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am i uptight or is my girlfriend being obnoxious?


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I always think that you must have trust in a relationship but if you have no trust or cannot trust one another then your in the wrong relationship. My opinion, your uptight cause if she has never cheated on you then don't worry. If you feel so bad or uncomfortable about this then speak to your girlfriend. Remember communication is a two way street but also communication goes a long way. Tell her your feelings and see what she says, if that don't work find a new girlfriend.



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My guy friends and girlfriends do agree with my reasoning. My reasoning is; that girls are masters at cheating and not getting caught. If you think that your girl is cheating, then she most likely is...

My advice? Find some girlfriends on the side. Call it... healthful competition!



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Originally posted by citybartender:

My advice? Find some girlfriends on the side. Call it... healthful competition!

Originally posted by trancend:

hmm...maybe thats an idea

here's my advise... if you think she's cheating, then break up with her... period.

if she's done it before, then why are you still with her??? two wrongs don't make a right and if you start cheating on her then it'll be a retarded pointless relationship...


BUT... it's only moonshines opinion.. so blah! cwm6.gif



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OK, here is my scoop and things...Now you are not going to like all of it, but you asked for advice, so here goes...

First of all, what 24 year old guy is hitting on a 14 year old????

Second, kissing another guy, while definatly frowned upon in a relationship, is, IMO, not really cheating per say... Knowing that a kiss could happen so quick so unplanned and unexpectedly, kissing is the least of my concerns when dating someone.

However, if she kissed another guy of her own free will, what else will she do.

Also, I believe you posted a while back about pregnancy and the possibility that your girlfriend could be pregnant, with her ex's kid....(wondering how that worked out btw...). My concern is that this girl, at 14, is way too sexually active. And has she or you ever been tested???

Bottom line...it comes down to trust...you have absolutely no right to tell her who she can and cannot be around or hang out with...if the kissing situation was a one time deal, then you also have no reason to believe she would sleep with someone else...

and again, as far as the 24 year old goes...EWWWW...i'd wanna kick his ass just for that!

Good luck!



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Guest boyfrombklyn

I'd have to agree with everything CMB1975 says. No offense, and this isn't true all the time, but it's usually a good idea to try sticking to girls your own age. It seems like your girl may have a little growing up to do.

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short and sweet...get rid of her and save yourself from the misery youre in right now and will continue to be in in the future.

what you are experienceing is not what a relationship should be all about. you shouldnt distrust someone, you shouldnt have to tell someone how to act....if you do, then theyre not for you.

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ok, thanks for your input everyone

i think we can let this topic die, no one respond please, because.....

im breaking up with her when she gets back home

i talked to her on the phone, she got pissed, now shes driving around with some other guy....i dont have time or effort for this shit



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ok...i think im a pretty liberal boyfriend, its not like i control what she wears or who she talks to or who she dances with or anything, im not like that

but there are only pretty much three guys that i HATE, and justifiably so...here are my reasons

guy 1 - my girlfriends ex, whenever he calls her or talks to her he tries to get her to break up with me, go out with him, or just get some ass from her

guy 2 - this guy thats 10 years older than her, always tries to hook up with her, and insults me becuase im not a "real man" (im 17) hes 24...

guy 3 - she cheated on me with him (kissed)

so last night she hung out with all 3 of them, and i wasnt there, i dont think she cheated on me, but she knows how much i hate them....do i have a right to be pissed or should i just forget that she was with all of them last night



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i agree with everything said here except for one.. in my book, kissing another guy IS definitely cheating. period. maybe degree-wise it's not as bad as fucking some other guy but it's cheating nevertheless.

get rid of her.. seriously, you're in for some serious headaches and it's time for damage control..

good luck



"I don't understand why prostitution is illegal. Selling is legal. Fucking is legal. So why is selling fucking not legal? Of all the things you can do to a person, giving them an orgasm is hardly the worst thing."

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