a couple of years what's going to get big?

The Women's UFC league.

Nothing like watching 2 girlies in Submission... :P

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Guest lyrik

So I was thinking about the whole well why dont the top boxers fight in the UFC if they are so bad ass...I mean its pretty obvious at this point the pay outs just aren't where they need to be. Then I thought if the UFC guys are so great why don't they just box for the bigger pay outs? I need some clarification on this because maybe I am missing something here...I know its damn well not for "pride" greed is greed. Maybe it takes longer, fights are harder to come by, and I beleive boxers have to have some license to fight yada yada...but then again I'm sure somehow it could get sanctioned at one point and if they are so skilled (MMA) then they should be able to adapt. I guess I am just not so easily convinced yet that UFC fighters could hang with the top boxers in the world (prob. becuase the scenario hasn't played out yet)...and what exactly makes everyone think that boxers cannot fight a streetbrawl type of fight (which seems to be much of MMA and pride). I mean anyone who knows the history of boxing has to know that a ton of these guys are and have come from the streets...have fought in street brawls etc. Maybe I'm missing something here but punching power, endurance its not something totally exclusive to one form of fighting and sport...for the most part they are God given gifts perfected through training...so where are the MMA stepping up to get the bigger pay days in boxing because if they are that much better doesn't it make sense?

I mean I am def of fan of martial arts but there has to be something to this.

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Guest Mattivi

Lyrik, the sport is in its infancy, while boxing has been popular since the early 20th century, give it time. and tho the payouts arent on a pro boxer level, the top level fighters in MMA enjoy high 6 figure salaries. and i think your off base when you say that MMA is a streetbrawl type of fight, maybe back in the 90s for sure, but the sport has evolved way beyond that. and why would a mixed martial artist go to boxing? that doesnt make any sense. that would be like trading in three cars for just one. the whole point of the sport is seeing a bunch of guys who well versed in a variety of martial arts go at it, not just one, hence the term MMA. the argument is getting kinda of old and repetitive...

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Guest LeVeL

You have to be kind of ignorant if you think dont UFC has surpassed boxing already. First of all the UFC provides you with a PPV of fights every month in which the whole card is stacked with entertaining fights. Boxing provides you with only 1 or 2 PPV fights a year that are worth even buying.

Right after the Liddell vs. Rampage fight the UFC already announced that the winner would face Dan Henderson the Pride Middleweight Champion & Light heavyweight Champion. Next month Matt Serra Vs. Matt Hughes for the UFC Middleweight title will be broadcasted on PPV.

Already the UFC has given u 2 PPV's to look forward too. Boxing since the De La Hoya/Mayweather fight doesn't have another anticipated fight other than Winky Wright Vs. Bernard Hopkins and after that who else is going to box to make you anticipate anything, what a rematch of De La Hoya vs. Mayweather, give me a break, The Contender is more entertaining than any boxing fight out there.

If anything Boxing jumped the shark when they had the Mayweather/De La Hoya fight. Boxing had the opportunity to provide you with an entertaining fight but instead provided you a snoozer which let even their hardcore fans down.

I am not trying to convince anybody here to start liking MMA but for my money any Pride or UFC PPV would do better than boxing at this moment.

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Guest LeVeL

What I want to know is what Mr. Barbarino thinks..he obviously is a little ignorant and is too old school minded to realize that a new sport is emerging. Boxing lost its edge years ago, a sport long been known to be crooked with ties to the mafia. A sport like boxing is the type of sport that a judge can be paid off to throw a fight.

A sport where only 2 promoters dominate the sport of boxing, where they are the only ones who have a say if a fight will occur or not. Years ago there was a big debate between a Lennox Lewis vs. Evandor Holyfield fight. For years the world wanted to see the fight but it took so long just to organize it.

A Sport that creates different Federations just to create a sanctioned Champion, why is it that there needs to be a WBC, WBA, IBF, WBO Champions just to confuse their own fans. A sport that makes it too difficult to have an undisputed champion.

And also why does a Boxer need 6 to 8 months to train for a fight when a MMA fighter only needs a month?

There have been so many questions in the sport of boxing for a long time but for a long time the crowd didn't have a choice since it was the only combat sport that you were able to watch on TV and PPV but now its not the only game in town and the peopel are tired of the BS.

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Guest Davenavarro10

Barbarino you're the club legend around here, no one argues that. But you're completely wrong about the U.F.C. You might not remember, but back in November 1993 the first ever U.F.C. event took place. There was a boxer who competed named Art Jimmerson. He was based in St. Louis, Missouri, and competed at super middleweight, light heavyweight, cruiserweight and heavyweight. He lost to Royce Gracie while wearing only one boxing glove. He tapped out after being taken to the ground despite not being in a submission hold. Gracie took him down like a clown Charlie Brown. Once he was on the mat, he knew it was over. He did the smart thing and tapped out before Gracie had a chance to either choke him out, or try to break one of his arms. And back then, the fighters were all one-sided (they usually only trained in one martial art). The ones who always seemed to do well in the early days were Jiu-Jitsu experts like Royce Gracie, or wrestlers like Dan the Beast Severn.

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