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why do men like having sex w/ younger girls ?


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Originally posted by mrdick:

This is such a simple one. On a purely physical level young girls are often very, very firm and hot and nubile - fresh in a way older women aren't. We dig that - hell, bi-chicks dig that.

IMHO the best thing is for you and your more mature woman partner to share the delectable treats of a 19 year old honey together smile.gif Now that would be choice.

Okay, I would have agreed with this wholeheartedly a couple of months ago. For many years I was not attracted to anyone who looked like they were old enough to have graduated college.

Then my boyfriend and I hooked up with a girl five years younger than me (and nine years younger than him). The more I got to know her the more it felt like I was spending time with a little kid looking for a Mommy and a Daddy.

Yes, younger girls are easier- of course, they're curious. However, every woman I know has become more SEXUAL (in desire, ABILITY, and ABILITY TO BE PLEASED) since they finished college, and less promiscuous. Many women take a while to get comfortable enough with their bodies to truly enjoy sex. I personally enjoy sex and am much better in the sack now than when I was in college.

Anyway, back to my point. Since meeting this girl I do not even find young girls (or boys, but that's another story) attractive anymore- not even slightly. I just look at them as little sisters. By boyfriend and I both agree that next time we need to find someone in our own age group and not some needy little child.

Anyway sorry for babbling and i don't know if I have really made a point or just given an anecdote or whatever! Do with it what you will.


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its all good unless it gets stupid meaning....lets say a 28 year old dating a 16 or even 15 year old...what the fuck is up with that ...i mean if u have 5 years seperation i guess taht ok...20-5 = 15....i second guess that....damn people waht a fucking wonderful world!!!


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what's really fucked up is magazines like TIME running stories about how 14 year olds are giving out bj's and don't think it's sex!

it's like, you're a guy, and all you hear about is how all these teenage girls are having sex all the time- of course you're gonna want some!

also, when dudes get older, they want sex less often. when i was eighteen, i was the stoopidest, horniest mf. now i'm not totally controlled by my hormones, and i realize you should actually like a girl if you're going to mess with her.

i think a 29 year old lady and an 18 year old dude should get together. they're both at their sexual peaks. think about how people traditionally married- old dudes with 12 year old chicks. then the dude dies, and the chick comes into sexual maturity and sleeps with 18 year old horndogs. it's in our nature.


*i'm in love with the modern world

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what's really fucked up is magazines like TIME running stories about how 14 year olds are giving out bj's and don't think it's sex!

it's like, you're a guy, and all you hear about is how all these teenage girls are having sex all the time- of course you're gonna want some!

also, when dudes get older, they want sex less often. when i was eighteen, i was the stoopidest, horniest mf. now i'm not totally controlled by my hormones, and i realize you should actually like a girl if you're going to mess with her.

i think a 29 year old lady and an 18 year old dude should get together. they're both at their sexual peaks. think about how people traditionally married- old dudes with 12 year old chicks. then the dude dies, and the chick comes into sexual maturity and sleeps with 18 year old horndogs. it's in our nature.


*i'm in love with the modern world

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Exactly what kind of an age difference are you talking here? a high schooler and a guy in their mid-late 20's? Or are we talking 20 yr old with 25-30 yr old guy? I think that there are a lot of young (I mean 14-16) girls out there that are attracted to older guys for some of the reasons that many of you have suggested already, car, money etc. and and aren't mentally thinking/aware of what they are doing. They care about image. Most of the guys taking advantage of these girls are image driven, desperate, shallow fools. Yeah, a younger girl may be hot, you might get your jollies out of 'being in control' and teaching her new tricks, but really...some of the guys doing this sort of thing are probably only as mature as these girls are...15?

Thinkin' with their cocks, not with their heads.

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well i don't like young girls to start with.

my personal preference goes towards the 25-30 age group (technically a few years older than myself) simply because i cannot tolerate the immaturity and shallowness of girls between 17 and 21 years of age. plus i can't stand inexperienced girls who act like they can rock your world in bed but end up giving you a double head-ache first because they suddenly go shy and dumb once you get to the bedroom and second because you get an hangover due to the excess amounts of booze you need to consume just to filter out the stupidity.

young girls like older men for all the wrong reasons most of the time.

as a general rule, i'll take a 30 year old hottie over a 20 year old one any day. (exceptions may apply)

when i hit 30 i'll probably still be looking at the same age group 25-30.

damn it's 5 am again..

morph_ cwm13.gif

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shit, i have never even hooked up with a girl younger than me, let alone have sex with one. it bothers me when I have my good friends sleeping with girls three and four years younger than them, when they are only 18 and 19 years old. I dont know I was just never down for younger girls, I like older, more mature, relationship type girls, not just fucks. just personal preference


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I personally feel that age is nothing but a number......i mean i agree that when a guys is 25 and with a 15 yr old that its not socially excepted but, i think that it depends on the girl..... im 19 and my boyfriend is 23....i've been with him for 5 years and i don't think its weird! i was 14 and he was 18 when we first started......

yea people had things to say about it but guess what..... i didn't care.....

it was the girls that were his age (girls he grew up with) that acted like little imature 12 yr olds ... they were all up in our business, trying to ruin what him and i had...with the lies the rumors....etc....it was pathetic

and he had to work his ass off to even get me to speak to him....i wasn't an easy task for him......

and when i did speak to him it was months before we hooked up.......

i know there are a lot of little girls out there that are easy and out for money cars etc.... but not all younger girls are like that.......some little women are really on the same level as a 23 year old......

every person i hang out with ranges from 16-30 and i can sit down and have an intellegent conversation with anyone of them....i dont look at a 16 yr old any different than a 23 year old...it all depends on how you carry and present yourself.....i have had people make show them my real id to prove i was only 19 (vampie>LOL) ...age is nothing but a number ....!!!~

im not personally attacking any one comment...its just my two sense...so please don't anybody take offense to what i have said...nothing but love over here

i just felt that i had to comment b/c i've been dealing with this issue for such a long time........<3RLQ



[This message has been edited by RLQ (edited 03-05-2001).]

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Let me start this by sayin im not a perv...Im 22 and have a hot, horny ass 16 year old girl chasin me, all my Xs have been about my age or close to it. With this girl though i dont know what to do, all my friends keep tellin me its up to you. What the fuck im gettin a ulser worryin about this, do i blow her off or let her show me her "special lapdances", I mean this girl is tellin me things that most of the girls on this board talk about, what are the chances of findin a hot, hornball like this again? confused.gif

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I have to admit with all the younger girls around that are tight bodies...wild souled and free to do what they want...its inviting. Im 26 and my GF is 18. My limit is 18..but damn there are some FINE 17\16 yr olds out there that i would get with if I had the chance. If they are willing and wanting to hook up..who am I to pass on the opertunity.

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Originally posted by shugabooga:

here's another reason: it's taboo!

true, true...

but why do you think it's taboo?

Way back in the day wasn't it the norm for really 'old enough to be my daddy' types would make a youngin' their wife? Not saying I endorse this kind of behavior, but when did mentality change?

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Taboo...no such thing. Older men have always been interested in the younger, tighter bodied girls. I draw the line at 18+ myself...but have seen some 15/16 yr olds at partys, clubs etc and they look so much better then the mid 20-30's ive seen there. You dont go after a younger girl for her maturity...its their freshness, sense of openness and they arent stuck up prudes like alot of older women are.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Originally posted by dolcemimi:

DO younger girls feel better ?

Men seem to enjoy young pussy. Correct me if I'm wrong.

So what's up w/ that ? Someone explain

To answer the question:

Answer: "the older girls are fucking the younger Guys"



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Originally posted by RLQ:

I personally feel that age is nothing but a number......i mean i agree that when a guys is 25 and with a 15 yr old that its not socially excepted but, i think that it depends on the girl..... im 19 and my boyfriend is 23....i've been with him for 5 years and i don't think its weird! i was 14 and he was 18 when we first started......

yea people had things to say about it but guess what..... i didn't care.....

it was the girls that were his age (girls he grew up with) that acted like little imature 12 yr olds ... they were all up in our business, trying to ruin what him and i had...with the lies the rumors....etc....it was pathetic

and he had to work his ass off to even get me to speak to him....i wasn't an easy task for him......

and when i did speak to him it was months before we hooked up.......

i know there are a lot of little girls out there that are easy and out for money cars etc.... but not all younger girls are like that.......some little women are really on the same level as a 23 year old......

every person i hang out with ranges from 16-30 and i can sit down and have an intellegent conversation with anyone of them....i dont look at a 16 yr old any different than a 23 year old...it all depends on how you carry and present yourself.....i have had people make show them my real id to prove i was only 19 (vampie>LOL) ...age is nothing but a number ....!!!~

im not personally attacking any one comment...its just my two sense...so please don't anybody take offense to what i have said...nothing but love over here

i just felt that i had to comment b/c i've been dealing with this issue for such a long time........<3RLQ

Hell yeah I asked you for your ID>> This girl DOES NOT LOOK 19 !! She looks/acts older than me for God's sake.. lol..


AIM vampienyc10

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phoenix - older women = yuck? you haven't met me & a few of my friends who are in their mid to late 30's. we get a lot of compliments/dates/sex from young men all the time, and right now one of them is dating a man 11 years younger than she, one just broke up with one who is 15 years younger, and i also date younger men a lot. why? because younger men find us attractive, and younger men are more attractive to us.

there are plenty of older women out there who are hot and very sexually experienced...however, you'll find that the older you get, the more discerning and choosy you are. therefore you may interpert older women to be prudes. but the real reason some older women don't sleep around as much as some young women do is because we've "been there, done that" and are finally ready to settle down and have sex with someone we care about. plus, the younger you are, the more invulnerable you think you are - and may take more risks sexually - but as you get older you realize that the threat of AIDS, herpes, and genital warts are very real...in the last two years i've learned of at least three friends who have herpes...it's scary and it slows you down a bit. plus there is an emotional toll on women who sleep around, so the older a woman is, the more cautious she becomes in order to protect herself emotionally. this is a learned response!

i wish i had time to list some really hot older women...kim catrell from sex in the city comes to mind...she's 42. probably too old for men in their 20's but you gotta admit she's a hot number.

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Originally posted by shugabooga:

phoenix - older women = yuck? you haven't met me & a few of my friends who are in their mid to late 30's. we get a lot of compliments/dates/sex from young men all the time, and right now one of them is dating a man 11 years younger than she, one just broke up with one who is 15 years younger, and i also date younger men a lot. why? because younger men find us attractive, and younger men are more attractive to us.

there are plenty of older women out there who are hot and very sexually experienced...however, you'll find that the older you get, the more discerning and choosy you are. therefore you may interpert older women to be prudes. but the real reason some older women don't sleep around as much as some young women do is because we've "been there, done that" and are finally ready to settle down and have sex with someone we care about. plus, the younger you are, the more invulnerable you think you are - and may take more risks sexually - but as you get older you realize that the threat of AIDS, herpes, and genital warts are very real...in the last two years i've learned of at least three friends who have herpes...it's scary and it slows you down a bit. plus there is an emotional toll on women who sleep around, so the older a woman is, the more cautious she becomes in order to protect herself emotionally. this is a learned response!

i wish i had time to list some really hot older women...kim catrell from sex in the city comes to mind...she's 42. probably too old for men in their 20's but you gotta admit she's a hot number.

Nothing personal ...sorry if I hurt your feelings hun ...it's just my preference. I too, for a while thought that older women are the shit but then I realized that they're not ...well, that they don't really do it for me.


I find a lot of older women attractive ...but after dating a few I know that they're not for me



[This message has been edited by Ph0eniX (edited 03-27-2001).]

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Originally posted by Ph0eniX:

yes, we do - very much! ...older women = yuck!

I'm curious, how old are you? I noticed in another post you put 25 as your age limit on women.


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Because younger girls are young, dumb and pretty. They are more likely to put with shit just because a hot, older guy likes them. I've been there before. I have always dated older guys. For instance when I was 17 I seriously dated and was sleeping with a 22 year old. He treated me like shit, but I thought it was cool because he was older, etc. Young girls don't have much experience with guys so they put up with more. Personally, I think its the immature guys who go for the younger chicks. They know they can get away with it so they milk it for all its worth.

When your older, you can get away with a larger age difference because generally every has matured - at least a little. But, if were talking about younger people - its about the reasons listed above.

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Originally posted by laurensomers:

Personally, I think its the immature guys who go for the younger chicks. They know they can get away with it so they milk it for all its worth.

I second that.


I never try anything, I just do it... Wanna try me?


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no phoenix, you didn't hurt my feelings but thanks for the concern. like you said, everybody's got their preferences, and if i could subtract 10 years off my age, i'd do it! (as long as i could keep the experience gained!)

i just don't think that "yuck" is the right way to express an opinion when you're talking about something as sensitive and delicate as female sexuality, and i'm sitting here so bored at work that i could scream, so i thought i'd write a mini-novel for the board today! cwm32.gif seriously, you don't think kim catrell is hot?

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Originally posted by shugabooga:

no phoenix, you didn't hurt my feelings but thanks for the concern. like you said, everybody's got their preferences, and if i could subtract 10 years off my age, i'd do it! (as long as i could keep the experience gained!)

i just don't think that "yuck" is the right way to express an opinion when you're talking about something as sensitive and delicate as female sexuality, and i'm sitting here so bored at work that i could scream, so i thought i'd write a mini-novel for the board today! cwm32.gif seriously, you don't think kim catrell is hot?

you're right ...YUCK is not the right way to put it ...MEA CULPA! ...sorry



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