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What makes a good DJ??

Guest knebula

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Guest pod

a DJ that plays for the crowd and not for HIMSELF/ HERSELF or the SPOTLIGHT.

Originally, way way way back in the day, the DJ was merely the guy in a booth off to the side who put records on that people wanted to hear.

As time went on, it evolved more into the whole star DJ thing.

That being said, it's a DJs job, in a club, to entertain the crowd that is there. Dade has said repeatedly "if I want to be educated I'll go to night school..."

It's a tricky balance. I'm not a DJ, and other than dicking around with sound systems and lighting arrays, I've had no real desire to be, but the one common element I've noticed in successful DJs is their ability to mix in sounds that the crowd wants to hear, while dropping in new stuff that fits well with what the crowd wants to hear.

For example, you get the 'World, Hold On' crowd, doesn't mean you have to play just Bob Sinclar tracks. As a DJ, you can find material that fits into that mold. Basically keeping it in the family if you know what I mean. Like when you hear of a DJ breaking new tracks, these new tracks sound much like what they're playing anyway.

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Guest web_norah

Oh no....you said the World Hold On thingy.


that song makes me want to leave the dancefloor, grated cheese.

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Guest pod

Just citing it as an example of a track that's digestible to the mainstream clubgoing populace here in Miami.

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Guest pod

For a DJ?

From the Wiki.

A disc jockey (also disk jockey or DJ) is a person who selects and plays prerecorded music for an audience. Many DJs also speak to the audience, either to give the names of the songs and information about the performers (radio DJs) or to rap or chant along with the music (reggae DJs).

There are several types of DJs: radio DJs play music that is broadcast on AM, FM, shortwave or digital radio stations; club DJs select and play music in a club, disco, a rave, or even a stadium; hip hop disc jockeys select, play and create music with multiple turntables as a hip-hop artist and/or performer, often backing up one or more MCs; a reggae disc jockey (deejay) is a vocalist who raps, toasts, or chats over pre-recorded rhythm tracks; and mobile disc jockeys travel with mobile sound systems and play from an extensive collection of pre-recorded music.

The term disc jockey was first used to describe radio announcers who would introduce and play popular gramophone records. These records, also called discs by those in the industry, were jockeyed by the radio announcers, hence the name disc jockey, which was soon shortened to DJs or deejays. Today, there are a number of factors, including the selected music, the intended audience, the performance setting, the preferred medium, and the development of sound manipulation, that have led to different types of disc jockeys. However, today there are many different kinds of 'DJ's' and it does not always mean 'disc jockey' in the traditional sense, for example turntablist DJ's use actual 'discs' whilst radio DJ's may use a number of sound sources including music files, CDs, jingles, and other pre-recorded media.

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Guest meta

It was Nic Fanciulli, Cedric, and Deep Dish. They did it last year during the Yoshitoshi party. It was 4 PM and they said 'fuck it' and put drum n bass on.

CG:My favorite memories was last year (2006) at the Yoshi party when Sharam, Ali, Nic and I started tag teaming on the patio until 4 pm, and then Nic and Sharam started playing drum 'n bass to get people to go home!

There we go thats it. I would have stayed if i was there. I love D&B..

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Guest myles hie

I wouldn't go that far necessarily. I don't mind drum n bass really, but it is certainly a jarring enough transition, enough to clear a room.

I'd dare to say if you put a house track in the middle of a drum n bass night, the reaction would be similar. Drum n bass and breaks fans tend to be rabid about their music.

Same thing could have been accomplished by turning of the record player after the last song. Then they all could have done the jesus christ pose and basked in thier rock star glory. ;D

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Guest JustDade

"quality vs. clubland capitalism"

These sorts of statements make me crazy. We had a 4,000 page thread because DT tried to tell everyone that he was the music police and then DJ Hova offerred to educate us all...

And you people wonder why the rest of the music loving world thinks of you as trainspotting jerk-offs.

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Guest knebula

"quality vs. clubland capitalism"

These sorts of statements make me crazy. We had a 4,000 page thread because DT tried to tell everyone that he was the music police and then DJ Hova offerred to educate us all...

And you people wonder why the rest of the music loving world thinks of you as trainspotting jerk-offs.

"quality vs. clubland capitalism"

The comment insulted you??? Or does it drive you crazy because of your difference in opinion..... There's no need to for "you people" and "jerkoffs" to be trown around. Is just a matter of opinion withouth name calling.

If you like, I can delete it.

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Guest knebula

Nice lineup!

Talk about people that let their turntables do the talking....nothing but respect for the locals on that group..

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Guest meta


Longevity maybe???? awww the good ol days

damn im old!!!

Where the hel did you find that flyer. Thats some Ol'Skool Sh*t.....

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Guest jkfunkee

No names<<<<<< Just Your opinion

For me:

75% Song selection

15% Crowd Interaction

10% Mixing

not to be mean......but this is just STOOOPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously!!


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Guest knebula


Longevity maybe???? awww the good ol days

damn im old!!!

Where the hel did you find that flyer. Thats some Ol'Skool Sh*t.....

Yeah man thats back in da day for sure....

Hey I saw a pic of u w/ armando in your myspace....whats up with that fool???

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Guest knebula

No names<<<<<< Just Your opinion

For me:

75% Song selection

15% Crowd Interaction

10% Mixing

not to be mean......but this is just STOOOPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously!!



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Guest JustDade

"quality vs. clubland capitalism"

These sorts of statements make me crazy. We had a 4,000 page thread because DT tried to tell everyone that he was the music police and then DJ Hova offerred to educate us all...

And you people wonder why the rest of the music loving world thinks of you as trainspotting jerk-offs.

"quality vs. clubland capitalism"

The comment insulted you??? Or does it drive you crazy because of your difference in opinion..... There's no need to for "you people" and "jerkoffs" to be trown around. Is just a matter of opinion withouth name calling.

If you like, I can delete it.

No, it didn't insult me. The "you people" was directed at those who believe they have the right to say what's quality and what's not. One man's trash is another man's treasure but some, (insert DT...Hova...you), feel it necessary to label some music crap or commercial just because you don't like it. And YES, people who just go to clubs for drinks and fun mostly think the guy standing at the booth IDing every track and judging which are good is a jerk-off.

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Guest pod

Their job is tougher now cause of CDJs. Though Serato is a godsend to them since they can just peer at the screen.

I've never understood that mindset really, that if something is pulling in people and/or money, it sucks. I see plenty of shooters who make 20 or 30 times more money than me, do I think their work sucks? Usually not. I'll evaluate regardless of the income that they are pulling in.

Now, it's fine to be interested in the music and the DJ, but at the same time, what I'm against is the whole "if you're not a music expert then get out" attitude.

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Guest 4040

It's funny that the people that don't have a clue or know the basics about the scene have a great time at a club. Mr. Know it all goes to the club and can't have a good time cause in his head he's critiqueing every song and mix. Go figure.

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Guest pod

The stone-cold music head would say "ignorance is bliss".

That being said, I know some people who are music heads but can still go out and have a good time.

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Guest knebula

"quality vs. clubland capitalism"

These sorts of statements make me crazy. We had a 4,000 page thread because DT tried to tell everyone that he was the music police and then DJ Hova offerred to educate us all...

And you people wonder why the rest of the music loving world thinks of you as trainspotting jerk-offs.

"quality vs. clubland capitalism"

The comment insulted you??? Or does it drive you crazy because of your difference in opinion..... There's no need to for "you people" and "jerkoffs" to be trown around. Is just a matter of opinion withouth name calling.

If you like, I can delete it.

No, it didn't insult me. The "you people" was directed at those who believe they have the right to say what's quality and what's not. One man's trash is another man's treasure but some, (insert DT...Hova...you), feel it necessary to label some music crap or commercial just because you don't like it. And YES, people who just go to clubs for drinks and fun mostly think the guy standing at the booth IDing every track and judging which are good is a jerk-off.

take it easy there nacho libre......

ill buy you a drink if i ever meet you.... All I meant to say is that there is potential for both groups to get along (im neither one of these but a blend of both), people who look for the (let me rephrase) "all about the music-- dj/party" and the "lets go to a club drink, pickup girls, stay til 3pm with my friends three days later, etc..."

that's all....

don't get riled up...either way, people are just looking for a form of entertainment.

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Guest pod

There's enough to go around for everyone. I think everyone needs to understand that. The music brownshirts, and whatever other factions there are...

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