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Obama showing his true colors?

Guest slamminshaun

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Guest Dj_Peace

as in vetoing a bill to fund SCHiP becuase it asked for a few million dollars to ensure at least 10 million more children can be insured but in the same breath asking for 190 billion more dollars "for the troops"...hell, if he wants to do soemthing for the troops, give them a real cost of living pay adjustment so that their families do not have to rely on food stamps and other government assistance programs and don't have to face foreclosure on their homes..and here is another thought,...relaly want to do something for the troops...bring them home from Iraq and stop sabre rattling aginst Iran

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Guest obby
as in vetoing a bill to fund SCHiP becuase it asked for a few million dollars to ensure at least 10 million more children can be insured but in the same breath asking for 190 billion more dollars "for the troops"...hell, if he wants to do soemthing for the troops, give them a real cost of living pay adjustment so that their families do not have to rely on food stamps and other government assistance programs and don't have to face foreclosure on their homes..and here is another thought,...relaly want to do something for the troops...bring them home from Iraq and stop sabre rattling aginst Iran

FYI, the SCHIP was created to benifit the poor who can not afford health care. The Demz modified the bill to include rich families as we all know can easily afford health care. The Demz did this knowing it would be vetoed to then have an oppertunity to go on TV and state that "Bush wants children to suffer." Call me razy but if you are rich YOU DO NOT NEED GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS. That is a waste of our tax $$$$$$$$

In other words the Demz played polotrix with a very important bill just to buy people votes. When I say "people" I mean the uninformed.


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Guest Dj_Peace
FYI, the SCHIP was created to benifit the poor who can not afford health care. The Demz modified the bill to include rich families as we all know can easily afford health care. The Demz did this knowing it would be vetoed to then have an oppertunity to go on TV and state that "Bush wants children to suffer." Call me razy but if you are rich YOU DO NOT NEED GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS. That is a waste of our tax $$$$$$$$

In other words the Demz played polotrix with a very important bill just to buy people votes. When I say "people" I mean the uninformed.


the proposed bill was ammended to address this concern and was still vetoed...however, wouldn't you agree that if we are saying that there has to be fiscal responsibility (and I am all for fiscal responsibility and tightening ) a good palce to start is by canceling the presidents "blank check" for the war... I do not pretend to have all of the answers...what I do know is that while all of this is going on, foreclosures are at an all time hig, especially for vets ad even active duty soldiers -many soldier's families are now on food stamps, many soldiers are coming home to no jobs...I guess I would prefer that our entire government would put partisan politics aside and get back to the PEOPLE's business ...Truce?

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Guest obby
the proposed bill was ammended to address this concern and was still vetoed...however, wouldn't you agree that if we are saying that there has to be fiscal responsibility (and I am all for fiscal responsibility and tightening ) a good palce to start is by canceling the presidents "blank check" for the war... I do not pretend to have all of the answers...what I do know is that while all of this is going on, foreclosures are at an all time hig, especially for vets ad even active duty soldiers -many soldier's families are now on food stamps, many soldiers are coming home to no jobs...I guess I would prefer that our entire government would put partisan politics aside and get back to the PEOPLE's business ...Truce?

Actually, I would say a good place to start is by controlling our domestic spending. Our domestic spending dwarfs our foreign spending. Truth be told, today’s left could give 3 shits about fiscal responsibility, just look at all the spending proposals they’re talking about. From hillary care, to 5k for every baby, to free college for everyone, etc, etc. Hillary herself said it, she has a ton of ideas but America cannot afford them all. Critics of the war like to bring up the cost as if they really cared about fiscal responsibility but in the same breath they’ll talk about spending like drunk sailors so, w/ all due respect, the whole “too much money for the war” angle attempted by the critics on the left is a hollow one @ best.

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Guest yume
Truth be told, today’s left could give 3 shits about fiscal responsibility

Um, wasn't it Clinton that had a surplus on his last 4 budgets?

To rag on spending a few million on sick American kids, no matter what their income ($90k for a family of four is hardly rich) while you blow Hundreds of BILLIONS on a black hole is just ludicrous.

US Government lost track of $9 Billion in Iraq funds

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Guest yume

I belive he is the first president in US history that refuses to place his hand on his heart during the national anthem. Showing his true colors indeed. Then again maybe he is trying to win the imagrants votes by doing so.

I didn't hear anything about him "refusing" to put his hand there. :rolleyes:

Maybe he hadn't been to a football game in 10 years and it slipped his mind. Do you sing the national anthem in the shower every morning or something?

Bush frequently forgets to say English words correctly. Was he going after the immigrant vote too? :)

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Guest obby
I didn't hear anything about him "refusing" to put his hand there. :rolleyes:

When trying to decipher a politician, take a look at his actions as they speak louder than words.

You sound so childish I won't even comment on the other things you spewed. Have a nice week Yume!

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Guest obby
Um, wasn't it Clinton that had a surplus on his last 4 budgets?

A 10 yrs. "PROJECTED" surplus

Meaning, if the economy remained at the pace it was growing, there would be a 10 YR. PROJECTED SURPLUS….But the recession began in 1999, then 9/11 HAPPENED.


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