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HELP NEEDED - Pod, please don't move this

Guest JustDade

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Guest whiteaisle

Hello. This is Rebecca (aka Dade's better half.) If there is an interest in more info (thanks Pod), I can certainly provide it....

The situation in Cambodia is one of incredible poverty. In 1975-79, almost two million Cambodians lost their lives to murder and famine when the Khmer Rouge forced the urban population into the countryside to fulfill their ideal of an agrarian utopia. Under the hand of Pol Pot, the Maoists wiped out 25% of the population in one of the most brutal genocides to take place on this planet in recent history. When it was over, families were destroyed, and rebuilding has been slow. The children suffer the most. In order to attend school they must have a uniform and supplies. Many parent cannot afford the $9 a year it takes to obtain these, so the children are put to work instead. They work in trash heaps, or are sold into the sex trade. There are girls as young as 8 and 9 having to work in brothels so that they can send money home to their families. What they go through is unimaginable for most of us.

So.... we are working with 3 different organizations in the country to try to provide a small bit of relief. In Phnom Penh we've found The Cambodian Children's Fund www.cambodianchildrensfund.com . Their founder, Scott Neeson was at one time a high powered film executive at Sony Pictures. He took a trip to Cambodia, saw what was happening, quit his job and opened CCF to get children out of a local garbage dump and back into school. They've started a program where you can sponsor a child and provide them with schooling, food, shelter, medical care and most importantly safety. When you begin sponsoring, you also begin emailing back and forth with the child. It's an amazing, eye opening experience that we cannot recommend enough for anyone that's interested. For more on CCF, you can also view this video clip from CBS news : http://www.cbsnews.com/sections/i_video/main500251.shtml?id=2922550n.

The second group we're working with is in Siem Reap. They are a hotel called Shinta Mani, and their main goal is to train local people in the hospitality industry in an effort to give them lasting employment. They also run many of the local programs we're collecting donations for such as the "Piggy Bank's" , handing out school supplies and building wells for local villages. They encourage all of their guests to get involved. For more details please visit our blog : http://www.wherearetheynow.typepad.com/. We mainly set the page up for my birthday (good bye 20's), so that family and friends could make donations rather than sending a gift or coming to a party, but certainly anyone who feels inclined to donate can use the page, and we are very, very grateful for anyone who takes the time to read the info, and/or gives.

The third organization we're working with via our business is called Daughters Cambodia. They offer a Day Center for girls who are working in the brothels to come and get medical attention and some vocational training. They leave at night and go back to work. The only way to get the girls out of their situation is to provide them with another job. We are currently working on a line of wedding related items (ring pillows, small handbags, silk shawls etc...) which the girls will be able to make from local fabrics and sell via our website. We hope to come back this Fall with our first batch of goods, so let anyone you know who is engaged to be on the lookout in December. It's a really great cause.

Sorry for the long post. I hope it's useful. Feel free to contact me anytime with questions or comments. Thanks for your time.



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Guest Untouchable Chino

Some of you know already that my wife, Rebecca, and I take a month or so off each year and travel. Last year we spent that time in Asia and loved it so much we've decided to return this year. In researching the trip we discovered some people we could not resist wanting to help.

Please visit our travel blog at http://www.wherearetheynow.typepad.com . You'll see information on the front page about some children we've been helping and are trying to do more for. We've set up a set of links that allow people to make donations directly through our website. If you're interested you can also access the archives and see some info and pics from our last trip.

Thanks so much -


DADE, i tip my hat off to you and rebecca..I have had the pleasure to have met both of you and have always thought highly of you. My parents run a similar operation by having their own non profit foundation and collecting toys and clothes and taking them to kids in south america and central america. You for sure can count on me for a donation and seeing those pictures makes me happy to know that money is being put to good use on things like that instead of half the useless things we use it on a daily basis..

much respect.

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Guest JustDade

Some of you know already that my wife, Rebecca, and I take a month or so off each year and travel. Last year we spent that time in Asia and loved it so much we've decided to return this year. In researching the trip we discovered some people we could not resist wanting to help.

Please visit our travel blog at http://www.wherearetheynow.typepad.com . You'll see information on the front page about some children we've been helping and are trying to do more for. We've set up a set of links that allow people to make donations directly through our website. If you're interested you can also access the archives and see some info and pics from our last trip.

Thanks so much -


DADE, i tip my hat off to you and rebecca..I have had the pleasure to have met both of you and have always thought highly of you. My parents run a similar operation by having their own non profit foundation and collecting toys and clothes and taking them to kids in south america and central america. You for sure can count on me for a donation and seeing those pictures makes me happy to know that money is being put to good use on things like that instead of half the useless things we use it on a daily basis..

much respect.

Chino....Chino....Chino.......Way to go, Pal. Feeding the hungry like he feeds Miami the fun.

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The best thing to do to help poor people is to do nothing. Yes, sports fans you heard me right.

We can fish for you, or we can teach you how to fish.. If I fish for you, you are dependent on me, if I teach you how to fish, you can sustain yourself. As the US and the UN pump aid to poor countries all we do is teach people to rely on us. Plus most money never gets to the people. I know it's hard to image us not doing anything but it's exactly what we should do. On the political front we must push for democracies, true land ownership, basic rights and small business growth.

Example, if the Diamond miners in Siera Leon, unionized the country would be 10000000000% better over night.

The US would be better off, paying Walmart to open a factory up in a poor country rather than us, sending food.

The problem starts at the top, we are better off pressuring for democratic reforms rather than just sending billions of dollars that doesn't and won't do shit.

We send money for Aids in Africa, yet they Gov won't tell its citizens to use condoms, isn't this a waste?

People think the UN does a lot, newsflash, we pay 25% of the UN bills. We paid for the oil for food scandal. Another waste.

Wake up and do nothing, it's the best thing we all can do, and if anyone has a diamond ring, you have no right to talk about helping the poor, because some poor n i g g e r dug it up for 1 dollar a day while some rich jew sold it to your jewler who ripped you off.

If I were president, I'd take all the aid money and give it back to the US tax payers.

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Guest whiteaisle

There's one on every message board right?

- The ring on my finger is conflict free

- I am not the UN, and nor are you

- If you'd read any of the information we posted on the donations, you'd see that they are all along the lines of "teaching a man to fish" rather than throwing a fish at the problem.

- It's a lot easier to sit on your ass with a political view than to stand up and do anything. Enjoy your couch this Sunday.

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There's one on every message board right?

- The ring on my finger is conflict free

- I am not the UN, and nor are you

- If you'd read any of the information we posted on the donations, you'd see that they are all along the lines of "teaching a man to fish" rather than throwing a fish at the problem.

- It's a lot easier to sit on your ass with a political view than to stand up and do anything. Enjoy your couch this Sunday.

Oh I stood up, giving Money to foreign charities is wasteful. Here in the US there is a huge portion of kids who will go without a meal today, yet we feel the need to help Asian or African kids because it's trendy and our starving kids are black. Yes, it's trendy, from Madonna to Angelia it's a trend. We will travel to freaking China, take a kid out of his own culture, ship his ass to the US to raise him so we can impress our friends at the cocktail party, yet we won't give a black kid from Detroit a meal.

And FTW, click here

I wasn't speaking specifically about your diamond, but for those who want to help, then stop buying diamonds, also the only conflict free diamonds in the world come from Sarasota Florida. Debeers controls 90% of the market, thus it's unlikely your diamond is conflict free altogether.

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Guest JustDade


how about getting Steve (involved) in on this? they are always up for some charity work too.

Steve who?

lol. Steve is Sasha's father, coincidentally. http://www.involvedevents.com/aboutinvolved.html

I actually know Steve really well and have worked with him on several past events. Just didn't even come close to putting that reference together.

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Guest whiteaisle


Very nice to meet you on the board (as I know we've also met face to face.) Many thanks for bumping the post!

If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one.

- Mother Teresa


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Guest JustDade

Barbie -

That's a convenient attitude for those of you who want to feel OK about doing nothing for those less fortunate. You're right when you say that there are many in need here in America. The thing is that a hungry child is a hungry child regardless of the geography. Right now we're helping these hungry children. Why don't you get off the couch and do something for the hungry children of Detroit?

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Barbie -

That's a convenient attitude for those of you who want to feel OK about doing nothing for those less fortunate. You're right when you say that there are many in need here in America. The thing is that a hungry child is a hungry child regardless of the geography. Right now we're helping these hungry children. Why don't you get off the couch and do something for the hungry children of Detroit?

Just admit you hate black people like George Bush! I on the other hand donated a pool last year to the kids in Detroit.


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Guest web_norah

This is an amazing endeavour Dade! I strongly believe in giving back and helping others less fortunate than us.

I am not sure if you know, but 3 yrs ago a friend of mine from the BBC, friends in New York nightlife, LCD Soundsystem's Phil and I organized a tsunami relief event in NY and raised $6000 in memory of Sam and Ruby (a British mom and her little girl who died in the Thailand tsunami), this charity named after them helps children in Thailand especially in Phgang Nga Province.


Sam used to be an agent for Storm models; here is a little bit more info about her and her family:


fyi- i pledged my donation. thanks for sharing this info.

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Sounds like it will be a really gratifying trip.


Went to Cambodia & Vietnam last year and saw first hand how blatant the child sex trade & child labor is over there. More so in Cambodia.

PS make sure you bring alot of repellent with high % of Deet.

i had the 98% for my arms & legs. ( burns a bit)

A lower deet % for my neck & face

This worked well for me.

The repellent i bought there didnt work so good, smelt nice tough :)

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Guest whiteaisle

Thanks very much Norah!!!

We actually have appointments with our doctor later this afternoon to start getting all of our vaccinations up to date, and get a prescription for Malarone. Better to be safe...

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Guest web_norah

- all the best on your trip, it's definitely a heart warming story what you guys are doing and i hope you have an amazing time in Asia!

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Guest JustDade

Just so you guys know....you're not the only ones we've hit up for help with this. We've enlisted our entire families and have cast a wide net. It may be slightly annoying but I can live with that if it helps. For those who don't want to go back to page 1 for the info....www.wherearetheynow.typepad.com

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