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No charges for 10 yr old! WTF!

Guest michael^heaven

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Guest michael^heaven

LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- No charges will be brought against a 10-year-old boy accused of accidentally starting an October wildfire that scorched more than 38,000 acres north of Los Angeles, California, prosecutors announced Tuesday.


Now, I'm definitely not for jail time but recklessly starting a fire that destroyed 21 homes, 42 structures, 38,000 acres & receiving zero punishment is ridiculous. I think at least community service 'till the kid is eighteen would be more on point.

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Guest mr.miami

What I dont get is why would anyone even admit to that. His parents need to teach him better because they will probably be getting sued out the @$$.

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Guest cire

Like someone on a morning show here in the ATL said...In a U.S. nowadays where they make everyone be responsible for their actions, how does something not happen to this kid or his family (ie. fine or something). I think it's great he didn't get charged (um, I think), but...

Does it say who his parents are? Maybe they have some pull to get him off scott free.

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Guest coach

Fuck, that's a heavy load to be saddled with. Every boy plays with matches, but to cause such widespread devastation, I don't know if I could deal with that.

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Guest yume

I read an article that said he lived in a small trailer on a ranch that helped disabled children. His dad was caretaker. That wouldn't be good press for the prosecutor.

All stereotypes indicate he's probably white. I guess not upper class though. :)

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Guest trancepriest
Right, only white people get away with crimes


One black man got away with a supposed crime and whites will never forget it. On the other hand whites are so used to getting away with shit that blacks and other minorities just think its the norm.

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Guest JMT

lol, one black man?

i've lost count of how many pro athletes have received a slap on the wrist for things that would put a common man away for years.

it's called having a good lawyer. it doesn't matter what color you are.

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Guest trancepriest
i've lost count of how many pro athletes have received a slap on the wrist for things that would put a common man away for years.

All black people are now pro athletes you heard it first from JMT.... black people are the only pro athletes.

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Guest JMT
All black people are now pro athletes you heard it first from JMT.... black people are the only pro athletes.

those don't mean the same thing. you can't even make a joke properly. is everything alright?

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Guest trancepriest
those don't mean the same thing. you can't even make a joke properly. is everything alright?

No I'm not alright... I'm not a pro athlete... about the only stereotype I fit is the big dick... albeit I rarely get to use it.

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Guest trancepriest
A supposed crime? Maybe your blackness doesn't allow you to see the truth :)

Innocent until proven guilty. He wasn't proven guilty in the great white mans legal system. That means he must be innocent... right?

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Guest cire
lol, one

it's called having a good lawyer. it doesn't matter what color you are.

I agree with this statement. Black, white, red, or blue, if you can get a good lawyer, you can get off, most of the time at least.

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Guest trancepriest
I agree with this statement. Black, white, red, or blue, if you can get a good lawyer, you can get off, most of the time at least.

Bullshit... proven statistically that even a poor white man gets off easier than a black man. As nothing to do with lawyers but legal bias. A lot of the bias is prosecutorial.

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Guest jbit

If the black race feels there are being treated unjustly be the legal system, maybe they should micromanage themselves to try and reverse the sterotype ...

*Among men, blacks (28.5%) are about six times more likely than whites (4.4%)

to be admitted to prison during their life.

*Among women, 3.6% of blacks and

0.5% of whites will enter prison at least once. (U.S. Department of Justice)

*Based on current rates of incarceration, an estimated 7.9% of black males

compared to 0.7% of white males will enter State of Federal prison by the

time they are age 20 and 21.4% of black males versus 1.4% of white males will

be incarcerated by age 30. (U.S. Department of Justice)

*The National Institute of Drug Abuse estimated that while 12 percent of drug

users are black, they make up nearly 50 percent of all drug possession

arrests in the U.S. (The Black and White of Justice, Freedom Magazine, Volume 128)

*According to the National Drug Strategy Network, although African Americans

make up less than one-third of the population in Georgia, the black arrest

rate for drugs is five times greater than the white arrest rate.

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Guest trancepriest
If the black race feels there are being treated unjustly be the legal system, maybe they should micromanage themselves to try and reverse the sterotype ...

*Among men, blacks (28.5%) are about six times more likely than whites (4.4%)

to be admitted to prison during their life.

*Among women, 3.6% of blacks and

0.5% of whites will enter prison at least once. (U.S. Department of Justice)

*Based on current rates of incarceration, an estimated 7.9% of black males

compared to 0.7% of white males will enter State of Federal prison by the

time they are age 20 and 21.4% of black males versus 1.4% of white males will

be incarcerated by age 30. (U.S. Department of Justice)

*The National Institute of Drug Abuse estimated that while 12 percent of drug

users are black, they make up nearly 50 percent of all drug possession

arrests in the U.S. (The Black and White of Justice, Freedom Magazine, Volume 128)

*According to the National Drug Strategy Network, although African Americans

make up less than one-third of the population in Georgia, the black arrest

rate for drugs is five times greater than the white arrest rate.

HaHa you post all that but when OJ is found innocent you still want him in prison... well that tendency on your part... multiplied by your entire racial group explains a lot of the high incarcerations amongst blacks. It's called racism.

"Blacks have also been disproportionately affected by the national "war on drugs", carried out primarily through the arrest, prosecution and imprisonment of street level drug offenders from inner city communities. In 1996, for example, blacks constituted 62.6 percent of all drug offenders admitted to state prisons. In at least fifteen states, black men were sent to prison on drug charges at rates ranging from twenty to fifty-seven times those of white men.7 Blacks are prosecuted in federal courts more frequently than whites for crack cocaine offenses, and thus as a group have felt the effects of the longer sentences for crack versus powder cocaine mandated in federal law. Racial profiling and other forms of unequal treatment of minorities by the criminal justice system have further contributed to the overrepresentation of minorities in the incarcerated population. Minority youth are treated far more harshly compared to similarly situated white counterparts within the juvenile criminal justice system.8"

Human Rights Watch: http://www.hrw.org/backgrounder/usa/race/

When I see black cops heavily patrolling in white neighborhoods pulling over white kids for cocaine, marijuana, heroine, illegal drug prescriptions or possession. When I see black cops racial profiling white kids and pulling them over based on the way they are dressed.. searching their cars and arresting them for priors or gun/drug possession... then I'll believe the crap you just posted. Remove the heavy drug sentencing laws and overnight the black incarceration statistics wouldn't look so extreme. Better yet legalize marijuana (the cheapest drug for poor people) and alot of this shit would stop.

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Guest jbit

Crack is a much bigger problem that powder cocaine (not to trivialize it). Drive down MLK blvd and try and find an 8ball of powder. And these neighborhoods are where the lions share of black crimes are being committed, hence the longer jail sentences for crack related crimes. So should we lower the sentencing for crack offenses since thats the black mans drug of choice?

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Guest jbit

When I see black cops heavily patrolling in white neighborhoods pulling over white kids for cocaine, marijuana, heroine, illegal drug prescriptions or possession. When I see black cops racial profiling white kids and pulling them over based on the way they are dressed.. searching their cars and arresting them for priors or gun/drug possession....

Where there's smoke there's fire.

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Guest trancepriest
Crack is a much bigger problem that powder cocaine (not to trivialize it). Drive down MLK blvd and try and find an 8ball of powder. And these neighborhoods are where the lions share of black crimes are being committed, hence the longer jail sentences for crack related crimes. So should we lower the sentencing for crack offenses since thats the black mans drug of choice?

The black mans drug of choice is marijuana. Whites on the other hand get high on all kinds of shit... even resorting to sniffing shit as earlier posted on this board. From my experience with most whites its like they need drugs genetically just to stay alive.

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