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Strip Club vs Night Club - "Door BS"


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I know, but after awhile it's like a broken record. Some venues are cool at the door, some aren't. It's the way it is.

it's been a while since i created a thread on here, actually wait the last one was about the smurfs, which i still need to take a video of "them" doing the "smurf dance", i'll try to get it done this weekend if i go out.

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Guest coach

Yeah, but I still think Pod has a point. And I think his point agrees with yours. Find the clubs that treat you the way you want to be treated and frequent them. Don't give your money to the ones that treat you bad.

If you include all of Dade & Broward, there is an extremely large variety of clubbing available. Plenty for everyone to find something they like.

If clubs find that their business model is not supporting their costs, then they will either change or go out of business. Some may find their door is too strict, some may find their door is too loose. But, I think we need some of each.

Here's one thing that really honks me off, clubs that charge more than they should for drinks. When I go to Karu & Y, I have no problem with paying $14 for a martini. It's a high class place (well, it used to be, anyway). But last night, I'm at Dek23, a little bar on 6th & Washington, and they are banging me for $14, as well. I mean, it's a nice enough place, recently renovated, but come on, it's just a tiny little bar, not even as big as Blue. That kind of thing really annoys me, when the club thinks that it is better than it is.

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I've always said, "vote with your wallet".

No one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to go to a club with a tough door. I don't see Eric Milon on the street going "Go to SET or die!"

Coach is right, there's plenty of clubs in South Florida. There's at least 3 or 4 that will keep you or anyone else entertained.

It's a well-established fact I don't like certain venues, but rather than waste inordinate amounts of time bitching about them, I simply just don't grace them with my presence.

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Guest LeVeL

I totally agree with Diogo but aside from some girls that pay for their drinks, most of the girls you see out and about dont pay for their drinks, they get hooked up at the door and sometimes dont spend a dime.

Even if a girl spends atleast 20 something dollars in a night out, its still not that much feasible to a club to allow someone who's freeloading out of her looks.

I am sorry but I never went home having spent less than at least $150 on my drinking alone and that is just a short night out for me....Sure you get a comp here and there but I am surely not the freeloader type, I make my own dough, thank you very much.

Girls who have all their drinks paid for usually deal with retards on regular basis.

Hey give yourself a big clap Norah your the 1% of girls that actually go out and spend money.

As far as this thread..its basically a rant. The starter of the thread knows how it goes around here when it comes to clubs and he's right..guys get treated like shit at some of these doors and u can have the look and everything but if the doorman is on a powergrip that night then your fucked.

I say let the rant go on...we dont need to be educated..so Coach and Pod get off your high horses and let people express their de-satisfactions. If your happy with the way things are then good for you but a lot of us dont feel that its proper treatment..

So let the rants GO!!!!!!!

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What I'm getting at is that there's plenty of quality venues in town where they do treat you with respect at the door.

Diogo knows them, you know them, I know them.

I just don't see the point in beating a dead horse for the umpteenth time.

Clubs aren't gonna change their door policies because someone on a messageboard is disgruntled.

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Guest deprivation

I think this is a common thread that gets discussed and probably will for a long time.

I do know lots of people that do avoid clubs with strict doors because they don't want the door drama. You work hard all week and want to have a good time on say a weekend. The last thing you need is some door person on a power trip.

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True enough.

Again, vote with your wallet. We're all rational (supposedly), knowledgeable people here. Club treats you like shit, go to the next one.

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Guest coach
I say let the rant go on...we dont need to be educated..so Coach and Pod get off your high horses and let people express their de-satisfactions. If your happy with the way things are then good for you but a lot of us dont feel that its proper treatment..

Saying to go to places that treat you right is on a high horse???

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All i have to say is that its really some shit if the door guy only lets the girl in when you go as a couple. I would NEVER walk in and leave my bf at the door just cause some asshole wants to let girls in and not guys. I'll wait or leave thankyouverymuch.

Thats a real dick move trying to separate a girl from her date or even friend and let her march into a club by herself and thinking that its A-OK to do so.

Tell me where they do that and i'll never go there.

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Guest swank

Yeah, but I still think Pod has a point. And I think his point agrees with yours. Find the clubs that treat you the way you want to be treated and frequent them. Don't give your money to the ones that treat you bad.

If you include all of Dade & Broward, there is an extremely large variety of clubbing available. Plenty for everyone to find something they like.

If clubs find that their business model is not supporting their costs, then they will either change or go out of business. Some may find their door is too strict, some may find their door is too loose. But, I think we need some of each.

Here's one thing that really honks me off, clubs that charge more than they should for drinks. When I go to Karu & Y, I have no problem with paying $14 for a martini. It's a high class place (well, it used to be, anyway). But last night, I'm at Dek23, a little bar on 6th & Washington, and they are banging me for $14, as well. I mean, it's a nice enough place, recently renovated, but come on, it's just a tiny little bar, not even as big as Blue. That kind of thing really annoys me, when the club thinks that it is better than it is.

"It's a high class place (well, it used to be, anyway)"

what happened ? Is K&Y not classy anymore....?

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Guest coach

All i have to say is that its really some shit if the door guy only lets the girl in when you go as a couple. I would NEVER walk in and leave my bf at the door just cause some asshole wants to let girls in and not guys.

I almost had that happen to me once, and it was really funny. We got to the party early-ish, and there was not yet a line. It was me, my gf, and one of our other female friends. Well, apparantly I had not been close enough in because the doorgirl didn't realize I was with the 2 girls in front of me. And the 2 girls were so involved in their little girltalk that they didn't realize they were leaving me behind. Once the doorgirl realized which list I was on (it's a NFU list) and that I was with the 2 chicks, she quickly let me in, but it was an amusing 20 seconds of confusion.

Funniest part was she tried to pull the "you are not dressed well enough" schtick on me. Now, I'm wearing $90 Pumas, $100 designer jeans, and a really nice Neiman Marcus vintage shirt, and you're telling me I'm not dressed well enough? I knew she was just pulling the guy-girl ratio thing on me, but it was still pretty funny.

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Guest Floribel

while i agree with a lot of what you state...

i spent my own money when i was out drinking....one thing is a friend buying you a drink but i never went out clubbing expecting MY bar tab to be covered....thats an open invite to assholes hitting on you, for the most part.

I'm with ya. I spend money at the clubs, so I don't feel bad if they let me in a little quicker ;)

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Guest Davenavarro10

The thing that cracks me up is that little hole in the wall venues try to pull door crap like if they were Mansion or Cameo. A few weeks ago my friends and I went over to Love Hate Lounge because some girl my friend knows was celebrating her birthday there. We got there at around 10:30, and there was no one waiting in line. It was me, my friend John, our friend Claudia, and one of her female friends. I'm waiting outside, and Claudia and her friend showed up. I asked her where my friend (John) was and she told me that he was looking for a parking spot. The girls went inside and I told them that I was going to wait for John. He shows up, and eventhough there's no line, the doorman makes John and I wait. Five minutes pass, and he says that we have to wait because we don't have any girls with us. And then the douchebag door man asks us if we want to get a table. Says that if we do, he'll let us in right away. John explains to him that we're with girls, but that they're already inside. Doucher makes us wait another minute or 2 and then he decides to let us in, eventhough we were the only ones who were outside waiting. We go inside, and the place was a dump, literally a hole in the wall. Since they treated us the way they did outside, I decided that I wasn't going to spend one red cent inside of the place. My friend wanted to use his credit card to open up a tab, and the Bartender informed him that there was a 50 dollar minimum. He told the barkeep no thanks, but he ended up buying one beer, and payed for it with cash. Needless to say we didn't stick around for long. While I looked around I noticed that the only way that the dump stays open is because they make money on the underage drinker. Do yourselves a favor and avoid Love Hate Lounge. I think most people who end up going there only go because it's the place that's owned by The Miami Ink guys. ::)

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Guest deprivation

All i have to say is that its really some shit if the door guy only lets the girl in when you go as a couple. I would NEVER walk in and leave my bf at the door just cause some asshole wants to let girls in and not guys. I'll wait or leave thankyouverymuch.

Thats a real dick move trying to separate a girl from her date or even friend and let her march into a club by herself and thinking that its A-OK to do so.

Tell me where they do that and i'll never go there.

If my date or girlfriend went in the club without me and made me wait outside, I'd probably leave her there. That's disrespectful to the guy by both the door person and the girlfriend.

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Interesting tale at Love - Hate. My whole impression was that they were specifically trying to get away from the whole Beach door concept.

Guess it's just Rokbar run by TV stars.

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I totally agree with Diogo but aside from some girls that pay for their drinks' date=' most of the girls you see out and about dont pay for their drinks, they get hooked up at the door and sometimes dont spend a dime.

Even if a girl spends atleast 20 something dollars in a night out, its still not that much feasible to a club to allow someone who's freeloading out of her looks.


I am sorry but I never went home having spent less than at least $150 on my drinking alone and that is just a short night out for me....Sure you get a comp here and there but I am surely not the freeloader type, I make my own dough, thank you very much.

Girls who have all their drinks paid for usually deal with retards on regular basis.

Hey give yourself a big clap Norah your the 1% of girls that actually go out and spend money.

As far as this thread..its basically a rant. The starter of the thread knows how it goes around here when it comes to clubs and he's right..guys get treated like shit at some of these doors and u can have the look and everything but if the doorman is on a powergrip that night then your fucked.

I say let the rant go on...we dont need to be educated..so Coach and Pod get off your high horses and let people express their de-satisfactions. If your happy with the way things are then good for you but a lot of us dont feel that its proper treatment..

right on,

i can name all the clubs for them...that is not my point, has nothing to do with "well find the clubs that u like, than go to them", well i've been here long enough, i know about all those clubs...that is not the reason i started the thread.

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Guest eroc0411

Of all the clubs or lounges i been 2 rokbar was the best 4 industry ppl... Neva gave me drama... Mynt in the other hand not always as nice... But i can't blame them... The girls in there always beautiful. Theres never any empty vip tables... And 2 be honest the best times i've had in miami have been at mynt... GIrls in there not as uptight as 4example mokai... I hate that fuckin place!... But i am taking my girl there 2 night (shes never been) i do hope that when rokbar reopens it dont become just another status place... How is Deck23 by the way????

any guys remember atleast for the lounges they ain't gonna let in a bunch of beer drinkers.. They do have an image 2 uphold...

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Guest coach
i can name all the clubs for them...that is not my point, has nothing to do with "well find the clubs that u like, than go to them", well i've been here long enough, i know about all those clubs...that is not the reason i started the thread.

So, what was the point? You want all clubs to have a relaxed door policy? Why? I mean, that's like saying all clubs should play trance (or X music genre). What about a little variety?
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i can name all the clubs for them...that is not my point, has nothing to do with "well find the clubs that u like, than go to them", well i've been here long enough, i know about all those clubs...

So, what you're getting at is that the clubs need to change the rules for you? Scary sense of entitlement.

Oh, and you know a lot of the people I do. At this stage of the game you shouldn't have issues at venues worth going to.

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