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Violence is down in Iraq 70%

Guest drlogic

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Guest Mattivi

first off im not complaining, ive never been a harsh critic or proponet for the war, just ambivalent. and you can throw out that Saddam was aiding and harboring terrorist, defying UN resolutions all day long. truth is lots of countries in that region aide and harbor terrorist and defy UN resolutions all the time, including Isreal. but we dont care about that becuase we are in bed with them. but we choose to go to war with Iraq, and called the operation

"Iraqi Freedom" when that was the last objective of this war, imo. im mean just be honest and have the stones to call it for what it is, anybody with a modicum of intelligence knew this war was more than about freeing the poor iraqis, toppling a ruthless dictator(there are lots of those) and taking out a few clandestine terrorist. i will give bush his props for at least being proactive but at what cost? was a full scale military engagment really the last option/best option?

my thoughts have always been that we are waging a conventional war on an unconventional enemy, and that the war was just horribly planned from the onset. to me this kind of thing should have been concieved and strategize much more carefully and thoughtfully, before we invaded. but we are over there now in the middle of a full scale civil war, so we cant just duck and run, that would be cowardly and irresponsible at this point i agree. i do think we need to gradually shift this from a military operation to an intellgence one as time permits and rethink are foreign policy in the region. but i really dont know how we are ever going to get out of there and leave the country in good standing, the people are inherently bellicose, there is just too much islamic bullshit and arcane beliefs for a democracy to exist over there. the best chance they have is to divide the country among the three predominant relgious factions, a true democracy will never work, a theocracy is all these people understand.

you ask what are some alternatives? thats a tuff question to answer. i think i mentioned some above. i would like to pose to you what are your solutions? some of you always like to mention that the dems/libs all they do is bitch, but at the same time your position seems to be just to keep on plugging and "stay the course" and the "support the troops(duh)" guilt trip. but to me thats not really any better than saying bush sucks and lets get the hell out of there. some of you just like to misdirect the question and dont really answer it yourselfs. give me something better than "stay the course", because that obviously hasnt been that successfull, and really isnt a solution to the bodycount over there. come DL, dont give the standard warhawk line, i want a more viable solution than "stay the course", and "support the troops" and my favorite "be a patriot".

this wasnt nearly as good as my first post but i tried to piece back my thoughts as best i could.

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Guest jamu

Now that more then a half million troops, Iraqi civilans, and terrorist are dead, Al Queada still loose, No Weapons of mass destruction found, Iran developing Nulear Weapons and supporting terrorists, Pakistan becoming unstable and a liability because of Al Queada in Afganistan (where we should have conentrated), and lame insults, I see the world a much safer and better place. Bravo Dr Logic.

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Guest Buck White

Stick to your MDMA supositories and skipping in place in your puddle of sweat until the heroin junkie scank who's been passed out in cornder of the club finally decides to give you a sample of her yeast infected twat which resembles a petri dish more than a "toto"...LOL

I am on the floor laughing. You've got to be kidding me.

(time elapsed)

I'm, now, wiping spewed Guinness Stout off of my Mac.

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Guest obby
I guess this reply would be for Mativvi:

In reference 2 u'r post about Bush not being honest and congress not declaring war, etc..etc...

You've got your history wrong. Seriously! I know I'm beating a dead horse, but it seems u'r suffering from Bush-Derangement-Syndrome...although from what I can tell, to a lesser extent than some on these boards. So, you're not all bad..LOL (j/k dude...).

After 9/11, congress decided to give Bush the authority to "handle this shit!"(ie...terrorism). IMHO- They did so out of cowardice....pretty much politically motivated. Even w/ this authority, Bush still took the issue to the U.N. twice and debated it endlessly w/ congress over a span of like 1 1/2 yrs. Congress knew everything Bush knew. Most demz chose to play the ignorance card at the first sign of struggle.....but by authorizing Bush,,,they could claim credit if things went well and place blame if they went bad. In the mean time, Bush still had a threat to deal with. On top of that, he had a corrupt U.N. pocketing cash from Saddam w/ that UN Oil 4 Food program, Saddam firing rockets @ allied aircraft in the no-fly-zone, Saddam paying families of suicide bombers w/ the PLO and/or Hamas to kill Jews/westerners, providing safe harbor for KSM(Mastermind of 9/11) & giving medical assistance Zarqawi for some leg injury he got fighting Americans in Afghan...On top of that, he was in violation of like the 17th UN resolution by barring inspectors access.

In a nutshell, Bush had a lot on his plate. I may have issues w/ a lot of stuff Bush has/hasn't done, but standing up our enemies isn't one of 'em. He definitely hasn't chosen to take the easy road on many issues. He's tackled 'em head on.

Truth be told, I truly believe most of this drama stems back to election 2000,,,how Gore handled it and the lack of class and civility he planted in today's modern democratic party. It's only gotten worse since then. Everything has been viewed through the political prism for demz since then...Pity! So now we have many on the left suffering from what Charles Krauthammer calls "BUSH DERANGEMENT SYNDROME". Leftist in this country have blamed everything from blackouts to wildfires to hurricanes on Bush. While I must admit I personally find amusement in how obsessed Demz are w/ Bush, @ the end of the day is just sad.

Word to the wise: Try adding alternatives to the complaints and then there might be a chance @ some civil, thought provoking debate in this country. While leftist in this country continue to wish pain and suffering for our president, his admin and conservatives while bending over backwards to make excuses for terrorists, then you'll always have folks like me who refuse to take the left seriously. they've yet to prove they're willing to deal w/ this issue like sober adults. They show more hate for Bush than OBL? Go fig'r?

That's my take, at least. Complaining is easy.....Coming up w/ alternative solutions is not. Thus far, only the right seems willing to get their hands dirty, while the left sits up in a tree tossing water balloons. For the left to come down from that tree and ENGAGE the right would be to admit error in judgment on their part and in a political environment and w/ the unfulfilled thirst for power we've seen from the left, I doubt that's ever going to happen. Pity!


I am on the floor laughing. You've got to be kidding me.

(time elapsed)

I'm, now, wiping spewed Guinness Stout off of my Mac.


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Guest trancepriest

Stick to your MDMA supositories and skipping in place in your puddle of sweat until the heroin junkie scank who's been passed out in cornder of the club finally decides to give you a sample of her yeast infected twat which resembles a petri dish more than a "toto"...LOL

LOL. This is classic. Very good bit of prose for a Republican. I must have missed it amongst the typical garbage from DL that I usually overlook. :-)

There may still be some hope left for you DL. You are not a complete worm driven zombie yet.

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Guest Buck White

Stick to your MDMA supositories and skipping in place in your puddle of sweat until the heroin junkie scank who's been passed out in cornder of the club finally decides to give you a sample of her yeast infected twat which resembles a petri dish more than a "toto"...LOL

LOL. This is classic. Very good bit of prose.

Classic indeed. I've had about six uncontrollable laughing fits, at the most inopportune times, thinking about this shit.

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